And I reckon you're gonna rebuild that 90. You may not know it yet but I bet you look at all that extra galv stuff you've got and think.... 'mmmm, I've got the bits to do it....'
The Redledsled shows having still 6 month MOT, why not just use it in the interim? get rid of the G90s though?
As a thought though, as it will be nicely retro with the galv caps would you not consider 2 piece doors with the very early 110/mil tops?
Super rebuild though, they just get better.
Don't feel bad telling me to sod off if my suggestions are out of place!
Another day gone, another day with little progress.
Started fitting the wiring loom, dash and fly vents this morning.
New wiper wheel boxes, as I knackered the old ones removing.
Used my new air riveter, bloody hell, love it, wish I had bought one sooner.
This afternoon I had a change of plan and removed the roof, sides and windscreen and I'm hoping to get them prepped and into primer tomorrow, well not the roof...

Urgh! Wiring...

And random picture, but people seemed to like them last time.
Just another dog we're looking after while she recovers from an operation..

The picture your painting of numerous dogs, numerous defenders, air riveters and flying bonnets are making me feel somewhat sympathetic to your neighbours!;)Just saying.
Another one, you have an illness my boy :p

I must have :oops: I have seen a couple over the last few days and thought hmm.. I could restore that.. I have idea's of stuff I want to do one day in my head, but I can't do it, where will it stop.
The truth is I just don't have the time anymore either, and in the long run all I'm going to do is cost myself money.

7.5 tyres on the wolfs Aaron, it's Gotta be for that look I have the Avon rangemaster thingies and there great

I Agree with the wolfs to be honest :) Wheels will be one of the last things anyway, so I've got plenty of time to decide and we'll see what suits best when it is all complete.

I'll refine my list and pm you:)

No worries :)

And I reckon you're gonna rebuild that 90. You may not know it yet but I bet you look at all that extra galv stuff you've got and think.... 'mmmm, I've got the bits to do it....'

Yep :D That's why I said it in my post because I'm more likely to do it than not :oops:
Although not sure about the galv bits, most of that is going to get cleaned up and sold, as I could do with the extra funds for this, might be todays job actually seen as it's bloody ****ing it down :mad:

The Redledsled shows having still 6 month MOT, why not just use it in the interim? get rid of the G90s though?
As a thought though, as it will be nicely retro with the galv caps would you not consider 2 piece doors with the very early 110/mil tops?
Super rebuild though, they just get better.
Don't feel bad telling me to sod off if my suggestions are out of place!

That is the plan :) will do for picking stuff up and the like, needs work though, it's a little bit twitchy on the back at the mo.
And no no, thoughts, opinions and idea's are always welcome :)
To be honest I've been thinking about the split doors since the day I started the build and knew which direction it was going, I just couldn't make my mind up.
I think if I was going down that route I would want to go the whole hog and go soft top for the real retro look.. which I'd love to do in theory, but again, I'm not sure, I can't make my mind up if it is what I really want or if it would be practical.

The picture your painting of numerous dogs, numerous defenders, air riveters and flying bonnets are making me feel somewhat sympathetic to your neighbours!;)Just saying.

:oops::oops:haha, sounds worse that it actually is, air riveter is lovely and quiet ;):p
Defender is just sat their at the mo, she probably thinks it's an eyesore, but, meh... She complains about getting water on her drive when I wash a vehicle so I've fucked it with anything else really.
But yeah, she doesn't like dogs either, and the ones over the road are worse o_O
I'm being lovely and quiet at the mo anyway, not had a letter from the council in about a year either, maybe she's stopped complaining to them :rolleyes: Or maybe the council have started ignoring her, or I'm just being a good little lad :)
I may have a spare engine and gearbox once Iv started swapping things onto my rolling chassis in a few months mate
I've done nothing to mine since end of last year as I've been so busy with work. Hopefully another month on the job I'm on and then I should get a break so I can crack in again. Soooooooo jealous reading everyone's rebuilds on here, but not long. Fingers crossed.
Spent the day prepping panels, sides, windscreen and rear door, thought it was going to go well, turns out all had more corrosion issues than thought, or just plain crappy paint from previous owner. So I'm still not finished.
Might finish them off in the week if I can be arsed.
And you lot have got me thinking again, don't know whether to go all out and go soft top... or just use what I've got and set up for... hmm.. brains in overdrive, bugger!

