Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!
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6 of one half a dozen of the other but youvde made it clear wot side youve picked. Do flux pay well?

:D I despise insurance company's. Any excuse to wriggle out of a claim, and they are on it!
It is however, far easier to work with them, than against them.

I've dealt with AF for a number of years, and find them to be a professional company. I'm pretty sure they would not come on a forum and provide false information.

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they quoted me 2300 for my p38 dse with 11 yrs plus no claims, i do have a non fault claim against me but still ive just had a quote 1300 quid cheaper!!! and ive requested several callbacks with no success, go figure .
I just came across this thread after being fleeced by Adrian Flux!
I renewed my policy with them on the 8th April costing £546.40 which I paid in full. On the 23rd of April I called them to cancel my policy as my Discovery was terminally ill! A short while later I received a refund from AF for £324.34!!! This means I was charged £222.06 for 15 days cover! :eek:
When I called them to express my disappointment I was told the insurer had refunded £430.58 and the rest was down to AF!
Needless to say I will NEVER go with Adrian Flux again and will let as many people as possible know about this!


Just found this forum after yesterdays frustrating episode with ADRIAN FLUX insurance brokers.

Ive been with ADRIAN FLUX for about 8 or more years now and ive had no trouble with them apart from yesterday....

Basically my car needs some TLC so I want to take it off the road for a month and fix it up, and use an old Rover 600 ive been given during this time.

First of all the mrs phoned up on friday and FLUX wanted £61 to add the rover to my policy FOR A WEEK! So I called yesterday spoke to a lovely sounding girl called Stephanie, and asked her to change the policy to the new car. She recalled the details and asked me to hold the line for a moment.

When she returned she told me that the people who insure my car wouldnt cover the new car BECAUSE ITS A ROVER !!!! My only alternative was to take out a new policy at the cheapest rate of £1500 (yes £1500 British pounds)

"Is there anything else I can do for you today Sir" she asked me I said no SHE PUT THE PHONE DOWN !!!

Ive sent FLUX an email thru there site and told them I wont be renewing with them next year.
Just found this forum after yesterdays frustrating episode with ADRIAN FLUX insurance brokers.

Ive been with ADRIAN FLUX for about 8 or more years now and ive had no trouble with them apart from yesterday....

Basically my car needs some TLC so I want to take it off the road for a month and fix it up, and use an old Rover 600 ive been given during this time.

First of all the mrs phoned up on friday and FLUX wanted £61 to add the rover to my policy FOR A WEEK! So I called yesterday spoke to a lovely sounding girl called Stephanie, and asked her to change the policy to the new car. She recalled the details and asked me to hold the line for a moment.

When she returned she told me that the people who insure my car wouldnt cover the new car BECAUSE ITS A ROVER !!!! My only alternative was to take out a new policy at the cheapest rate of £1500 (yes £1500 British pounds)

"Is there anything else I can do for you today Sir" she asked me I said no SHE PUT THE PHONE DOWN !!!

Ive sent FLUX an email thru there site and told them I wont be renewing with them next year.

good first post:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Can you PM me your policy number so that I can look into this tomorrow when I get in to work?


If anyone has a problem with ADRIAN FLUX that needs sorting, then speak to Ed (post #71) Looks like hes turned my Negative into a positive!

Thanks Ed!

Can you PM me your policy number so that I can look into this tomorrow when I get in to work?



Is there more than one of you that checks the posts on here or have you taken over from someone else cos I coulda sworn it was Dan that was doing the posting on here?:confused:
Is there more than one of you that checks the posts on here or have you taken over from someone else cos I coulda sworn it was Dan that was doing the posting on here?:confused:

Dan left and Ed took it over ....... where you been? old news:p
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