Any pretty painted pictures yet? Looking good so far.

Tonks4x4 - The Land Rover Specialist

Cheers, And not yet, Been busy as fook at work plus doing a few private jobs I've not had much time.
Bit ****ed of really as I originally started this when I had no work. And now its all in bits I've got to much work. Its all ways the case though I suppose :(
if you dnt have an outdoor tap try one of these

Halfords | Hozelock Multi Tap Connector 2274

i had one for years before i got round to putting in an out door tap.. also the green challenge pressure washer from argos is pretty good and only about £35-£40 now

I tried one a few years ago and never bothered since, As I ended up with more on the kitchen floor than out the hose pipe :rofl:
Might get another and give it a bash though.
Right not a lot of progress lately as I've been busy as hell at work. Plus side jobs on a night I've not really had a minute :( Plus doing some work on my brothers 90 (Big thanks to Top cat on here for the diff ;) )

So I've been prepping the tub for the last week and a half it has been a night mare to prep, Or maybe I just want it to straight :eek:

Any way a few pics. As I know we all loves piccys :D

One rotten capping

Now a mangled mess :eek:

Tub prepped and ready for primer


And finally some primer on, Not the best picture but it was 10pm by the time I had finished

I'm off to billing tomorrow for the day, But hoping to flat the primer down when I get back, And get it fitted and painted on Sunday :)
So I went to billing yesterday, Picked a few little bits up. Not as much as I thought I would but a good day was still had :)

Any way on with the build progress.
I flatted the primer down this morning and fitted the tub, Thought it was best to paint the tub while fitted, As I would probably damage it during fitting.


And got some paint on it :)




Finally feels like I'm getting some were. Even if it is slowly.
So today I have wire brushed the bottom of the seat box down and applied some waxoil.

Will Hopefully get it fitted tomorrow. (weather depending)

Also got the seat box sills cleaned up and fitted :)
Tonight I fitted the rear exhaust section, Although I had to remove the centre cross member so was a little bit ****ed of, I hate doing things twice :mad:
I then fitted the seatbox. Just in time as it threw it down, So no pics as I packed up rather quickly :p
So during the week I got the seatbox fitted
Only managed to get a pic today.

I got home early on Friday so I fitted the rear lights, Had to have a couple of hours with the meter but every thing works now :eek:

Nothing got done on Saturday as I worked until mid afternoon and then had to fit a steering column to my brothers 90.
Just had to fit a few pieces of the dash this morning.

Bit ****ed of with the twunt to be honest :mad: as I said I wanted a hand to line the bulkhead doors and tub up so I can got some stuff tightened down properly. Told me he'd help me but f**ked of out as soon as I fitted his dash :(

Any way I've got it as good as I can on my own, And got the bulkhead tightened fully, It was an absolute cnut but hay-ho its done now :)
Hopefully get the tub and seatbox tightened down on Monday.

Forgot to get pics with doors on but will got some in the week, Not that there painted yet just wanted to get the tub and bulkhead set up right.
Bit ****ed of with the twunt to be honest :mad: as I said I wanted a hand to line the bulkhead doors and tub up so I can got some stuff tightened down properly. Told me he'd help me but f**ked of out as soon as I fitted his dash

Kick him in the bollox, I had to do my lining by myself and its a pain in the ass.

It looks good though, I'm still I love with that colour;)
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Getting there now mate, looking good, keep it up!

Cheers Dan, Hopefully the hardest part Is behind me, Another month and it might be some were near finished,

Ermmm...... I shouldn't have said that :eek:

Kick him in the bollox, I had to do my lining by myself and its a pain in the ass.

It looks good though, I'm still I love with that colour;)

I feel like it Billy, Guess that's brotherly love though.

And thanks for the kind words, I can't wait to see it fully painted :)
And on that note, I'm of out side for a few hours.
Tonight I had another play with the doors, I've got a set of td5 doors In the shed so I robbed the hinges of them as mine had about and inch of movement in them :eek:
I got the passenger one a bit better, But the drivers ended up worse, But I'm pretty happy with it and I will do the final adjustment when they're painted.


Also got the seatbox fully tightened down, And cleaned the floor pans, Gearbox tunnel and diaphragm.
Just got the floor pans to screw down, as most of the screws were chopped off :p
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Cheers Dan, Hopefully the hardest part Is behind me, Another month and it might be some were near finished,

Ermmm...... I shouldn't have said that :eek:

I've started estimating mine in hours, so I'll say for example "another 20 hours work and I'll have it finished." This works so brilliantly when people try to pull on you to do other things:

"Are you going to cut the grass today?"

"I need to do 20 hours on the Land Rover..."

"Oh that's fine hunny, you can do it afterwards."

:bolt: :D
I've started estimating mine in hours, so I'll say for example "another 20 hours work and I'll have it finished." This works so brilliantly when people try to pull on you to do other things:

"Are you going to cut the grass today?"

"I need to do 20 hours on the Land Rover..."

"Oh that's fine hunny, you can do it afterwards."

:bolt: :D

Snigger, Speaking of cutting the grass that's the job I'm being asked to do at the minute :lol:

Oh but it's not just the grass it's the hedge as well, Oh and can you weed it while you're there :eek:

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