Pops i get weve irritated by asking stuff before the design is done and costings known and was never the intention...but aint a matter of tarten wallets...its more a case some of us just dont have that money to spend :(
Poppy is designing a "logo" for the event which can then be transferred to just about anything. What it goes on will be decided on by cost and the decision of everyone on the trip. hopefully be a few options :)
Pops i get weve irritated by asking stuff before the design is done and costings known and was never the intention...but aint a matter of tarten wallets...its more a case some of us just dont have that money to spend :(

I realise that which is why I need to cost all options, I haven't even had a day on it yet so need the chance to do so, it's no good telling me you all want badges if they all work out more than anything else! And tartan wallets was clearly humour. I'm not exactly flush either due to the amount of car troubles I've had so I'm not going to do anything that we all can't afford cos that would be stoopid. However as with the chippie run it has all come down to money again which I'm trying to avoid until I have all the costs in front of me, all I'm doing is asking for time, patience, and an eensy bit of trust that I'm not going to hammer people's wallets with daft ideas!:):):):D
Face it Pops, you will NEVER keep everybody happy so do what you think in your heart is right.
You're not flush with cash at the mo so base what you do on what you can afford and set the benchmark that way, if anyone doesn't like it, tough ;):)
Face it Pops, you will NEVER keep everybody happy so do what you think in your heart is right.
You're not flush with cash at the mo so base what you do on what you can afford and set the benchmark that way, if anyone doesn't like it, tough ;):)

Wise man :D
Gonna take that advice and run with it :D
I'm not going to hammer people's wallets with Dafts ideas!:):):):D

Occasionally they are the best ones :D

Ere Boomer. You looked into stickers for the CR2 convoy? I assume that idea fell by the wayside - cost or time or resources?
Occasionally they are the best ones :D

Ere Boomer. You looked into stickers for the CR2 convoy? I assume that idea fell by the wayside - cost or time or resources?

Correct on all counts Daft, plus a little red tape ;)
I learnt from CR2 never to take on so much as an individual when I work the long hours that I do in my day job, it almost compromised the trip and I'm eternally grateful to S71 sorting some admin stuff which was proving almost impossible to do from the cab.
Craigyb is extremely lucky to have all these peeps stepping up and helping him from so early on, I know I had offers of help but couldn't really delegate stuff to do as some of it was unexplored territory for me and I had yet to find out! :)
Have a word with TopCat for stickers, he does it as a hobby and has some good kit to produce almost anything .. well, that's what it looked like to me!
Correct on all counts Daft, plus a little red tape ;)
I learnt from CR2 never to take on so much as an individual when I work the long hours that I do in my day job, it almost compromised the trip and I'm eternally grateful to S71 sorting some admin stuff which was proving almost impossible to do from the cab.
Craigyb is extremely lucky to have all these peeps stepping up and helping him from so early on, I know I had offers of help but couldn't really delegate stuff to do as some of it was unexplored territory for me and I had yet to find out! :)

It's all unexplored territory for me :rolleyes:

I'm overwhelmed at the offers of help from people and can't thank you all enough :D
On another note Popsy, where DID you get the recipe for that totally scrumptious chocolate cake you gave me at the Chippie Run? :)
Just eaten the last slice and want to make another one ;):D
On another note Popsy, where DID you get the recipe for that totally scrumptious chocolate cake you gave me at the Chippie Run? :)
Just eaten the last slice and want to make another one ;):D

You? make cake? since when? :p:p

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