Only stuff I have really is electric fans, a good rad and other bits like that :(

Other than that I'm making up a batch of standard HD replacement bumpers next week or one after as I need to finish the series first if you fancy a trade

Ill have a think as its already got a tubular bumper on it, To be totally honest cash would be better for me, or bits for the rebuild. If not other bits will just sit in the shed for the next 2years like the rest of it has.
Oh and I could hang on to it for you if you wanted.
So all new springs and shocks were fitted, There brakes were all cleaned up and the wheels put on along with the trailing arms,


and then rolled under the chassis.

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Doing a great job job Aaron! lots of work but great results :) like it!!

Cheers Steve,
Yes its a lot of work but I kind of enjoy it.
I have just finished my brothers and as you can see it looks a hell of a lot different :) Well I say finished. Just a few little bits to do.

So the next job was the front axle.
Again new springs and shocks were used. Brakes were cleaned up and the radius arms fitted along with the wheels.



So I pushed the chassis outside and lifted it up with the engine crane,
As you can see all new bump stops were fitted. The front ones were completely missing when I striped it :eek:



And then the front axle rolled under :)
And it rolls again :D


Steering box was cleaned up.

and fitted along with all the steering bars. Better than the horrible mess it was before.


And the day ended looking like this.
So the next job was to get the bulkhead on, Again I used the engine crane as its bloody heavy when its complete.
It needs the foot wells repairing a foot were it bolts to the chassis and possibly a few other bits. It will probably be more difficult to weld when its on but I didn't want to get things out of place. Were as it cant really move when its bolted on.


Foot wells rotten as you can see in this pic

This is were I was up to as of thursday. And it's took me nearly 3weeks up to this stage. Not the 3days its took me to do this thread :lol:
This weekends plans are to try and get all the bulkhead welded up.
Weather I get as far as that is another mater :eek:
So todays progress.
I got the footwells patched up. No pictures of this as I forgot.
The top corners had been done in the past but looked **** as they had just been stuck on top of the rot. So decided to cut them of and weld them on flush.
So this is what it looked like when I started

And looked like this when id removed the repair panel. I tried to remove them as carefully as possible so I could reuse them, Easier said than done :eek: but got there in the end.

And all welded up and ground down, Its n not perfect but its a hell of a lot better than it was.
Didn't get a lot done today other than the other top corner and removing the vent flaps.
Back at work tomorrow so the progress will slow down a fair bit.
Should still be able to have a couple of hours on an evening though.
Hoping to get the bulkhead prepped for paint in the week and if all goes to plan get it painted at the weekend.

So again the repair panel was just stuck on the top.

Repair panel removed.

And all done and ground down and looks better than before.
Looks a crackin job Aaron, thought you might have had a bit more interest in it with the amount of work you've put in.:);)
Looks a crackin job Aaron, thought you might have had a bit more interest in it with the amount of work you've put in.:);)

Cheers :) It is a lot of work but will hopefully be worth it in the end.
Even if only a few people are interested I will still do it. As its a bit of motivation for me seeing the positive comments :)
Looks a crackin job Aaron, thought you might have had a bit more interest in it with the amount of work you've put in.:);)

Don't forget there are all those of us who look at the thread in silent admiration. I often don't post if I don't feel there's much I can contribute, but it is looking good so far. I always enjoy seeing project threads where people do a really thorough job.

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