There you go, mate. I reckon this link should take you to the folder I have created Dashboard Pics. I hope they are of some help. Feel free to ask questions. And, obviously, let me know if this doesn't work.
Oh wow! What a star you are! Thanks very much for that - that has saved me a shed load of dithering and guessing. Really appreciate it :)
I'll find those pics useful too, and kwackerman, any chance I could obtain the wiring diagram from you aswell?
I've been following this thread for a while and loving the great work your doing, well done. Shame about your label problems though. I had similar problems a while back and last time my son and I stripped an engine we used masking tape with CD pen then covered each label with sellotape. Then for good measure took photo's with the labels visible. It made life much easier later.
Keep up the good work.
Cheers, Alibro. That's super efficient labelling, wish I'd been that well organised :) Thing is, I thought I was being well organised at the time :(
Well, with Kwakerman's help I got the fuel gauge sender unit wired up (Cheers, marra! :)).
Thought cracking! That's all the pipes, wires etc sorted in that area, so I'll get the seat box and sills in today.
Got the seat box out of the front room.

Sprayed it with Dinitrol.

Left it to dry and started fitting the fuel filler tube and pipes.

Then, as usual, the problems hit.
The overflow/expansion pipe goes through a hole on the body work. But, the hole no longer lines up with the small tube coming out of the fuel tank.
In this picture my finger is lined up with where the tube is on the other side.

There's no way it'll go through the hole and bend down to there. There's just not enough space for the pipe to flex around.
So, I'm a bit stuck. The fuel tank can't lift up to get the pipe to line up with the hole.
I don't want to cut another hole through, as it's got the YRM galvanised tub reinforcement sections bolted in.
I'm pretty sure I've got the right fuel tank, so can't understand why the hole and pipe don't line up. :mad:
So, the seat box is in the garage where there isn't enough room cos it can't go in the house covered in Dinitrol! :mad: And it'll be pointless bolting it in, cos the fuel tank is probably going to have to come out.
Anyone found the same problem on their rebuild or tank replacement?
I'm so glad it's not just me that has ****e days, i spent the best part of 2 hours trying to get brake lines done and looking neat, in the end i slat them up the shed and walked away, starting to think i should never have taken this on
I'm so glad it's not just me that has ****e days, i spent the best part of 2 hours trying to get brake lines done and looking neat, in the end i slat them up the shed and walked away, starting to think i should never have taken this on
If truth be known I get quite a few days/weekends like this :( Surely, everyone doing a rebuild does? It's a long and tricky process, so it's inevitable that things go wrong and frustration sets in :) I doubt you and I are unique :) I hope not, anyway!
Keep your chin up, marra. Slow and steady wins the race.
Looking good mate, she'll be on the road in no time at all :)
Ha, ha don't know about that :)
Going backwards at the minute. Got the fuel tank to take out at the weekend and the vent pipe to try and sort out.
Good to see you back, anyway. I see work has been taking over. :(
Ha, ha don't know about that :)
Going backwards at the minute. Got the fuel tank to take out at the weekend and the vent pipe to try and sort out.
Good to see you back, anyway. I see work has been taking over. :(

I'm sure you'll get it all sorted at the weekend :)

Iv still be lurking every now and again. Yep i have Ben really busy he past few months, Iv moved premises with work so I lost the use of the unit we had before, but there should be some spare room come summer so I can continue.

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