its a lot handier a job than its made out to be aaron, but definitely buy decent brand, you'll be astounded how quick cheap rubber disintegrates!! ( make sure you have a second pair of hands when fitting it, its a ballache of a job to do on your own :(
its a lot handier a job than its made out to be aaron, but definitely buy decent brand, you'll be astounded how quick cheap rubber disintegrates!! ( make sure you have a second pair of hands when fitting it, its a ballache of a job to do on your own :(

Yeah, wouldn't attempt it on my own, bearing in mind I've never done one.
That's why I asked regard seal as I've heard the cheapo ones can be a tw*t to fit as well as being ****'e.
What brand did you go with?
managed to get a genuine one out of a local LR dealership that was going under, only reason i did it to be honest! also, dont panic if the seal seems too loose when you fit it to the glass, its just stretched where you've started putting it on, making it loose where you finish, so just even it out by pulling it back a bit towards where you started putting it on. also, try get decent cord (paracord) to use as the beading tool, and an old nozzle off a tube of sealant works perfectly for feeding the paracord into the seal :)
On another note, does anyone know a supplier of a good windscreen rubber?
This one was knackered so cut it out today, and of all the tools I've got I don't even own a knife :doh:
I know a few of you chaps have done this before or recently, people recommend genuine, but way to go or....

Bearmach ones are great. There's nothing to it, I've done a few now and only a few weeks ago done mine on my own. Took no more than 45 mins to get old one out and then aperture cleaned and new one fitted. Use plenty washing up liquid and put the rubber around the screen and not on the aperture. You then feed your string in and around the rubber, use a good quality string matey so that it doesn't snap or tear the rubber. If you have a helper fantastic, if not it can still be done. Start by fitting the screen at the bottom and carefully pull the string a small circular motion, if like me you're doing it on your own, you have to stand in the footwell with the door open and with one hand pressing the windscreen the other hand inside pulling the string, do one half and then switch sides. Not difficult in the slightest.

Britpart ones tend to be too big and require cutting.
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managed to get a genuine one out of a local LR dealership that was going under, only reason i did it to be honest! also, dont panic if the seal seems too loose when you fit it to the glass, its just stretched where you've started putting it on, making it loose where you finish, so just even it out by pulling it back a bit towards where you started putting it on. also, try get decent cord (paracord) to use as the beading tool, and an old nozzle off a tube of sealant works perfectly for feeding the paracord into the seal :)

Lucky bugger :brick:
Got para cord already as that's what I use to put the rear windows in, so will give it a go :)
Need to buy a seal first though, or it'll be getting **** wet through inside when I start sticking it back together.
Bearmach ones are great. There's nothing to it, I've done a few now and only a few weeks ago done mine on my own. Took no more than 45 mins to get old one out and then aperture cleaned and new one fitted. Use plenty washing up liquid and put the rubber around the screen and not on the aperture. You then feed your string in and around the rubber, use a good quality string matey so that it doesn't snap or tear the rubber. If you have a helper fantastic, if not it can still be done. Start by fitting the screen at the bottom and carefully pull the string a small circular motion, if like me you're doing it on your own, you have to stand in the footwell with the door open and with one hand pressing the windscreen the other hand inside pulling the string, do one half and then swirh sides. Not fifficult in the slightest.

Britpart ones tend to be too big and require cutting.

Cheers for the advice matey :) Cutting it is the last thing I want.
Will buy bearmach/genuine depending on what I find then.
Well seen as I don't know when this crappy cold weather is going to f*ck off I decided to paint the last few bits today as I'm sick of waiting now :mad:
Slightly ****ed off as if I'd have not f*cked it up in the first place I wouldn't of had to deal with this.
Not sure how it's going to come out as it was only 2-3 degrees in the shed, but we'll see tomorrow.
I'm thinking of painting mine Oslo blue, how difficult is it to paint metallic matey.?! :D

Pass, I have never painted metallic bud.
I don't see it being anymore difficult, provided you've got a nice space to work.
Just bare in mind it's recommended to paint in one go as it's harder to colour match metallics.
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Pass, I have never painted metallic bud.
I don't see it being anymore difficult, provided you've got a nice space to work.
Just bare in mind it's recommended to paint in one go as it's harder to colour match metallics.

