If theres no financial pain of printing t shirts and hoodies to pops on an order basis , then it'd be nice to give people the chance to buy one if they wanted one & could afford it.

It would be nice for those of us who are on a little more on the skinter side, to have a momento of the trip...fabric badge,badge badge or sticker etc...but dont know if you have to have an outlay for stock initially ?
If theres no financial pain of printing t shirts and hoodies to pops on an order basis , then it'd be nice to give people the chance to buy one if they wanted one & could afford it.

It would be nice for those of us who are on a little more on the skinter side, to have a momento of the trip...fabric badge,badge badge or sticker etc...but dont know if you have to have an outlay for stock initially ?
get poppy tattooing :D
think badges are the safer option... there is a few members that dont like/cant stand pain/dont like tattoos etc etc
me too . i'd happily get a landy related tat fer charity:)

Mmmm.....two big trips a year...tat each time...theres not enough bits of me left that havent drooped, stretched or wrinkled to do more than a couple of trips :(
Yeh but if my tat of a 90 looked like a 110... What the hell would my 110 look like...like some freaky stretch limo defender hybrid :(
it wouldn't , now you knows and i knows you is lovely really. kiddin' on all these lads that yer an old ropey bird.;):)
How about you let me design it first as I'm designing it fabric badges are costly to do and I have screen printing equipment badges need an over simplified design!
So let me just come up with something first please before you all start rubbishing what I've been doing eh!!!!

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