are you addicted to v8's

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You's not seen me update then ;) got flywheel, clutch and bellhousing sorted now

The whole lot goes in a week on thursday!

Only thing left then is the gearbox to transfer and we're good to bolt the props on :D
srill not going though....once its moted then one can slag off dog slow 3.5's..(sorry
by da your series tax exempt, ie insurance??cos otherwise they may kinda want engineers report and sting ya rather alot..but if exempt they donr seem to care..
it will be soon just watch this space, yeah its exempt. They wont care if its on the V5 right enough and I can get a garage report no problem ;) have mates who can sort me one
I had to post on here coz the fred seems to be stuck on the last post,
It keeps coming up in bold writing as if i havent looked at it , and now its the top post :confused:

Dont fret I have an eight ( for the noise manly)
Nice Dr Evil... :D

But come on! Details! What is it? Is it an eaton m112? Or that wade something you've mentioned?
Ahhh nice! How much was it? :eek:

Your series is going to fly if you're not eating halfshafts/gearboxes/rolling over! :rofl:
Gearbox wont die its a monster ;) but halfshafts probably will!

Have a guess!

That, a performance cam, stroked crank, noisy gear drive to replace the timing chain, tubular headers and a Mocal oil filter
Make sure to stock up on them then! ;)

Where would I be at guessing £100 ?

Hold on, stroked crank? I thought the V8 you were putting in was already 7.2L or did I read something wrong. :eek:
Stroked crank is correct :D you read correctly ;)

Go higher anyway :p

Them disco axles wont be on long, once I can afford portals they'll be going on it :D no weak spot then

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