I'm going to hire a unit somewhere for 8-12 weeks as I want to spray my spitfire also. :D

If I thought I could swap the chassis within that time I would've liked to have done that too!!! :)
I'm going to hire a unit somewhere for 8-12 weeks as I want to spray my spitfire also. :D

If I thought I could swap the chassis within that time I would've liked to have done that too!!! :)

Ah, fair enough, a decent sized unit will make life easier :)
Chassis swap is very well doable in that time.
Obviously it'll depend on a few things, i.e, how much time available? tools, space and I guess most importantly. How thorough you want to do the job.
If you want to make something to lift the body off in one piece and just change the chassis you'll be done in a week or so.
I would offer assistance if it helped if you wasn't so far away.
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Well I had a couple of hours this afternoon.
Stuff I painted the other day in the cold turn out ok.
Brought the smaller bits in the house that night to get them out the damp shed.


Chequer plate has been took back to bare ally as previous owner rattle canned them and it was all coming off.
Ran out of suitable primer so have ordered some more.


Anyway parts are starting to mount up in the yard so I need to get some fitted.
They've only been sat their a weeks or so and already got bird **** and god knows what else on them, mind it doesn't help being under a tree :doh:


Fitted windscreen and brackets, dropped one of them on the floor and chipped the paint :mad: so I'll take it back off and redo it after.


Fitted van sides.



I did fit the roof too, but I got f*cking around with the doors and was dark before I remembered to take pics.
Started fitting new door handles, and well they fit ****! The britpart handles aren't helping matters, but I also think it's because the skins aren't exactly straight.
But they do look terrible, so I need to come up with a solution.
So tomorrows plan is to fit the front doors and have a play with setting the bulkhead up.
Then it's onto fitting back door and seatbox/wiring, ecu etc. so I can get it to start and drive again.
Well I had a couple of hours this afternoon.
Stuff I painted the other day in the cold turn out ok.
Brought the smaller bits in the house that night to get them out the damp shed.


Chequer plate has been took back to bare ally as previous owner rattle canned them and it was all coming off.
Ran out of suitable primer so have ordered some more.


Anyway parts are starting to mount up in the yard so I need to get some fitted.
They've only been sat their a weeks or so and already got bird **** and god knows what else on them, mind it doesn't help being under a tree :doh:


Fitted windscreen and brackets, dropped one of them on the floor and chipped the paint :mad: so I'll take it back off and redo it after.


Fitted van sides.



I did fit the roof too, but I got f*cking around with the doors and was dark before I remembered to take pics.
Started fitting new door handles, and well they fit ****! The britpart handles aren't helping matters, but I also think it's because the skins aren't exactly straight.
But they do look terrible, so I need to come up with a solution.
So tomorrows plan is to fit the front doors and have a play with setting the bulkhead up.
Then it's onto fitting back door and seatbox/wiring, ecu etc. so I can get it to start and drive again.

What do you mean mate the door skins are not straight, I thought you purchased new skins mate. As always tho, you're doing a cracking job mate!!!
So is white the final colour then?

Yes, all very bland this one, not my choice so can't argue, I just do the work.
What yer trying to say anyway :p

What do you mean mate the door skins are not straight, I thought you purchased new skins mate. As always tho, you're doing a cracking job mate!!!

Cheers bud :)
Nah, no new door skins mate, I think I said,
'If it was mine I'd fit new, but it isn't'
Original skins where pretty dented, so I've repaired the worst of it.
Will try and get a picture of handles tomorrow.
But because the panel isn't truly flat the handle isn't flat against the panel all the way along, so theirs a gap on one edge, and well it's annoying me. Looks ****'e :(
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just panel beat the alu from behind to meet the door handle.....

that or some sealant in the gap between the gasket and the door :D

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