yer yer yer i get all that - but - don't you think that "parking right in the middle of 2 bays" is also "spiteful" and perhaps just a couple of steps down from (but on the same path as) car vandelism ?

you express yourself by parking without any concern for others

others may wish to express their feelings by causing damage to cars, again without any concern for others

me taking up 2 bays when im parking my cars isnt the ideal situation, but if everyone treated others cars the way they would treat there own then it wouldnt be a problem, i have never hit another car door with mine in my life because i take great care, my mrs 1 day slightly banged the car next to hers because our little girl fell against the door and she couldnt grab it in time, there was no damage except aminute chip, my mrs called me and asked me what to do, i asked her to go and get a tannoy put out for the owner and to give them my details, and i would pay to have it fixed, the owner came out and laughed, showed my wife the other 6 or so dents in the car far worse than it, and said not once had anyone waited to offer and pay for any damage, the car was an old merc, oddly enough the owner said all these mysterious dents appeared in its first years when it was then top of the range

when we sold my wifes old car recently i counted over half a dozen dents and scratches in the body work, and it was only a little clio, harldy a flash car eh? but that didnt stop the spite did it, my personal cars never have been touched as i dont allow them to be left in that position, and never will
me taking up 2 bays when im parking my cars isnt the ideal situation, but if everyone treated others cars the way they would treat there own then it wouldnt be a problem

hang on yer changing yer tune now - so your now trying to tell me you deliberately park across 2 bays to try and avoid the risk of either damaging, or being damaged by adjacent vehicles ?

can i remind you of your previous comments

"and i especially like winding up all the wingers in any car park i use by parking right in the middle of 2 bays, you should see the looks i get, i love it, i just laugh at them, these smelly peasants that moan have no purpose or use in life"
hang on yer changing yer tune now - so your now trying to tell me you deliberately park across 2 bays to try and avoid the risk of either damaging, or being damaged by adjacent vehicles ?

can i remind you of your previous comments

"and i especially like winding up all the wingers in any car park i use by parking right in the middle of 2 bays, you should see the looks i get, i love it, i just laugh at them, these smelly peasants that moan have no purpose or use in life"

i never changed my tune, the reason ive always parked that way is so no-one ever gets the chance to hit my car, but now i enjoy it as as time has went buy more and more people are coming out of the woodwork saying how we are all evil, and inconsiderate blah blah blah, the fact is i have parked that way since i started driving for that reason, now i just take immense pleasure out of winding them all up
what a ****.

surely parking across two bays is just gona draw attention to ur motor, so the yobs of society are gona see it and think "what a ****" and then you have key marks down ur door.

i never changed my tune, the reason ive always parked that way is so no-one ever gets the chance to hit my car, but now i enjoy it as as time has went buy more and more people are coming out of the woodwork saying how we are all evil, and inconsiderate blah blah blah, the fact is i have parked that way since i started driving for that reason, now i just take immense pleasure out of winding them all up

well i'm sure you'll be the only numpty ****y **** who gets any pleasure outta that
am just trying to see why he got banned, or is it ban one get someone else banned fer free day today
Prince andrew takes a helicopter to the shops the cinema everywhere he takes planes all the time.

Cattle produce lots of methane gas

A self propelled chopper will hapily drink 100 litre of diesel a day no worries but we need them

Lorrys find it hard to hit the double figures ie 10mpg

The army needs landrovers they arent evil if nobody wanted 4x4s the army would find it hard to stay mobile

Rescue services need 4x4s you wouldnt want to break 2 legs and an arm then wait to bet rescued by a ford escort

planes use lots of fuel and polute a lot

a brand new car will be scrap in 10 year no doubt

hippies polute with their 30 year old campers their pot smoking and campfires

tree huggers are queer if they enjoy cuddling trees come on whats with that

if every greenie wanted to be good they would ride a bike and stay in a house with no furniture tables wardrobes basically have nothing with wood in it coz of there precious trees and no toilet paper and have no electric. That sounds extreme but that would be true

There lots worse things out there than 4x4s theres war racism and and bad drivers

I think i missed the point a bit there but when you talk about 4x4s shouldnt a subaru impreza be involved its 4 wheel drive and gets 2 lamposts a gallon

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