Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!
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Just what I need! (NOT)
I'll be taking out insurance very soon (Monday?) and have spoken with Flux. Seemed to be OK, but my fear is over them asking for proof that my LPG Landy is on the national register - it isn't, yet!
I told them this, and was assured that they'd write & ask for 'the certifcate' within 30 days, and when I said this was not available, was told that was also fine. All I'd have to do was inform them of the manufacturer of the system.
Why am I starting to think they'll say anything to get your money, but whether any of it is true or not is looking a bit risky?
The national approved LPG register replaced the old certificates in July 2010. To be added to it, you must get the system checked by an approved autogas installer and IF it passses muster only the installer can register it, not the owner - so I'm told!
And despite the recession, some insurers will refuse cover if your vehicle ain't on 'ze list'!
What are Swiftcover like? My household cover's with them...
I am 23 and recently re-newed my insurance on the landy D90 1988 with a few mods and the quote from flux was £6500!!! I said yes plz and paid it. NOT. I went with admiral for £500.45 I think this is reasonable and affordable.

You would think that spending alot of money on a never ending (project) and knowing that you will never get the money to replace it from insurance, that they would reliase that you do everything to make sure nothing happens to it!!
Dan, Dan
The insurance man
Have yu had the time
To look into this "crime"?
Or, as usual with Co's;
We will never "knows"!
Personally, I think it's a :ban:
Well afta readin this thread I certainly will NOT be usin a flux,there's a few hundred quid their no getting.
I use admiral, much better than flux for a standard motor

Although for a modified one I'm not sure

No you are right but I will use the £6k I saved from going with flux to replace the landy!!

On the other hand they were the cheapest for my bike insurance last year.
No you are right but I will use the £6k I saved from going with flux to replace the landy!!

On the other hand they were the cheapest for my bike insurance last year.

Admiral just asked me for an extra £26 to fit a bullbar so I'm going to find the meatiest one I can if the one in the sales has gone as its £26 to cover it regardless of size

Tempted to get an ARB if I can find one
Thanks guys!
Er Admiral was the ONE company I rang just to find out what they'd say about the LPG. Sure - they'll cover you... for 14 days, and unless they get proof that your Landy IS on 'ze list', they'll cancel your cover after that! There's a list of certain insurance companies on the LPG Autogas - the greener, cleaner and cheaper fuel alternative website. I noticed that Swiftcover ISN'T one of them (yet?) so may try them on Monday. Guess asking for written confirmation from Flux before I shell out will be about as much use as a Haynes manual?!
Guess asking for written confirmation from Flux before I shell out will be about as much use as a Haynes manual?!

Ah c'mon, that's not fair :D
Them purdy pictures and helpful wiring diagrammes (read 'guides') are always nice to look at on a cold wet night after the doors have fallen off the Flander...
I've just got my renewal letter from AF, half of what it was last year with 1 years NCD.

However i may just have a mooch around as £650 3rd party Fire n Theft is still a little steep imho for a garaged, less than 5k a year vehicle.
Hi guys, thanks for all the replies to this thread, thought it was time I updated on progress....

Well right back at the start of this thread Dan from Adrian Flux said "pm me your details and I will look into it" so I did, next day I got a voicemail left on my mobile from an unknown women at Adrian Flux saying "we've put a letter in the post to you"...this really is what Adrian Flux customer service is like!

So a few days later I got not one but two letters from Adrian Flux which I opened (at'll see what I mean in a minute!) and the first letter explained that my initial premium of £270 included free legal expenses, insurance premium tax, a £30 admin fee and a £15 personal accident cover fee, all of which are non refundable.

Now the important bit to remember here is that Adrian Flux do not underwrite the policy, they are merely a broker, the company my policy was with was Groupama, who offered a refund of £181.58 therefore charging me £43.42 for the two months I was on cover (fair enough Groupama, I think that was reasonable and have no gripe with Groupama whatsoever)..however, Adrian Flux retained their 'commission' of £58.45 and also took a £25 cancellation fee (remember it was adrian flux who cancelled the policy!!) leaving me with a grand refund of £98.13

I won't bore you with the maths but as you can see my inital premium was £270 and two months later I got a refund of just £98.13, because of Adrian Flux's admin fee, cancellation fee, commission, accident cover blah blah blah...the real insurance company (groupama) took just £43.42.

The letter finished by saying as a good will gesture they (Adrian Flux) were willing to drop the cancellation fee (£25) and give back £15.03 commission, giving a grand gesture of £40.03, but if I were still not satisfied then to contact them.

So I then opened the second letter from Adrian Flux which read, "we have the pleasure of crediting your card with the sum of £40.03" Both letters were dated the same date and signed by the same person.

Maybe the letter should have said "we have had the pleasure of ripping you off"

On a final note I phoned SURETERM who quoted me £217.00 for the same policy and everything was sorted out no problem.

So guys and girls not only did Adrian Flux rip me off with their cancellation 'fees' they also over-charged me by £53 in the first place!

Good luck and drive safely
Gonna have to stick up for Flux here, they gave me the best quote I could find for my 110.

