Christ, can’t believe prices have dropped that much in the last 3 years. I bought it for £7.5k and it was a state back then.
The market for defenders is properly tanking at the moment, I contemplated selling mine to buy one already on a galvanised chassis etc, but the resell value of mine is dreadful, so I'm sticking with it.

I've watched a few go on ebay recently, I saw a total rotbox with no mot sell for 6k, project cars seem to shift - probably best to set a reserve of 8 or 9k and ebay from 99p, see what the market does.

Worst case, you keep, best it sells or you can give a second chance offer to the highest bidder
In a normal world you can pretty much expect to lose money on any car you buy. Hasn't been normal for the past few years, so I guess we will just have to get used to the new normal, as in how it used to be.
Defender prices have been stupidly high with people falling over themselves to buy anything, often unseen.
All you can do is advertise it at a higher price and see what happens.

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