mornin Sean - it sorta looses its impact a bit - dont it;)

it does but it helps vent my splean, even if no one else understood it

it does make me wonder if some people have any common sense, parking across 2 bays is really going to help make people feel all warm and friendly towards 4x4 owners
My response to anti 4x4 comments ...

"40mpg and less CO2 emmissions than a Mini Cooper."

Oh, and...

"Kiss my arse you prick"

Mind you, if they are badmouthing Mitsubishi Pajero owners, well, that's another ball game all together...
it does but it helps vent my splean, even if no one else understood it

it does make me wonder if some people have any common sense, parking across 2 bays is really going to help make people feel all warm and friendly towards 4x4 owners

your missing the point all together here lads, people are the way they and thats not going to change, should i mention ive ran transits since i was 17 and ive had the same about them, i gave up trying to justify myself to all these halfwits about my choice of cars years ago, ive had an A bar and a tow bar on every van ive had, ive never had an accident and i never will have one, but ive lost count of the times ive come back to my vans and saw broken tailight glass, paint on and around these, because some halfwit cant drive, better them being smashed up than me, also the reason i always take 2 bays no matter where i go is simple

the amount of jealousy out there is unbelievable, and i have seen with my own eyes scum smashing there ****ty old car doors into the sides of really nice and expensive cars, the reason, pure and simple jealousy, they are the scum of the earth, and if they want to put dents in my car i wont make it easy for them, and give them the "oh im sorry, it was an accident excuse"

any clearer?
your missing the point all together here lads, people are the way they and thats not going to change, should i mention ive ran transits since i was 17 and ive had the same about them, i gave up trying to justify myself to all these halfwits about my choice of cars years ago, ive had an A bar and a tow bar on every van ive had, ive never had an accident and i never will have one, but ive lost count of the times ive come back to my vans and saw broken tailight glass, paint on and around these, because some halfwit cant drive, better them being smashed up than me, also the reason i always take 2 bays no matter where i go is simple

the amount of jealousy out there is unbelievable, and i have seen with my own eyes scum smashing there ****ty old car doors into the sides of really nice and expensive cars, the reason, pure and simple jealousy, they are the scum of the earth, and if they want to put dents in my car i wont make it easy for them, and give them the "oh im sorry, it was an accident excuse"

any clearer?

i've never experienced or seen any of the jealousy or vandalism you mention, but perhaps if you make a point of "parking right in the middle of 2 bays" you bring it on yourself with your own actions
i've never experienced or seen any of the jealousy or vandalism you mention, but perhaps if you make a point of "parking right in the middle of 2 bays" you bring it on yourself with your own actions

your still missing the point here, it doesnt matter if its a BMW, JAG, AUDI, or a new golf, the jealousy in people is like poison, they dont even know the people in the car they are just spiteful, i buy a new car, im a drug dealer because they cant afford one, my mother in law works for the government helping poor families and the homeless, what thanks does she get when shes out in her M3? car scratched, dented, spat on, its pathetic, i dont spend my hard earned money on nice cars for spiteful, jealous pieces of s**t to put scratches/dents in it,

anyway, i pay twice as much road tax, and probably twice as much in tax on derv than most people, my cars are always in the best of condition, and maintained, unlike the scrap thats running around belting out much more emmisions than mine, so whos cars are worse for the enviroment?
i do, but so should you, why should we work hard to make something of ourselves and have nice things for our families, for other people to try and ruin our things, and to tell us what we can and cant do, incase its escaped everyones attention, all these anti 4x4 compainers, and greenpeace wasters, what do they contribute to the country? nothing, they live off of benifits that we work to pay for, everything that they are entitled to, we pay for, healthcare, benifits, pensions, if they could afford to buy an expensive car and run it you better believe they would, like i said before, the contraptions they run around in are a disgrace, old beetles, camper vans, half a dozen 4x4s dont do as much damage to the enviroment as they do, if they were that concerned they would all be walking or cycling,

instead they just choose to try and make things as difficult for us as they can, just to make there pathetic lives seen that little bit better, its unbelievable,

heres a message to the great unwashed, be more concerned with your hygeine than what we choose to drive, all benifits need to be stopped, disability aside, unemployed people should have no entitlement to vote as you put absolutely nothing into the country, and if you refuse to work you should all be forced into the army to put something back in for all you have taken out, and maybe the likes of us wont have to spend the rest of our lives paying half of our wages in tax to keep you

so all you anti 4x4 freakshows, and jealous rodents out there get a life, your pathetic
your still missing the point here, it doesnt matter if its a BMW, JAG, AUDI, or a new golf, the jealousy in people is like poison, they dont even know the people in the car they are just spiteful, i buy a new car, im a drug dealer because they cant afford one, my mother in law works for the government helping poor families and the homeless, what thanks does she get when shes out in her M3? .......................................?

yer yer yer i get all that - but - don't you think that "parking right in the middle of 2 bays" is also "spiteful" and perhaps just a couple of steps down from (but on the same path as) car vandelism ?

you express yourself by parking without any concern for others

others may wish to express their feelings by causing damage to cars, again without any concern for others
i do, but so should you, why should we work hard to make something of ourselves and have nice things for our families, for other people to try and ruin our things, and to tell us what we can and cant do, incase its escaped everyones attention, all these anti 4x4 compainers, and greenpeace wasters, what do they contribute to the country? nothing, they live off of benifits that we work to pay for, everything that they are entitled to, we pay for, healthcare, benifits, pensions, if they could afford to buy an expensive car and run it you better believe they would, like i said before, the contraptions they run around in are a disgrace, old beetles, camper vans, half a dozen 4x4s dont do as much damage to the enviroment as they do, if they were that concerned they would all be walking or cycling,

instead they just choose to try and make things as difficult for us as they can, just to make there pathetic lives seen that little bit better, its unbelievable,

heres a message to the great unwashed, be more concerned with your hygeine than what we choose to drive, all benifits need to be stopped, disability aside, unemployed people should have no entitlement to vote as you put absolutely nothing into the country, and if you refuse to work you should all be forced into the army to put something back in for all you have taken out, and maybe the likes of us wont have to spend the rest of our lives paying half of our wages in tax to keep you

so all you anti 4x4 freakshows, and jealous rodents out there get a life, your pathetic

If there were no great unwashed your mother in law would have no job;)
If there were no great unwashed your mother in law would have no job;)

ah touche my friend, glad your paying attention, she works with the government as an advisor, things like families being evicted by unscrupulous landlords etc, but u must see my point here? surely
heres a message to the great unwashed, be more concerned with your hygeine than what we choose to drive, all benifits need to be stopped, disability aside, unemployed people should have no entitlement to vote as you put absolutely nothing into the country, and if you refuse to work you should all be forced into the army to put something back in for all you have taken out, and maybe the likes of us wont have to spend the rest of our lives paying half of our wages in tax to keep you

so all you anti 4x4 freakshows, and jealous rodents out there get a life, your pathetic

your speaking for yourself, it's arogant to assume you have support

i beleive Hitler had simillar views to you
Is that what he were on about with all that Cleansing then...scrubbing the great unwashed??

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