No offence to poppy... but.. tazz was the name badge organiser for the last 2 runs.... and they looked ok to me... the landyzone logo is what we need to see on em otherwise how the fook do we all know where we are from ;) ....he may feel a little shoved out..... it would be nice if you could work together.....
No offence to poppy... but.. tazz was the name badge organiser for the last 2 runs.... and they looked ok to me... the landyzone logo is what we need to see on em otherwise how the fook do we all know where we are from ;) ....he may feel a little shoved out..... it would be nice if you could work together.....

Have already got a design on the go, am only doing this one having corresponded with air ambulance, I'm not shoving anyone out, was just listening to a few others that mentioned a different look for the next one, so for one time only do something different :)
Have already got a design on the go, am only doing this one having corresponded with air ambulance, I'm not shoving anyone out, was just listening to a few others that mentioned a different look for the next one, so for one time only do something different :)

I didnt say you was shovin anyone out but he may feel that way.. seein as tho he has done the others... :D I wondered if he could be still involved? :)
I didnt say you was shovin anyone out but he may feel that way.. seein as tho he has done the others... :D I wondered if he could be still involved? :)

Thanks Minty, I started comments as a joke ("hurt of Harrow"), but just didn't take account of the zeal for professionalism and how crap others considered the previous badges to be.

I'm happy for this amateur to take a back seat and just turn up on the day.
Thanks Minty, I started comments as a joke ("hurt of Harrow"), but just didn't take account of the zeal for professionalism and how crap others considered the previous badges to be.

I'm happy for this amateur to take a back seat and just turn up on the day.
i was more than happy with mine mr thats why ive still got both :)
Thanks Minty, I started comments as a joke ("hurt of Harrow"), but just didn't take account of the zeal for professionalism and how crap others considered the previous badges to be.

I'm happy for this amateur to take a back seat and just turn up on the day.

Mine have pride of place in me trophy cabinet :) (course they're the only thing in there). You did a fine job with no fuss :clap2:
Thanks Minty, I started comments as a joke ("hurt of Harrow"), but just didn't take account of the zeal for professionalism and how crap others considered the previous badges to be.

I'm happy for this amateur to take a back seat and just turn up on the day.

I've got mine clipped to the sun visors , one on each side - just as an aide memoir for my Alzheimers :D

- I loved em and was grateful for the time and effort you put into it unasked ( well I say unasked- I think the first time you got volunteered for it before you could blink :D but the second time you stepped up to the mark ) :)
I've got mine clipped to the sun visors , one on each side - just as an aide memoir for my Alzheimers :D

- I loved em and was grateful for the time and effort you put into it unasked ( well I say unasked- I think the first time you got volunteered for it before you could blink :D but the second time you stepped up to the mark ) :)

Errrr....think that might've been my fault :eek: Sorry bout that Tazz mate.....I put you down on the list as badge monitor as a joke and the next thing I knew you were handing them out! :cool::cool:
Errrr....think that might've been my fault :eek: Sorry bout that Tazz mate.....I put you down on the list as badge monitor as a joke and the next thing I knew you were handing them out! :cool::cool:

It made I laugh that did :D but I do like a man who picks up the ball and runs with it and who has the good taste to drive a 110 :)
Like Tazz I have volunteered to do something nice, it's just something a little different, no one is being called an amateur, I'm not rubbishing anywork, I was told at the beginning of the thread keep the LZ link low key, it's not costing anyone but myself anything and some time. So please stop having a pop at me, I like doing the odd thing for sir ambulance it's a good charity.
I didn't offer to help to step on toes, just as a nice act
Thanks Minty, I started comments as a joke ("hurt of Harrow"), but just didn't take account of the zeal for professionalism and how crap others considered the previous badges to be.

I'm happy for this amateur to take a back seat and just turn up on the day.

I think what was meant was that the badges themselves weren't crap - far from it , a badge is a badge ..what i initially referred to as being dire was the landy-zone logo bit i.e at the top of the page - the actual image design , which i'm guessing was not your brainchild..if i've caused you offence in any way tazz then i'm truely sorry Muds :eek:
As above ^ .........its the logo

Thankyou .... it would be nice to make this laning trip design specific so that each future trip is individually remembered , and it's association with a particular charity , when the badge is the same year in year out , how do you know which trip it was for? They are nice to collect , i shall keep mine from the chip run. Looks nice pinned to my underwear - really sexy..:hysterically_laughi
Thankyou .... it would be nice to make this laning trip design specific so that each future trip is individually remembered , and it's association with a particular charity , when the badge is the same year in year out , how do you know which trip it was for? They are nice to collect , i shall keep mine from the chip run. Looks nice pinned to my underwear - really sexy..:hysterically_laughi

Lmao did you opt for the lacy undercrackers or some bloomers colour coordinated ;):D

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