MY GRIPE A mini or a bmw is for, but a short time.
A Landy is for longer
A mini car may be cheap to run.
But a Landy goes forever.
The scrapy guys, they love them cars, that don't last for long.
They don't like the landy's so much, cos they are far stronger .
So when the new age loby, start getting on our case.
Jest take to a scrap yard, and watch there funy face.
As for globel warming is it not jest a ploy.
To get more stelf taxes from the good old boys.
The revenue from cigs has gone down by 40%, now the gov have realised the cock up.
So lets get the 4x4 drivers INSTEAD , the green vote we will have, and fuel costs can go up and up cos we are rich and don't give a dam.
Lets charge for sea fishing as well, lets think of some more taxes, so we can get a rise, sod all the nurses, cops, and the rest.
Cos we are the gov, and we **** on the rest.
Lets hit at all them sick guys, call them cheats and crooks, and then they will all forget that all govs cook the books.
They never will complaine, and if they do sod them.
Cos we can blaime globel warming, and the other countries for the crap.

But when one day when peaple say enouth is enouth, lets let the gov know how we feel, and do the worlds bigest rally.#
but if we did the gov would go on hols to the usa, were most of there ideas come from.

My gripe
i've been doing an unofficial poll at work re fuel consumption.
scooby imprezza..............dont ask
nissan navara...............mid 20s
volvo s40....................30
transit van...............26
my old 1.2 corsa 40
my 300 tdi disco 30
so for a car that weighs at least twice as much and is shaped like a breeze block and will outlast any of these i dont think it's too bad!!!!!!!
Oh lordy!!! When are these greenies going to realise that they are all seriously deluded and WRONG!!!!! Like has been stated already, what on earth could be more greener than keeping a 20 odd year old landy on the road, recycling secondhand parts as you go along etc!!!??! Do they serously think its better buy a new 'greener' car taking into consideration all the energy and effort it takes from start to finish to actualy build these new cars????

In a recent US surveythingy it was worked out that a Prius form birth to death vreates a much much bigger 'carbon footprint' than a ****ing Hummer!!!!!!!!!!!

Hybrid ****ty toyota/lexus thingeys my arse!!!!! Give me a 22 year old rangie with LPG anyday;) Much much better for the enviroment!!!

But will these tree huggers listen to tru facts? Will they fook:mad: They're just more than happy to beleive the lies that they are told by big money companies that have a vested interest in all things 'green'!!

As for green taxes:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Wot a load of utter bollocks and lies. They use scare tactics to rape us all out of more money knowing/hopeing that 99.9% wil be to scared to stand up against them because, if your against green taxes you must be evil and nasty:mad: :mad:

Just like the so called 'health taxes' You can just imagine them all sat around, "i know how we can rape some more money out of the stupid scum out there!!! Lets hike taxes to astronomical levels on fags and booze etc and tell them its all for their own good!!! No one will dare to contest it and iff they do we will just make out they are idiots who dont care about the nationd health as much as we do!!"

"Thats brilliant!!. Now lets rape the motorists because we know full well they will HAVE to pay whatever we throw at them as 99.9% of them need their cars just to get around and function on a daily baisis. If any one goes against it then we can use the bull **** made up eco figures to shout them down etc"

