
New Member
[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']I'm considering installing an ALPINE CDE-9850Ri HU in a Ranger Rover Classic (1993). However the Alpine manual says that the HU should not be installed more than 30 degrees from the horizontal whereas the opening in the RR is around 60 deg. Does anybody have any experience in installing this HU (or any similar Alpine unit) at these sort of angles? Does it give problems? [/FONT]
All that will happen is your CD will jump more when you hit potholes or bumps, this is due to the suspension built into the CD player is not designed to work efficiently at more than 30deg.

It wont effect the performance just gets abit annoying on country roads, should be fine around town and on motorways.
Thanks Simon. The reason why I'm looking to install this particular unit is that I'm considering transferring it from my Rover 75 so I can control an iPod from the HU. There's actually an Alpine HU in it at the moment and the only problem we have with that is that it is sometimes reluctant to eject a CD.

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