19 years old, zero no claims (had a classic car policy before), all mods declared, off road and greenlaning cover in my own name, for just over £900.

So no complaints from me there :)
Gonna have to stick up for Flux here, they gave me the best quote I could find for my 110.

19 years old, zero no claims (had a classic car policy before), all mods declared, off road and greenlaning cover in my own name, for just over £900.

So no complaints from me there :)
I dont think the issue here is the initial quote, I suspect it has more to do with high fees and poor customer service. Having read this thread I will not even bother asking them for quotes.
I dont think the issue here is the initial quote, I suspect it has more to do with high fees and poor customer service. Having read this thread I will not even bother asking them for quotes.

I'd rather that than pay £2,000+ for the same thing though. All insurance companies are going to sting you if you cancel early, it's a fact of life! :rolleyes:
I'd rather that than pay £2,000+ for the same thing though. All insurance companies are going to sting you if you cancel early, it's a fact of life! :rolleyes:

Crashbox is right, this isn't about the initial premium it's about high fees and poor service. Remember Adrian Flux cancelled my policy not me, I refused to pay an extra £28 for 'failing' to produce documentation because I did produce it on the day of their deadline, so instead they just tried to charge me for the time I couldn't produce it ! The end result was they cancelled my policy and charged way way more in their so called fees.

If you want some advice from an old git like me, don't always think you've got a bargain because it was cheap.

Good luck my friend.
I will say just one thing. If you think AF are bad.... try Budget Insurance (also the RAC...same company)

Rude on the phone... unhelpful... try not to send proof on No Claims. When they asked for proof of no claims we sent it...emailed it ("We havent got it sir and we are not allowed to read any emails)... then sent it...."You are a lier mate... you didnt send it and now you are trying to rip our company off!" Seriously!

They did apologise when I told them that I had the name and time that the person signed for it though! They apologised by hanging up on me!
AF beat the rest by over £100 on me rangie... including green lane use (as if on them daft wheels :D )
Hi guys, thanks for all the replies to this thread, thought it was time I updated on progress....

Well right back at the start of this thread Dan from Adrian Flux said "pm me your details and I will look into it" so I did, next day I got a voicemail left on my mobile from an unknown women at Adrian Flux saying "we've put a letter in the post to you"...this really is what Adrian Flux customer service is like!

So a few days later I got not one but two letters from Adrian Flux which I opened (at'll see what I mean in a minute!) and the first letter explained that my initial premium of £270 included free legal expenses, insurance premium tax, a £30 admin fee and a £15 personal accident cover fee, all of which are non refundable.

Now the important bit to remember here is that Adrian Flux do not underwrite the policy, they are merely a broker, the company my policy was with was Groupama, who offered a refund of £181.58 therefore charging me £43.42 for the two months I was on cover (fair enough Groupama, I think that was reasonable and have no gripe with Groupama whatsoever)..however, Adrian Flux retained their 'commission' of £58.45 and also took a £25 cancellation fee (remember it was adrian flux who cancelled the policy!!) leaving me with a grand refund of £98.13

I won't bore you with the maths but as you can see my inital premium was £270 and two months later I got a refund of just £98.13, because of Adrian Flux's admin fee, cancellation fee, commission, accident cover blah blah blah...the real insurance company (groupama) took just £43.42.

The letter finished by saying as a good will gesture they (Adrian Flux) were willing to drop the cancellation fee (£25) and give back £15.03 commission, giving a grand gesture of £40.03, but if I were still not satisfied then to contact them.

So I then opened the second letter from Adrian Flux which read, "we have the pleasure of crediting your card with the sum of £40.03" Both letters were dated the same date and signed by the same person.

Maybe the letter should have said "we have had the pleasure of ripping you off"

On a final note I phoned SURETERM who quoted me £217.00 for the same policy and everything was sorted out no problem.

So guys and girls not only did Adrian Flux rip me off with their cancellation 'fees' they also over-charged me by £53 in the first place!

Good luck and drive safely

Hello Twice Nightly,

Further to your initial thread we hope that the matter has been settled amicably and the full refund acceptable.

We should mention that the events culminating in your cancellation were due to non-receipt of your No Claims Bonus which was being used on another vehicle and we were informed wouldn’t be available for a further 46 days.

Adrian Flux do provide 30 days grace period but this was beyond that and the insurers underwriting the policy (not it should be noted Adrian Flux) stated that we charge this additional premium. We did of course provide the maximum introductory discount available based on the No Claims Bonus featuring on another vehicle although this incurred a slight additional premium. Under the circumstances this we fail to see as an ‘over-charge’ or ‘rip-off’ as you have posted.

It is unfortunate that you sought to cancel although the refund we have provided does include our £25.00 Policy arrangement fee returned and a pro-rata commission payment based around the ‘time-on-risk.’

Regarding the voicemail left on your phone, rather than explain the basis of a refund in a phone message our staff member thought to let you know that a letter detailing this was being sent and you could view in print the following day. Again we fail to see the slight on our customer service.

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