Looking good now mate :) looks nearly their now, good not to have too cover it up every night.
Hopefully it doesn't show up too many, if any leaks :eek: Good weather to test it that's for sure!
Cheers, lads. Bought a couple off ebay last night. Appreciate you looking though. :)
Bought two as I thought I might as well put one in the short line to the windscreen as well as the long line to the rear door.
Like everywhere else it's gale force winds and rain here today. I decided not to stand on the drive and work on the landy! :)
Some gear turned up this week.

New pipe for the front and back washers and two non return valves. Went for the slim ones. Bought some O rings for the side indicators. Were dead cheap to buy a job lot, so I'm hoping they fit the garden hose attachments too! Bought a load of stainless self tappers for the dash reassembly.
So today I've worked indoors.
Got new seals for the fuel tank and had previously cleaned and painted up the pipes.


That's another thing prepped ready for some decent weather to get outdoors.

The straps that hold the rear seats up were faded and wrecked. Got the new ones made now. Here's a before and after picture, although some of them were worse than that one.

Not much done, but every little helps. :)
Can you tell me where you had the seat straps made? I have two rear seats and both need straps, I have been using bungee cords but I am sick of getting my had whacked by the hooks on them.
Just did them myself and they were pretty good, then the Mrs unpicked the stitching and did them on the sewing machine and they were even better;). Found the same clips LR use on ebay. They are called 'Lift the Dot' (linky) and the polypropylene strap (another linky) Cost £7 altogether, to make 4 brand new identical straps. :)
Looking good mate. I bet your itching to get out and go for a drive. Makes me so jealous reading your threads. I must get on with mine again soon but I'm so so busy with work. Keep up the good work mate :D
Looking good mate. I bet your itching to get out and go for a drive. Makes me so jealous reading your threads. I must get on with mine again soon but I'm so so busy with work. Keep up the good work mate :D

Cheers, defenderdog. Yes, it would be great to be able to get out for a drive. Some way off that yet though. Just trying to get jobs done in the short amount of light time there is and between the rain. Chipping away at it though!:)

Coming along nicely, you must be well chuffed with your work.:)

Very pleased, Mick.
There are many things I wish had gone better, but on the whole it's looking decent. :)
For the love of god it's been raining again all day, turned to huge snow flakes at 1pm and is just turning back to rain again now!
Decided to don my army surplus, quilted, German tank operator onesy. :rolleyes: And hiking boots, to work on the dash.
I'd glued two nuts on to the bulkhead to screw a box of electricary on to. The original threaded holes are missing cos I've got a 200Tdi bulkhead instead of a 300. Unfortunately, this had dropped of as the araldite holding the nuts gave way.
I've made a long thin plate, out of 2mm aluminium, and araldited the nuts in to that.

I then stuck it back in to position under the steering column.

A simple enough job, but time consuming. Anyway, it had to be done before the dash starts going back in.
I remembered the wipers had started to do the usually funny things so for the inexpensive cost of the unit I replaced the park switch.

The yellowish one is the new unit! :eek:
If they are still misbehaving when I get it running I'll start looking at the relay switch thingies.
It's been very dark all day and inside the cab of the Landy I could hardy see what I was doing and had to use a torch. All day!
Anyway, by 3pm it was getting nippier

And the snow was blocking even more light.

Time to pack up! :(
I'm have a beer brewing day tomorrow, cos the Mrs is away all day Christmas shopping in Edinburgh with her mates.:) Might get some odds and ends done though.
I admire your fortitude, toiling away in all weathers. I put off changing a couple of brake pipes and a wiper wheelbox on mine, because it was raining. I shall have to get out there tomorrow. The weather forecast is pretty much the same as for today though.
It has been pretty bleak today, Brown. However, I've not got the fuel tank, seat box or front floor in yet so I can stand inside the vehicle to work on the dash. This kept me out of the snow, but it was still cold on the fingers! I wouldn't have been lying on the drive doing brake pipes, so don't blame you for leaving those. ;)

Looks great. Hoping to do this to my 90 one day!

It's great fun, but I would advise a double garage or big work shop! :) I'm going to be bold here and say it would be very tough to do a full rebuild in one summer (waiting to be shot down here) and so you are bound to hit at least one winter. I'm hitting my second winter. :( In my defence, the weather has been poor here this year and so I have struggled for outdoor working hours.
Luckily I am blessed with a big garage, I wouldn't consider it without.

The main thing stopping me is the fact that my truck would be off the road for ages.

Kudos to going for it. I'm going to follow this thread :)
Luckily I am blessed with a big garage, I wouldn't consider it without.

The main thing stopping me is the fact that my truck would be off the road for ages.

Kudos to going for it. I'm going to follow this thread :)

Cheers, Seahawk.
A big garage is a massive benefit.
We'd had our Landy for 10 yrs. It was the wife's daily drive for work and she loves it. I had considered the rebuild for the last few years, but put off for the same reasons as you, it was used everyday. We had, though, invested in a new Citroen C1 about 4 yrs ago, as we have three sons who were hitting driving age and thought it would be a good idea to get a cheap family 'pool' car. So long as your not driving long distance, they're a surprising car for the money. We were paying less than £100 per month for it. Anyway, time fell right when the eldest went to uni and second eldest got a job and his own car.
The forecast for today was better, saying it would stop raining by 10am. It was only half an hour out and by 10.30 it had stopped, but still windy.
The next job planned was to start putting the dash back in and so I thought I would crack on. There's no front floor in yet as I thought it would be easier to get the dash in from a standing position.
Despite being wrapped up warm with several layers and my genuine German army tank operator quilted onesy over the top (no picture for obvious reasons! :oops:) It was still chilly, especially on the hands. Decided to cut the fingers out of some old gloves.

Was going to cut all of the fingers off, but thought I would try just the thumbs and forefingers first. Worked a treat - much warmer :)
Started putting the top dash fixing along the top of the inner bulkhead. The old plastic fixings are square, but the holes in my new bulkhead are round o_O Had to round the corners off to get them in.

Then I thought I'd better fit the front washer jets before I went any further with the dash. Slotted it in to the hole in the front.

But this was all I could see inside. :confused:

No access to the thread to put the nut on, that's just the pipe end to push the tube on to. I'm presuming this would need to be fitted before the windscreen frame went in? If anyone knows how I can attach this I would appreciate a post on here. I can see me having to drill a hole in the bonnet. :(

Got the plastic fixings fitted and the top section of dash loosely held in place.

Got all of the wires hooked up out of the way so that I could guide the lower part of the dash in to place.

Offered up the lower part of the dash and discovered a school boy error.
Can you tell from this picture what it is?


I've wired the binnacle up with the harness under the steering column instead of over the top of it. IDIOT :(
On investigation, I can remove the binnacle from the surround and move it around the column. I'll need to loosen the bracing bar, but that wont be much hassle. It was getting a bit dark to see clearly at this stage and I couldn't get the speedo cable out, so gave up for the night.

Do these just squeeze and pull out? I can't remember at the mo.

It's slow going in the cold, but at least it's progress.
Now that the tarp is off it I'm always on the look out for leaks. So far there is a small leak coming from the rear side window. This is from the bottom self tapper that holds the window diving bar in place and should be easily sealed.
There is a lot of water lying on the edge of the driver's footwell.

Don't know where this is from yet as I can't see any running water marks yet. One to solve later!
You're a braver man than me working on landy in this weather lol. Your washer jet problem may be that you're trying to fit rear jet which is shorter than the front one.

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