Well I got the roof prepped and into primer as planned today, although it was pissing it down until 1pm which did **** my plans up for a while.
I didn't want to put the newly painted panels outside in the rain, but I also wanted to get the roof in and out of the rain so it could start drying, rather difficult in the space I have.
Although I think I am going to re-paint the sides, they just haven't come out great, don't know why, and it's not very often I will re-do something, but I want this as good as possible.

It is moving a little now, not fast enough, but that's always the case with me, I think I actually need to slow down for a minute and decide what I really want, because I still don't really know, and I'm going hardtop/county because it is what I have.
And ref being a bit cold in the winter, I thought exactly the same, but from what I'm told they're no worse than a hardtop.
Seriously Aaron, you work very quickly. Not fast enough is never the case with you. Take your time in deciding what you want from your rebuild. It's a lot of work, so worth getting it right for you.
Went outside much earlier than usual this morning to get the primer on the roof flatted down.
Did that and all was in paint for 10:45, Christ I don't usually start until gone 11 :oops:
But it's a big'ish job out of the way, just got to drill/tap some galv stuff out that I've sold and I'll be taking the front doors off to start prepping them.

Better pictures later hopefully if it dries enough to get it fitted, and see what it looks like as it is darker than I had imagined. But hey, I piss and moan about the colour everytime I first use it, I need to give it chance.
Looking good, marra. That's an early start for a Sunday :)
I'm having a day off. We're going for a long walk down the coast once one of my son's finishes work at 12.
After raining all day yesterday it's a nice day today. On one hand that's great for the walk, but I can't help thinking I could be cracking on with the Landy. :( I'm feeling guilty cos I should really be looking forward to a day out with the family. :oops:
Seriously Aaron, you work very quickly. Not fast enough is never the case with you. Take your time in deciding what you want from your rebuild. It's a lot of work, so worth getting it right for you.

More on a personal level I think, I realise I might be faster than others at some stuff, but it isn't necessarily a good thing.
It just annoys me sometimes knowing how much I could get done in a day if everything went right and under perfect circumstances, but it's far from it, and I kick myself for it even though it can't be helped.
I have learned to cope with it for the most part, but I still get hacked off with it from time to time, the lack of time is the other thing, but I am better off than some in both respects so I shouldn't complain too much :)
More on a personal level I think, I realise I might be faster than others at some stuff, but it isn't necessarily a good thing.
It just annoys me sometimes knowing how much I could get done in a day if everything went right and under perfect circumstances, but it's far from it, and I kick myself for it even though it can't be helped.
I have learned to cope with it for the most part, but I still get hacked off with it from time to time, the lack of time is the other thing, but I am better off than some in both respects so I shouldn't complain too much :)
That must happen to all of us. When you start the day you automatically develop a plan of what you want to do and how to achieve it. In my experience I get about 20% of the plan achieved. If I'm lucky! :(
I've been on for two years now and have suffered from this over estimation throughout. I think you have to be optimistic to keep yourself motivated. :) If your daily plan was just to fit a few bolts on you'd soon get sick with the lack of ambition. I know it gets frustrating but, as you say, it can't be helped. It's comes with the territory. All adds to the sense achievement at the end. I hope! :D
I used to plan what I would get done today/this week/this month/this year but I found myself trying to hurry things and getting agitated if I started falling behind and in that frame of mind, things rarely go to plan and I found I wasn't enjoying it.
So I've changed my approach. I know what's got to be done but I don't set myself a goal of doing it by a certain point in time as there are always other unforeseen issues. I just crack on and it takes as long as it takes. If I do a lot in a day then great, if I don't then so be it. As long as I enjoy it - that's the reason we do this isn't it?
If family stuff interferes it's no problem - life is too short to spend less time with the family and more time on the Landy. The Landy will always be there...well, rust might want to argue that with me!
Pretty good day today, I was happy if I got the roof done this weekend, but got a little more than that done as roof was done, painted before dinner.
Had to get some settee's out of the back garden today, so had to move the Land Rover or you can't get past, so grabbed a couple of pictures while I could get around it a little.

And got the roof on while it was their as more room.
Colour is a bit more yellow/golden than I'd have liked, but it's not too bad.

And got the front doors prepped for the most part, just got the insides to do and mask up and they're ready for primer.

Also had a nice chap from up the road come for a chat today, never met the bloke before, he just saw my 90 whilst pushed up the drive and liked what I had done, wanted some advice and measurements, and see if I had anymore county sides.
Was nice to have someone come round who isn't complaining :)

