I think the white is a good way to go! It looks amazing at the moment - it'd be a shame to alter it too much. As you said you don't want something all toyed up!

I love working on my girlfriends dads 110 which is how i properly got in to cars/landrovers!

Excuse my naivety but what is a dcpu?

Double cab pick up. I just didn't want to type it all :eek:
Yeah. The lad I used to work with was the one who got me into them (The twunt :p)
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Double cab pick up. I just didn't want to type it all :eek:
Yeah. The lad I used to work with was the one who got me into them (The twunt [emoji14])
Ah ok - well now i know :) there is always someone who gets you in to it...on an unrelated note ive just read through this thread again while watching the rugby! Amazing work!
Come on Aaron. You need a new project. I'm bored without the updates. What have you got planned? I'd love to see you build a forward control.
If he doesn't want it on his drive he can come here and build one in the barn.

hey aaron, thats a good idea, lol. bakewell is only up the road from me, i could come and watch yer work, erm i mean give you a helping hand lol.
Ah ok - well now i know :) there is always someone who gets you in to it...on an unrelated note ive just read through this thread again while watching the rugby! Amazing work!

Cheers mate :)
Oh and it's a never ending learning curve with lr's.

Come on Aaron. You need a new project. I'm bored without the updates. What have you got planned? I'd love to see you build a forward control.

Hold yer horses :p Although in all seriousness I do want another project.
If you know of a cheap project then be my guest ;) (Or if anyone else knows of anything for that matter :D). Most stuff I've looked at recently seems over priced for what would be a project.

No real plans, just take stuff as it comes. But I have a few things I'd like to build.
More for the crack than anything else. But we'll see, budget depending, and finding a donor to begin with more than anything.
I was told no more projects, but think I'll go crazy without a little hobby of some sort, and they know that so it'll be fine :D

The neighbors would go ape **** if he rocked up with one of those:eek:

F*ck the neighbours :p be just like them having that scruffy looking camper on their drive and not moving for 2 years plus.

If he doesn't want it on his drive he can come here and build one in the barn.

Oooh, you've got a barn? :D
I'd happily have a forward control on my drive. Love 'em, just a little big.
If it was up to me I'd have a yard full of lr's and parts :eek:

hey aaron, thats a good idea, lol. bakewell is only up the road from me, i could come and watch yer work, erm i mean give you a helping hand lol.

:lol: Sounds about right :p I could do with a barn :cool:
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Well yesterday was a lovely day here, had no work on so decided to get the roof painted.
My thinking, at least it wouldn't get **** wet through inside over night.
Got it prepped and painted in one day which was the plan, just took until about 8:30. Neighbours will be happy then :rolleyes:

Just as I was getting ready to go out and do something this morning it started ****ing it down :doh: So had to get the roof in place quick sharp.

Got all that bolted down, dug the head lining out and fitted that, along with sun visors and rear view mirror.
Also got some chequer plate covers fitted for the bottom of the door cards to stop him busting holes in them again :rolleyes:

No pictures as I forgot :eek:
Been on the lookout for a project still, but nothing really caught my eye, or been cheap, or if it has it's been miles away with no MOT :(
But I think I've decided I'm in no rush, as I need to finish all the other jobs I have to do.
This was one of them, so that's one down.
But if one comes up then I will most certainly buy, just a case of finding the right thing. (Although I'm not sure what that is yet :eek:) I've just got the urge for the big project thing again. Argh....
The weather is warming up here too, so I'm getting the urge to restart work. You've got impressive motivation, going from one project to the other. I've enjoyed the break over the winter. It's starting to fill my thoughts again now though :)
The weather is warming up here too, so I'm getting the urge to restart work. You've got impressive motivation, going from one project to the other. I've enjoyed the break over the winter. It's starting to fill my thoughts again now though :)

Yeah, to be fair I've took it steady since the new year. But only because I didn't have funds to do much.
I just want all my stuff done. I seem to have loads to do everywhere. So will finish most things and then hopefully start another :eek: :D

I look forward to your updates in the near future too :)

I like the idea of a double cab
something to really get your teeth stuck into :p

Yes. A 130 dcpu would be good :D
I'm constantly on the look out for another project so hopefully something turns up :)
Nothing much of late though.
So as I mentioned the other week I painted the roof white, but put no pictures on.
So here's an up to date picture with my Cummins 90 :D
Still not sure if black would've looked better. Too late now. Either was it's better than the manky cream colour it was.

Well today is a sad day :( Was sold and collected today.
And well... that lasted even less time than I thought it would :frown:
Can't say I'm happy about it, but what can I do.

Was a guy from London who bought it, think he was in lala land :rolleyes:
He'd never owned a Land Rover, so don't think he know what to expect, but he was complaining about,
"theirs a run in the paint at the back" Which I'd never actually noticed before.
Dint's "Why is their dint's and why is their a gap between the bonnet and wing" ffs it's an old lr :frusty:
Interior "Can you just buy new dashboards for these? This one is a bit dirty!" It just needs a good clean, it's been a working vehicle. :frusty: :frusty: :frusty:
Just ****es me off when people make an offer without viewing, when I put viewing welcome and advised on the advert. If you're not sure don't make an offer.
Either way he paid and off he went, so it's out of my hair. Erm... What's left of it anyway :eek:

Anyway, here's a few recent pictures. I'm sure some of you will recognize some from the ebay add but hayho..











I even ply lined and carpeted it out like mine for him.


Genuinely sad to see this go, especially seen as it was mine at one point.
I've no idea what the new owners plans are but I kinda get the impression that it's going to get "blinged" up a little.
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