So you've paid then? All I've had is an email saying:
"Due to the conditions on this discount, your order is currently on hold.
We will notify you as soon as we're able to process and organise shipment.

Senior Administrator"
So you've paid then? All I've had is an email saying:
"Due to the conditions on this discount, your order is currently on hold.
We will notify you as soon as we're able to process and organise shipment.

Senior Administrator"

Nope, i've not paid yet either. I said IF I had paid now I would have saved than IF I had paid this morning ;)
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Indeed, using a credit card does offer more protection for the buyer (at a cost in this case). But like Bankz, I don't use a credit card myself so there isn't much choice. However, I've done my due-diligence and I'm confident that BBS are legit and that they will deliver (or I wouldn't be buying from them to start with).

I did presume that people here were big enough and ugly enough to make their own mind up on how to pay for new toys :)

Any comments from me regarding payment were made purely to maximise cost saving and bring down the price of a product that is usually out of reach for most (including myself).
And as I said earlier,i know BBS are a great company,as I have dealt with them,but my point about a credit card still stands true,so if you are big enough,and ugly enough,then yes you can make your own mind up.I posted my info for those who might not realise about the protection a credit card offers,over a debit card,nothing more.
Any movement on the last few orders yet?
It would be nice to get over the line now we are so close.
I have just paid also, apologies to hold up the process, there is limited internet in West-Africa!
Has my payment shown up on your list Ben?

Anyone else having a bloody nightmare trying to transfer funds to Revolut via Natwest? Keeps freezing on me because of the wretched secure code system!
Not tried today but I paid somebody else by it yesterday and topped up ok. Although saying that, just read you're with Natwest - i'm Nationwide
Yeah ive had to resort to BACs not instant but works much better!

Also just to keep you guys updated, I will be away from next Thursday until Tuesday so if payment info comes in I won't be able to pay in that time frame.
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For those 8 that have ordered, you should now have an updated email for payment. Once complete, your devices will be shipped :)

Don't forget, Credit Card incurs an additional 3% surcharge. There is an option on the form to select Debit card which only has a 0.69euro fee. If you are using Revolut, that is classed as a debit card :)
Ahhh the wonders of modern tech! Filled it all in and sent away on the train!

Edit -

Emailed 10 mins ago, payment taken! Hopw fully get it before France!
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Think I've paid. I assume Revolut knows which balance to use when you pay? As I seem to have some Euro's and some £ on mine.
I'm not 100%, but I transferred the money from my personal account in GBP. Then clicked exchange to euro. So, I have a few quid in £ pounds and the balance for the nanocom in € euro

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