Yes, it's a relief when the last part of the windscreen seal drops over the frame lip. :)
I bought a stainless set of hinge bolts, but the countersunk holes in the hinges must have been slightly small. When I tightened them down they must have cut the paint inside the countersunk holes. Rust is covering the bolt heads already :(
Yes, it's a relief when the last part of the windscreen seal drops over the frame lip. :)
I bought a stainless set of hinge bolts, but the countersunk holes in the hinges must have been slightly small. When I tightened them down they must have cut the paint inside the countersunk holes. Rust is covering the bolt heads already :(

The problem's the other way round. The standard LR bolts are 'specials' with a smaller head .. all the new ones are standard sizes so don't quite fit. The trick is to use a bench grinder and roll the heads around a bit to reduce the diameter!
They don't tell you that when they sell you them! :( Not a great selling point I suppose. Thanks for the tip, I'll do that when I paint the hinges again and refit them. :mad:
Simplest way I found, 'cos you need to do them all, is to chuck the threads in a battery drill/driver, and spin them at slow speed against the grinding wheel. Keeps them more round and concentric than trying to roll them by hand. Just try to make a steady rest somehow, makes it even easier than just balancing on the grinder plate.
Simplest way I found, 'cos you need to do them all, is to chuck the threads in a battery drill/driver, and spin them at slow speed against the grinding wheel. Keeps them more round and concentric than trying to roll them by hand. Just try to make a steady rest somehow, makes it even easier than just balancing on the grinder plate.
Cracking idea. Cheers.:)
Bit of a slow day today, started to fit the drivers door this morning and proceeded to get my finger prints in the paint, so I finished getting that one and then left the rest to dry some more until around 5pm.
So I started cleaning the glass up instead, got the rear quarter windows fitted, and rubbed the county windows down as the original finish was peeling very badly.

Got the rear door fitted.

And the front, now I thought last night the finish seemed different somehow, well better if anything.
Quite apparent now they're fitted :( Colour looks miles out compared to the rest :mad:
Maybe I should give this painting malarkey up, looks bloody terrible, I'm hoping it wont be as noticeable once everything is back together, windows in, door seals on etc..
But if not I will re-do them at the end with what paint is left over, which I think is quite likely to need to happen.
But hay-ho, **** happens, if I can get them to match next time I'll be happy again.

And then last job for the evening was to get some satin black on the window frames.

The tub and the bulkhead look slightly darker than the other panels. :(

Yep, that exactly :(
That side panel I re-did as I wasn't happy with it, and it was done with the same paint as on the doors as I had some left over.
Not a happy chappy.. Got to re-do them, I can't live with them like that.
What a sickener, Aaron. I know nothing about painting, but I presume you got the ratio's different when mixing?
Will you be able to mask it up and do an all over coat assembled? Ahhh, no! it won't fit in the garage will it? :(:mad:
Whatever shade they might be, bloody hell they shine in your garage brilliantly. Should be proud of your painting mate. I'm looking at forking out near on 2 grand as I ain't got the bottle to do what you do. So put in perspective your on a winner either way :D:D
That's a real bummer Aaron, your doing a brilliant job. Were they painted from the same pot or a different one? Just thinking the shop may have got the mix wrong or it's a different batch.
Well no such progress over the last week, either during the week or yesterday. I couldn't even be arsed to go and un-mask the windows..
I don't get ill very often but by god I feel terrible, can't remember the last time I felt so bad, ended up having to have Tuesday off work and didn't really move all day unless I really had too :eek: not me at all usually.
Forced myself back to work for the rest of the week, so decided to rest a little yesterday and just did some sorting out around the house.
Starting to feel a little better now so might do a couple of hours later, full weekend without working on the project, unheard of :eek::oops:
colours growning on me! I cant bear to see you tear the other "donor" apart lol..

Who said I'm going to tear it apart :eek: Truth is I don't know what the plan for it is yet mate.
Only certain thing I know is I need the engine/gearbox etc out of it, once that's done it can just sit their until I decide what to do with it.

Bollocks to all this lot, it looks ****.

ooh, did I say that out loud? Heheheh, coming on great, love the colour contrast with the roof, Obviously 'Landrover' but still unique. Spot on job. ;)

Haha, cheers Paul :)

Yes, it's a relief when the last part of the windscreen seal drops over the frame lip. :)
I bought a stainless set of hinge bolts, but the countersunk holes in the hinges must have been slightly small. When I tightened them down they must have cut the paint inside the countersunk holes. Rust is covering the bolt heads already :(

It certainly is mate, I wasn't sure it was going to go to plan at one point as it just didn't seem right, crikey I might have had to upgrade to a heated screen if it broke..

What a sickener, Aaron. I know nothing about painting, but I presume you got the ratio's different when mixing?
Will you be able to mask it up and do an all over coat assembled? Ahhh, no! it won't fit in the garage will it? :(:mad:

Must have done :( Maybe too much thinners, not really sure.
Blowing it all over when done was one of my thoughts, it would certainly make it all match in then, we'll see what happens, I had wanted to get it all sealed in but that's not going to happen now if I'm going to take the doors off.
So current plan is to finish painting everything I can, wings, bonnet, front panel, floor pans, trans tunnel, wheel arches etc.. and see what paint is left over, if theirs enough to do the doors then all is good and I'll just try again, if not then it's ordering some more and hope it matches, or find somewhere to blow it all over once complete.