Anyway, you'll notice plans have changed a little to what I said a few weeks ago, but with all this crappy rain we keep having I want to get it water tight, yeah right :rolleyes:
But no, I want to get the windscreen in, doors painted and fitted, and windows etc in, then if I want to fit the dash etc I can do so and not have to worry about it and electrics getting piss wet through.
Pull engine from donor, and rebuild again.
Fit engine/gearbox/props etc..
Prep/paint/ fit wings, bonnet, grill.
Repair/rebuild seat box and paint.
Sort all electrics/interior and jobs a good 'en.
But things will probably change again no doubt, just got to work with the weather I guess, but theirs plenty to do either which way.
That and I'm kind of set up for painting at the mo, garage is reasonably clean/tidy, it'll soon be an oily shit hole again when I start on the engine, so probably best to get as much paint out of the way as I can while I can.
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Bloody hell mate thats looking fantastic, like the roof colour, would look good on the wheels, you must constantly work on her lol.
I'll bet you had fun turning that around. Did you push it out on to the road or turn it on the lawn?
That roof is noticeable, but I think it goes with the body colour well.
You've got the alpine windows in anorl. :) That can be a pain of a job.
I did what you're planning and got it 'water tight'. Left the floor plates out and so I could stand there in the rain, nice and dry, fitting all the instruments and dash. Worked well for me cos we have had a lot of rain in recent times. :rolleyes:
Why are your tub lugs black? Just noticed them.
I'm liking the colour combo, mate. My Mrs likes it too. :)
Lovely to see it all going together at last. It's a big boost when you get the roof on.
That must happen to all of us. When you start the day you automatically develop a plan of what you want to do and how to achieve it. In my experience I get about 20% of the plan achieved. If I'm lucky! :(
I've been on for two years now and have suffered from this over estimation throughout. I think you have to be optimistic to keep yourself motivated. :) If your daily plan was just to fit a few bolts on you'd soon get sick with the lack of ambition. I know it gets frustrating but, as you say, it can't be helped. It's comes with the territory. All adds to the sense achievement at the end. I hope! :D

Yep, I think you are right mate, I always have a plan, sometimes it's miles off, sometimes I get more done.
The annoying thing is not being able to do one thing while I'm doing something else, or trying to find stuff, but I love doing it on the whole, if I didn't I wouldn't be doing it :)

I used to plan what I would get done today/this week/this month/this year but I found myself trying to hurry things and getting agitated if I started falling behind and in that frame of mind, things rarely go to plan and I found I wasn't enjoying it.
So I've changed my approach. I know what's got to be done but I don't set myself a goal of doing it by a certain point in time as there are always other unforeseen issues. I just crack on and it takes as long as it takes. If I do a lot in a day then great, if I don't then so be it. As long as I enjoy it - that's the reason we do this isn't it?
If family stuff interferes it's no problem - life is too short to spend less time with the family and more time on the Landy. The Landy will always be there...well, rust might want to argue that with me!

Yes that is very true, I take things as the come for the most part, it's take me a while to realise and get to that stage that theirs no point getting all ****ed off and angry about it, it doesn't help matters or make things happen any quicker.
I still kick myself from time to time or get down, but no where near as bad as I used to do.

Bloody hell mate thats looking fantastic, like the roof colour, would look good on the wheels, you must constantly work on her lol.

Cheers mate :) I do constantly work on her, well for the most part anyway :) not like I've got anything else to do..

I'll bet you had fun turning that around. Did you push it out on to the road or turn it on the lawn?
That roof is noticeable, but I think it goes with the body colour well.
You've got the alpine windows in anorl. :) That can be a pain of a job.
I did what you're planning and got it 'water tight'. Left the floor plates out and so I could stand there in the rain, nice and dry, fitting all the instruments and dash. Worked well for me cos we have had a lot of rain in recent times. :rolleyes:
Why are your tub lugs black? Just noticed them.
I'm liking the colour combo, mate. My Mrs likes it too. :)

Cheers mate :) Yep, was hard work turning it around on my own on the grass, never mind a 3 point turn, was more like 7 :eek:
That's my plan too with the dash, saved fitting it and it getting **** wet through, or having to cover it up. Should work well.
Oh and tub lugs are black because it has a td5 style rear crossmember (because I wanted the rear tank) which uses an adjustable bolt on rail type thing that I had to buy separately from the chassis.

Very nice colour choice.

Cheers mate :) It's definitely growing on me.

Looking all good in the fresh air mate.

Cheers bud :)

It's looking great mate, the colours do go well together.

Cheers :) Always a little bit of guesswork when choosing off a colour chart, but it isn't too bad.
I'm just an indecisive fucker more than anything :oops:

Lovely to see it all going together at last. It's a big boost when you get the roof on.

Cheers, yep, it kind of looks like an LR again, even if their isn't much else fitted other than the body. I will be much happier when I get the engine in, and running/driving :)

You've done splendid work on this!!! Keep it up - she's going to look fantastic!!

Cheers :) and thank-you for taking the time to read it all.
Time for a little update, jobs for during the week where, get the front doors into primer, and prime/paint all the new door hinges.
So Monday night I finished a little bit of prep I had to do and masked the doors up.
By Tuesday the new rear door hinges had arrived, so them along with the doors where etch and high build primered.
Wednesday evening I did naff all as it was raining heavily when I got home and couldn't be arsed getting all the compressor stuff out.
Thursday I got the top coat on the hinges.

Friday night I started flatting the primer on the doors down, but that was cut short and went to have a nosey around my brothers new house, (well I guess I want to see where my money's gone :eek:)
Finished them off this morning and set about fitting the windscreen.
Easy I thought, I've seen the cord I use knocking around lately.
Over 2 hours later I found it :mad: It's doing my head in now, I know I keep saying it but I really do need to do something to sort all my crap out, it is getting silly now :confused:
Windscreen took a little longer than usual as I didn't have an assistant to help me, but it's in and it didn't break which is the most important thing :)

Then started painting about 5:30 this evening.
Back door done, both front doors done and re-did one of the sides that I wasn't happy with.

Bollocks to all this lot, it looks ****.

ooh, did I say that out loud? Heheheh, coming on great, love the colour contrast with the roof, Obviously 'Landrover' but still unique. Spot on job. ;)

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