It all stinks to high heaven:mad: :mad:
with you mate, these posts can go on and on, i think we see if there is someone on the forum who can put all our points into a readable document from this and previouse posts and get it sent off and see if we get a reply, very much doubt we will but worth a try, better still lets give it to a national paper! :D
Good idea Raz, put it all on paper, lets get some real facts and figs.
Something that the gov dept can't argue with.
Any scrap yard guys on here ??.
If so then can you suply figs on how much scrap is from cars, and how much from 4x4s especialy landys.
And watch there faces change colour, saw a prog on tv last night, showing bickers, and 4x4s boy were the 4x4 getting it, but i never saw a landy on it .
School run in london loads of 4x4s.
Guess the tv guys only want to know about the CAPITAL, They don't want to know about the country guys who have to use 4x4s to do there work.
And as 4 public transport well have you seen any in your village, and if you do they are older than some landys, and they don't half send out some ****, blach smocky stuff carbon by the ton.
when do-gooders have a moan at you for driving a big gas guzzler and ask if its realy nessesery... just tell them you need something that big and heavy to pull your trailer with your quad on for when you go ripping up the moors. that upsets them!!!:D
i'm afraid that part of the problem is that 4x4 and landrover have become inextricably linked in public perception, therefore whenever the chattering classes, the greenies and the lefties in the media want to target the yummie mummies doing 300m to drop little rupert and jemima off at their public school
in the x5 or cayanne ( so wonderfull dahling, parks on the highest kerb!!) the great british public, whenever they see the green oval, immediatley class them all together as planet destroying, unthinking, uncaring morons. i would like to bet that the people who have had a go at you would not realize that some of these other vehicles are four wheel drive.
4x4 = land rover = BAD.
i can think of a lot of instances where the national news have reported that some one has been killed in an accident involving a "landrover", i ve yet to hear shogun, porche cayanne etc. mentioned by name.......
sorry to go on but i believe that land rover as a marque are being unfairly singled out!!!!!
Well I must be a bad guy, got me a Discovery tdi, and a caravan on tow.
Wow that will **** them off.
But even in the Caravan mags some idiots gripe about the 4x4s asking why we have them.
But guess what shuts them up good style, it is when they get stuck on CL OR DA meet, field.
And then oh that nice man in the land rover will tow us out.
I have jest been asked by a neighbour why we need this big hongo, well I replyed so that when you car guys can't go out of here due to some snow,
Me and my wife can go shoping, but don't ask me for help or a lift, as you insulted my Disco.
And remeber that the disco can push a car as well as tow one, so my advice is not to park to close to it, it may think your car is scrap and flaten it.
He went into his house calling me things not nice at all.
Can't even repeat it on landy zone.
you have a 4x4 to pull a caravan because you know that holidays by plane are the most poluting per passenger mile of any transport-at least thats what you should tell peps who have a go for not being green.thats my excuse and people get a little confused!
Goonarmy do you tow a caravan ?? if u do is it 4 wheel or 2.

I am new to caravaning, this is our 2nd first being a freedom, small but good van towed that with a zifira that was crap to tow with.
now we have a 1980s Bailey maru 3 brth, old but in ex con in & out
i dont but me folks do.Spent years in em as a nipper.Me old man used vauhalls for years to tow with and then got a disco 300tdi for bout 7 years.Great to tow with so he got the biggest single axle he could(we can get a twin axle on our front garden too much camber in the road).He then decide the disco wasnt great to drive solo and expensive to fix when bust so he got im self a brand new xtrail.Better to drive but he aint too happy towing with it.Just replaced the clutch after 64000 miles.Still got the big compass rallye but the xtrail struggles to pull it on hills
I towed a Swift Challenger twin axle (22 ft body) for many years, started with a Volvo 740 estate but then as we ventured farther afield and acquired more kit moved on to a disco. General principle is you keep the weight of the caravan below 70% of the towing vehicle. Also be careful about balance of weight, should keep caravan noe heavy at about 15- 20 kilos on tow bar.
Disco was great for towing and on continent were speed limits sensible (i.e. no restrictions except on downhills and windy sections) could stick cruise control on and sit at about 70 mph without any strain.

However I seem to have had a "lemon" as far as the disco was concerned as within 2 years i had to replace water pump, alternator and main audio unit (all under warranty) then fuel injection system collapsed on holiday in Italy. Final straw was when auto box started making clunking noises and I was told it could be the flywheel but it would cost at least £500 to find out.
Kept caravan in Italy and went back to Volvos.
Well thanks 4 reply, I think i will keep to me disco.
We had camper vans for yrs, but me wife wanted a litle more comfy lol.
And to be honest a decent size camper is geting harder to find a car park without bariers.
See me do things back to front every one els gets tents then caravan then camper, not us loll.

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