Thanks for all the support and advice guys, it really does help.
Does anyone know the specifications or dimensions of the LR tool that's used for setting crankshaft seals? When I removed the old one it was quite recessed and from looking at blurry pictures of the LR tool it seems to have a step which recesses the seal a certain distance before the edge of the tool contacts the block.
So sorry for you, nothing more demoralising than having to do a job twice let alone a third time, & not a small job to boot!
Are those seals double lipped? If so it looks like it could do with going in a tad more. Has the sealing surface on the crank any damage on it from seal removal or wear ?
All I can say, with a lot of admiration, is best of luck & hope you get it sorted. Happy New Year, if I dare.
Looking at the new seal closely in my photo I can see what appears to be a secondary lip on the inside of the seal which, because the seal wasn't inserted far enough, hasn't contacted the crankshaft at all and there's a tiny gap.
I don't think there is any damage or debris, I polished the crankshaft with very fine abrasives then flushed the whole area with clean oil and cleaned it up with paper towels before fitting the seal last time.
Sadly the seal was always going to leak, once fitted it shouldn’t have to be held in place if fitted correctly, you need to make sure the lips don’t get pushed back when first fitting seal on crank
I must admit that I found it a bit strange that the seal wanted to push out. I'm 99.9% convinced that the inner lip wasn't folded back, I was really careful this time around.
This makes sense as only two things could cause the seal to want to push out again, High pressure behind it (not likely) or the inner lip folded back on itself.
Sorry mate but now you've had practice you'll get it right this time.
I really hope so, if not you'll probably hear the scream in NI.
Sorry to hear you have had to remove the engine again, you know the old saying third time lucky, all the kudos to you stick with it, by the weekend i bet you will have a smile on your face, and have done your first journey in the FL.
Thanks mate. It really was demoralising this time as I'd spent so much time putting everything back together so carefully. I'm not sure it'll happen by the weekend (I love your optimism though!) but yeah, it'll happen.
There is also the possibility that the new seal will "bed" itself to the crankshaft and seal up after a period of running.
This did cross my mind. if there had just been a few drips of engine oil I'd have left it in place and run it for a while but the trickle of ATF necessitated the engine removal this time around.
When this is all over I'll rename this thread taking inspiration from Kelly McGillis' line in Top Gun when she said "The encounter was a victory, but I think that we've shown it as an example of what not to do.".