Whatever shade they might be, bloody hell they shine in your garage brilliantly. Should be proud of your painting mate. I'm looking at forking out near on 2 grand as I ain't got the bottle to do what you do. So put in perspective your on a winner either way :D:D

Cheers mate, I suppose you are right, it's just easy to get disheartened with it.
At least trying again doesn't cost the earth, the cost of paint at worst, the space to blow it over in one go is the hardest thing to sort.

That's a real bummer Aaron, your doing a brilliant job. Were they painted from the same pot or a different one? Just thinking the shop may have got the mix wrong or it's a different batch.

Cheers bud, all from the same tin, my mixing must have been miles out one way or the other :(

Could it be you've been supplied two different batches of paint?

All from the same tin bud, bought 5L so I knew I had enough to complete the job, got to have been my mixing.
Who said I'm going to tear it apart :eek: Truth is I don't know what the plan for it is yet mate.
Only certain thing I know is I need the engine/gearbox etc out of it, once that's done it can just sit their until I decide what to do with it.

Haha, cheers Paul :)

It certainly is mate, I wasn't sure it was going to go to plan at one point as it just didn't seem right, crikey I might have had to upgrade to a heated screen if it broke..

Must have done :( Maybe too much thinners, not really sure.
Blowing it all over when done was one of my thoughts, it would certainly make it all match in then, we'll see what happens, I had wanted to get it all sealed in but that's not going to happen now if I'm going to take the doors off.
So current plan is to finish painting everything I can, wings, bonnet, front panel, floor pans, trans tunnel, wheel arches etc.. and see what paint is left over, if theirs enough to do the doors then all is good and I'll just try again, if not then it's ordering some more and hope it matches, or find somewhere to blow it all over once complete.

Cheers mate, I suppose you are right, it's just easy to get disheartened with it.
At least trying again doesn't cost the earth, the cost of paint at worst, the space to blow it over in one go is the hardest thing to sort.

Cheers bud, all from the same tin, my mixing must have been miles out one way or the other :(

All from the same tin bud, bought 5L so I knew I had enough to complete the job, got to have been my mixing.
Here is a thought if you end up needing to respray it all. There was a thread in MGRover forum where a guy did all his respraying in a gazebo. From what I saw it was pretty successful. Just a thought if the only alternative is to pull it apart. I know your neighbours would complain but maybe you could take it to a friend or relatives house to do it.
Aaron, I'm just thinking out loud here mate. Of those two shades on the panels I much prefer the darker one as it seems to go with the roof and hinge colour better. The lighter shade doesn't give enough contrast. So if you can work out the mixes you did, I would go for the darker one. Just my opinion and to be honest I'm not great with shades of colour :rolleyes:
Here is a thought if you end up needing to respray it all. There was a thread in MGRover forum where a guy did all his respraying in a gazebo. From what I saw it was pretty successful. Just a thought if the only alternative is to pull it apart. I know your neighbours would complain but maybe you could take it to a friend or relatives house to do it.

Yep, that is actually where I started when I did my first re-spray 3-4 years ago, but the neighbours complained then so I stopped using it and used the garage instead so it wasn't so obvious.
But it was actually a very good place to do it, lots of light etc unlike in the garage, suppose I could dig it out for a one off thing though :)

Aaron, I'm just thinking out loud here mate. Of those two shades on the panels I much prefer the darker one as it seems to go with the roof and hinge colour better. The lighter shade doesn't give enough contrast. So if you can work out the mixes you did, I would go for the darker one. Just my opinion and to be honest I'm not great with shades of colour :rolleyes:

Yep, I agree, I much prefer the darker colour, different mixes, I recon I slipped and put too much thinners in as we're only talking small amounts, hopefully get it right next time.
Well I feel slightly better this weekend, although I still seem to have little energy compared to usual.
But spent the weekend prepping the wings, removed the chequer plate off the wing tops and surprise, surprise, dinted to buggery underneath, well actually they wasn't the worst I've seen, but I don't want the chequer plate ideally and they weren't that good I could leave them.
So I hammered the worst out and fillered the rest along with quite a few other places, would have been easier to source a better set of wings to be honest, but they're reasonable now after 2 days prep and still not 100% finished.
Think I will try and do something after work this week if I can, but we'll see, still can't say I feel 100% yet..

That's a lot of work, but well worth it.
That's been a hell of a virus you've had. Have you been to the docs? You might have glandular fever!
That's a lot of work, but well worth it.
That's been a hell of a virus you've had. Have you been to the docs? You might have glandular fever!

Had I realised quite how bad they are I would have found some better wings a long time ago, wasn't until I started rubbing them down and removing chequer plate I realised.
Nooo, I don't really do doctors :oops: Had a day off because I had to (being sick) and back to work the next day and just deal with it, should have probably gave it time or what have you but that's not me, feel ok'ish now, probably just me making a deal of it, more just a lack of energy/no strength and wheezing a bit for some reason now, going a little more everyday, might be back upto full pelt again by next weekend :)

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