Didn't you say it was still in your name? Just start using it as your daily n don't give it him back for a bit.

Aye, still in my name, seemed daft to change it and add another owner on when he bought it off me.
I do actually rather like it :scratching_chin:
So day off again while the scaffold goes up.
Don't really know where the days gone to be honest :eek:
Just doing little bits, and trying to find stuff.
One job being to put the laminate flooring back in :eek:
Yes, laminate flooring in a lr. But in fairness it works pretty well.
He has a dog so nice and easy to just brush out or wipe clean.

So... No work today so managed to get a few bit's done I wanted out of the way.
The main thing being painting the chequer plate black.
As that's the last of the painting in the shed, which means I can have a sort out again and find things, as theirs crap everywhere and it's doing my head in.

So etch primed and then 2k satin black.
Sorry about the crap picture :eek:


Inbetween doing that I dug a set of seats out of the shed ready for re-trimming. Easier said than done :eek:


Then worked front - back checking all suspension bolts. Well actually I went back - front but yer get the gist :p

Anyway, that was daylight hours, and I got bored this evening a decided to give the seat re-trimming a bash.
Ermmm.... the bloke on the video makes it look easy. Wasn't too bad to be fair, but fiddly and took a fair while.
Theirs a slight crease top right hand corner but they're not bad for the money.
Only did one seat anorl, which still needs reattaching to the frame.
Will hopefully do other tomorrow and get them fitted.

So... No work today so managed to get a few bit's done I wanted out of the way.
The main thing being painting the chequer plate black.
As that's the last of the painting in the shed, which means I can have a sort out again and find things, as theirs crap everywhere and it's doing my head in.

So etch primed and then 2k satin black.
Sorry about the crap picture :eek:


Inbetween doing that I dug a set of seats out of the shed ready for re-trimming. Easier said than done :eek:


Then worked front - back checking all suspension bolts. Well actually I went back - front but yer get the gist :p

Anyway, that was daylight hours, and I got bored this evening a decided to give the seat re-trimming a bash.
Ermmm.... the bloke on the video makes it look easy. Wasn't too bad to be fair, but fiddly and took a fair while.
Theirs a slight crease top right hand corner but they're not bad for the money.
Only did one seat anorl, which still needs reattaching to the frame.
Will hopefully do other tomorrow and get them fitted.


What a difference! Did warn you that they were fiddly :lol: it looks great tho mate. Are the spats gloss black too.?! That would look great. :D
What a difference! Did warn you that they were fiddly :lol: it looks great tho mate. Are the spats gloss black too.?! That would look great. :D

You did indeed, and I knew it'd be tricky and it's not really my sort of thing.
That rubber trim thing on the seat base is a silly idea, took fooking ages to get on.
Still hopefully the second one goes a little better now I know what I'm doing (sort of) :eek:
'Tis worth the effort though :)
And spats are just standard non painted type bud. I did think about it, but it's just more painting that I could do without.
Sick of struggling in a ****ty little shed.
First job this morning was to re-assemble the seat onto the runners.


Then it was onto the chequer plate I painted yesterday.
Did the wings first, and fitted using csk bolts as opposed to rivets.



Fitted chequer sills, and rear corners, plus rear wheel carrier, although I ran out of bolts long enough to finish it.
To be honest, I'm not a massive fan of chequer plate, but wing tops was already done (And I wasn't filling 20+ holes)
All the sills we have, have chequer on, and rear corners don't actually look that bad.
A little bit of black breaks it up a bit anyway :)



Last job was to fit the aforementioned seat and a new cubby box.
I had hoped to get the other re-trimmed and fitted too, but never got time.
I may do the other this evening. Or maybe not as new topgear at 8 :D


And sorry for all the crappy pics :eek: I wish these lighter nights would hurry up.
Also met and had a chat with a very nice man off here :)
Learnt some new stuff and got some more idea's, hmm.... what's the next project then :eek: :scratching_chin: :behindsofa:
Chequer plate looks good and a nice idea using the CSK bolts. They look more rugged. Are they stainless?

I may steal some of your ideas when I get stuck into my own rebuild.
hi aarron, yup got top gear on too lol.
didnt bother with dash lights after all, but started to tidy the garage:eek:

oh, and nice meeting you btw, cheers.
Chequer plate looks good and a nice idea using the CSK bolts. They look more rugged. Are they stainless?

I may steal some of your ideas when I get stuck into my own rebuild.

Cheers bud :) Yeah, I prefer them over rivets. Although I probably didn't need to use m6 ones.
I forgot you bought a project. Have you started it yet? :)

hi aarron, yup got top gear on too lol.
didnt bother with dash lights after all, but started to tidy the garage:eek:

oh, and nice meeting you btw, cheers.

Well I didn't get a massive amount done either :eek:
Nice to meet you too, hopefully we'll be meeting up again sometime soon :)
Had a quick look for another project :doh: But prices seem to be a little silly at the mo. :(
Mind that might be a good thing for me for now, as it means I wont go spending more money on another :eek: and makes me finish what I have first, even if I have fellout with it slightly.
First job this morning was to re-assemble the seat onto the runners.


Then it was onto the chequer plate I painted yesterday.
Did the wings first, and fitted using csk bolts as opposed to rivets.



Fitted chequer sills, and rear corners, plus rear wheel carrier, although I ran out of bolts long enough to finish it.
To be honest, I'm not a massive fan of chequer plate, but wing tops was already done (And I wasn't filling 20+ holes)
All the sills we have, have chequer on, and rear corners don't actually look that bad.
A little bit of black breaks it up a bit anyway :)



Last job was to fit the aforementioned seat and a new cubby box.
I had hoped to get the other re-trimmed and fitted too, but never got time.
I may do the other this evening. Or maybe not as new topgear at 8 :D


And sorry for all the crappy pics :eek: I wish these lighter nights would hurry up.
Also met and had a chat with a very nice man off here :)
Learnt some new stuff and got some more idea's, hmm.... what's the next project then :eek: :scratching_chin: :behindsofa:

There's no pics you lazy bugger :lol: :)
Cheers bud :) Yeah, I prefer them over rivets. Although I probably didn't need to use m6 ones.
I forgot you bought a project. Have you started it yet? :)

Not yet. I'm waiting until we move to our new house. We're still in rented accommodation right now. It'll be easier to move if I leave it all in one piece and I don't want to upset the landlord by messing up the drive.
There's no pics you lazy bugger :lol: :)

:confused: Got pics on my pooter :p

Not yet. I'm waiting until we move to our new house. We're still in rented accommodation right now. It'll be easier to move if I leave it all in one piece and I don't want to upset the landlord by messing up the drive.

Ah, gotcha, good luck with the build when you start it bud :)

I love these threads. I wish I had the knowledge/tools/space/money etc :(

Keep up the good work

Cheers bud :)
I guess space and money are the main things.
Most things can be done with limited tools, and anything more is just a bonus that makes it a little easier.
And they aren't complicated things, a little mechanical knowledge is all that's needed, theirs lots of help and advice on here too.
I'd always tell people to give stuff a bash there self.

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