Although I went and collected some new seats today. Bit premature me thinks :oops:

Ah mate I'm liking those seats!!! They're delicious! Might just keep my standard seats now and retrim them like that.
And you've done more than me, in 4 days I've put an m12 nut on one of the rear shock upper mounts. Wasn't worth updating my fred:(
I may have a spare engine and gearbox once Iv started swapping things onto my rolling chassis in a few months mate

Ah, good stuff, give me a shout if you do mate :)
Have you done anything with your project of late?

I've done nothing to mine since end of last year as I've been so busy with work. Hopefully another month on the job I'm on and then I should get a break so I can crack in again. Soooooooo jealous reading everyone's rebuilds on here, but not long. Fingers crossed.

Yes it can be a bugger with work :( Hope you can get something done soon bud.

Ah mate I'm liking those seats!!! They're delicious! Might just keep my standard seats now and retrim them like that.

Me too :) which is why I just bought them now even if it is 6 months too early.
Came from the same place as the red shed of a 90, he offered me them while I was their, I just didn't have £200 on me to buy them their and then.

And you've done more than me, in 4 days I've put an m12 nut on one of the rear shock upper mounts. Wasn't worth updating my fred:(

Oh bloody hell, I'll shut me gob, thing that annoys me is, knowing how much I can get done in a day if everything is on side, weather etc.. but I seem to spend more time looking for parts than anything of late.
Seem to be forever sorting out and a day later it's a shit tip again.
Major sort-out, sell some stuff, build some shelves and generally get organised before I do another.
Another day gone, another day with little progress.
Started fitting the wiring loom, dash and fly vents this morning.
New wiper wheel boxes, as I knackered the old ones removing.
Used my new air riveter, bloody hell, love it, wish I had bought one sooner.
This afternoon I had a change of plan and removed the roof, sides and windscreen and I'm hoping to get them prepped and into primer tomorrow, well not the roof...

Urgh! Wiring...

Looking good as always Aaron. Can you do me a favour? Is there any part number on what looks like a bracket that is holding your relays to the fuse box? Just upgraded mine from the glass to blade fuses and bought the fuse bracket but I can't find a part number for the other bit.
It's racing on there, mate. Looks great in the pictures with the side panels and roof on. Having said that I think that colour, with the galv cappings on show, would look good with canvas. :) Might be a bit cold in the winter though!
I think I'm being affected by that picture off the news of the last one off the production line. :oops:
Damn, I want to do another rebuild, it looks amazing. Sarah mentioned the other day that she quite fancied getting a 110 to rebuild, I just need a house with enough space to do it now...I'm not going back in that damp shed
Had a late'ish nite in the shed tonight, not long been in, sat down and had me tea.
Wednesday night I finished prepping the panels.
Thursday night I got the etch/highbuild primer on.
Got home from work tonight, got the primer flatted down, got set-up and got the top coat on.
Plan for this weekend is to get the roof prepped tomorrow, primer in the evening. Flat primer Sunday morning, top coat Sunday evening.
The limestone paint for it turned up today, not looked at it yet so hopefully it is what I want :)
Think you should go for soft top and I'll by your roof off you lol

I know, I know, I want to go soft top, I just can't commit myself to it :oops:

Looking good as always Aaron. Can you do me a favour? Is there any part number on what looks like a bracket that is holding your relays to the fuse box? Just upgraded mine from the glass to blade fuses and bought the fuse bracket but I can't find a part number for the other bit.

Cheers bud :) I will have a look for you tomorrow if you've not already sorted it..

It's racing on there, mate. Looks great in the pictures with the side panels and roof on. Having said that I think that colour, with the galv cappings on show, would look good with canvas. :) Might be a bit cold in the winter though!
I think I'm being affected by that picture off the news of the last one off the production line. :oops:

It is moving a little now, not fast enough, but that's always the case with me, I think I actually need to slow down for a minute and decide what I really want, because I still don't really know, and I'm going hardtop/county because it is what I have.
And ref being a bit cold in the winter, I thought exactly the same, but from what I'm told they're no worse than a hardtop.

I'm loving those seats, a good price as well.

Yep, price wasn't too bad, considering mine needed re-trimming anyhow, and two re-trim kits are £140 minimum, plus the time to do them, and I think these look much beterer :)

Damn, I want to do another rebuild, it looks amazing. Sarah mentioned the other day that she quite fancied getting a 110 to rebuild, I just need a house with enough space to do it now...I'm not going back in that damp shed

Cheers mate :) I always want to do another rebuild, I've got a few things in my head that I want to do, but lack of time puts heed to that for the most part.

Sounds like a useful tool! What do you have?

Didn't ask me, but I bought this. Bloody good to be fair, more than happy with it, been using it again today.

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