If spending/withdrawing in Euros it will use the Euro account.

If the order is €350 but you have €200 in the euro account and £150 in the stwrling account the transaction will fail.

So make sure you transfer/exchange he money needed to the correct account.
YEAH!!! Me too!! So deffinately in time for France! Live info running the whole time see whats what!

Who else is a tad scared they will find something terribly wrong? Haha
sorry to jump on this thread, I might be interested in this as I have been looking into diagnostics stuff.

does anyone know what is the difference between the nanocom and the terrafirma diagnostics tools?

sorry to jump on this thread, I might be interested in this as I have been looking into diagnostics stuff.

does anyone know what is the difference between the nanocom and the terrafirma diagnostics tools?


I can still wangle you in on this deal if you like. Please let me know asap. I will need your name, email address and forum join date to process things this end. Once I have that, i'll pass your details on to BBS and they will process your order officially :)
I was lucky the guy who sold it refunded my money. I wrote to the help line of the manufacturer and they seemed to say we will look at this but then no real help.
It would have been great if it worked but just no good at all with the TD5, I think they work on some other units but that's not much help to me.
I had given up on the idea then this opportunity came along and I decided to jump in.
I can still wangle you in on this deal if you like. Please let me know asap. I will need your name, email address and forum join date to process things this end. Once I have that, i'll pass your details on to BBS and they will process your order officially :)

cool, give me about half an hour to read this thread so I can see whats what and i'll let you know. thanks
They're great little items. I carry mine in the toolbox if I'm going on a trip of more than about 10 miles or so. When something goes wrong with the electronics on a TD5 often they just stop and it is hard to know what's amiss without a diagnostic tool. They're also good for preventative maintenance. I spotted a failing crank position sensor before it dumped me at the side of the road because it was giving me 'high speed crank error' and really huge cylinder balance values. I also spotted an injector loom that was starting to get oily because it was telling me 'peak charge long'. The error messages in themselves aren't terribly informative, but stick them into Google and you can find places like this where loads of people are discussing them so there's often lots of information about what the problem is.
I wanted one because without it keeping the TD5 running well seems to be a story of change something and see if it's better.
Mine seems to run brilliantly sometimes and not so well at other times, but I have been working on an educated guess when I did things, best thing I ever did was change injector seals and bleed valve on the diesel filter.
Maybe with so many new users we should have a group to share what we learn possibly save time and money for others.
I'm hoping it will save me lots of buggering about. It should help cut out the amount of 'process of elimination' I go through. Less 'it could be this or it could be that' :)
Can you imagine how many TD5 MAF sensors have been changed only to find its just the same with the new one fitted.
There goes another £80

I put this same deal on the lr4x4 forum but it got taken down! Not too sure why. It was approved to start with then removed for some reason. They were going to discuss it at some meeting or other so I told them not to bother.

It wasn't even as if I was trying to make up numbers. We already had enough, I was simply offering the deal to like minded people.


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