What should have been a nice long weekend working on the Land Rover turned out much the opposite.
Brother has just bought a house and going through it a room at a time, so he tells me he wants a couple of extra sockets putting in. Ah, couple of hours I think.
2 sockets turned into 3, and 2 singles changed into doubles, and an aerial extending and putting on the wall.
That done I helped him get all the chases we'd done bonded back in.
Went back Sunday as by that point he had decided he wanted down-lights as well, did them, got him ready for platering and a few other little jobs and that was the day pretty much gone, just had an hour in the garage giving the wings a final flat prior to primer.
That left today, got the wings in primer this morning and made a start stripping the bonnet down, mothers dog was due for puppies very soon, she had to nip out so I popped inside to check on her, well bugger me, their was a puppy on the settee :eek: great, just what I wanted to deal with :eek:
But I got back on it a while later and got the underside of the bonnet skin prepped/primed/painted, will get the skin fitted to the new frame one night in the week hopefully.
But hey, I will always help people where I can, so it's not a bad weekend all in all, and I'm sure their will be much more house renovations assistance going on over the coming months, and I need him to help me slab the back yard, so it works both ways :)


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Oh come on Aaron. Pictures of the puppies.

Haha, I might have known that was coming, only picture I have at the mo and didn't take anymore, will see what I can do later though.

Want summit done? ..... Ask a busy guy!

Seems to be the way, but I'd rather help him where I can than have to pay someone to do it, especially when money is tight, and it means I get my money back sooner too :eek:

+ 1

My Golden Retriever bitch is pregnant. I hope her delivery goes as smoothly, but hopefully not on the settee!

The settee wasn't the plan :oops: She had a welping box all set and ready, I tried to put her in it before I bogged off back outside, she jumped straight out of it and back on the settee.
Came back 10 minutes later and she had already started :eek:

Is yours due anytime soon? Hope hers goes well bud.
Had an hour and half in the garage tonight, just thought I would get the bonnet frame and skin riveted together.
I thought 20 minutes max, but in LR's wisdom some of the rivet holes are in different places o_O
Although it's my fault really, I used an old bonnet frame I've had in the shed years to save stripping the other bonnet at the time I was having stuff blasted, and didn't realise they was slightly different.
Strange really, the one I've had galvanised and fitted was off an F reg many many moons ago, and this vehicle is a H reg, I thought they would have been the same.
Or maybe it is warped, but no amount of bending would get the holes to line up.
But hay ho, a dozen or so holes drilled and it's fitted, just took some jigging about to make sure it was all in the right place as I had little reference to go from.

And some pictures of puppies as requested.

And one of the other little buggers.

That bonnet looks great :) Did you drill the holes through the galv frame :(

Dogs and pups look tremendous. My mother always kept and bread dogs when I was a kid.

Is that a Toon towel in the earlier picture?
Had another few hours at it yesterday, spent the morning prepping a few panels, the bonnet (again) as the primmer went on terrible, trans tunnel, floor pans etc..
Went and did some second fix at brothers house mid afternoon, got home and got them all in primmer.

Got up this morning and the sun was shining, not a cloud in sight and a beautiful day, (read, too 'kin hot!)
So I got everything out the garage, took over the patio and spent the next 5/6 hours wet flatting all the primmer, checking, checking and checking again all is good, seemed the best thing to do seen as I keep mixing too much paint and then don't have an extra panel prepped ready.
So everything except the seat box is in primer and ready for paint, of which needs some new seat box ends anyway.
Got some stuff in the garage now all set to paint, just waiting for it to cool down a little before I start, it's like a bloody sauna in the garage :eek:
Had a tidy too as the garage was a shit tip :eek: much betterer now.. But no more dusty sanding in their now so had to be done before I start on the top coat..

It's all in the preparation so that's a great days work.
Just be a little more careful when ya mixin the paint this time ;)

Ws that a Newcastle United towel in one of the pictures of your dogs?
That bonnet looks great :) Did you drill the holes through the galv frame :(

Dogs and pups look tremendous. My mother always kept and bread dogs when I was a kid.

Is that a Toon towel in the earlier picture?

Unfortunately so in a couple of places :( but where I could I drilled through from the back and made a new hole in the skin and filled the old one.

It's all in the preparation so that's a great days work.
Just be a little more careful when ya mixin the paint this time ;)

Ws that a Newcastle United towel in one of the pictures of your dogs?

Sorry mate, was going to reply to your other comment earlier but was getting shouted to come and cut the grass o_O
Yep, it's a Newcastle towel, got to be at least 13-14 years old now from when I used to go watch them with my mate and his old man.

All in the prep yes, but I usually miss something no matter how much I check.
Still don't know what happened with the paint either, been as careful as I can be tonight to get the measurements perfect and I recon it has come out the lighter colour again.
But I'll hold it against the other tomorrow night when it's dried, and fingers crossed it is good.
So, painting commenced about 8:15 and finished, all packed up for 9:15, would have started a little earlier but got roped into doing some other bits and bobs o_O
The list is growing too, work to do all over the garden, she wants the patio making bigger, about 70 450mm x 450mm slabs bigger, some slabs to put at the back of the garage for all my Land Rover related crap, well they're free so I might as well (even if they are those big heavy bastards :eek:)
Last night she was saying how she wants some stones down the side of the drive so you don't have to walk on the grass.
And tonight's revelation is she wants a box/seat building around the tree so the dogs don't keep digging around it.
And she was saying, 'you could do with some in front of your sheds too'
Said I want to get my Land Rover movable first (without pushing it) as their will be loads of stuff to get up and down the drive and it's in the way.
Said she's happy as long as it's done before winter so that can go to the bottom of the list for the time being.

Anyway, the paint..

And I had a bit left in the pot so I got the floor pans from the shed and splatted some on them too..

It's a canny trek from Doncaster to Newcastle. Did you used to live up here?

We all miss bits and bobs every now and then. I doubt you've missed much.

I know nothing about painting and it's appealing to me less and less. However, I wonder if because it's a light colour shade that it is less forgiving in terms of slight variations as opposed to a dark blue or something? Just a thought.
That painting looks the mutts! What process do you go through from prep to finished to achieve that if you don't mind explaining please :)
It's a canny trek from Doncaster to Newcastle. Did you used to live up here?

We all miss bits and bobs every now and then. I doubt you've missed much.

I know nothing about painting and it's appealing to me less and less. However, I wonder if because it's a light colour shade that it is less forgiving in terms of slight variations as opposed to a dark blue or something? Just a thought.

Nope, have always lived in Doncaster mate, just my mate and his old man where Newcastle mad (pretty sure he was from up their originally) and got asked to go every now and again.
I know what you mean about the paint too, I am starting to wonder why I bother with it at times, it is a lot of work, but then it also saves me a lot of money, I know I can get reasonable results, it's just getting them consistently with a good colour match, but their are a lot of variables for me as I have no real control over temperature, humidity etc.. It was about 10 degrees when I painted the first item a month or so ago, it's now 20 degrees, maybe that isn't helping either, but worst case scenario I have to find somewhere to blow it all over in one go, at least doing it in bits I have got everything painted inside and out which would be rather more difficult once built up.

And I would agree with the light colour thing, I think some are just more tolerant to it than others, out of the 5 I have done one other went a bit wrong too, that was grey and funnily enough that was the doors too.

That painting looks the mutts! What process do you go through from prep to finished to achieve that if you don't mind explaining please :)

Thanks :) I can explain the process no problem, but give me a couple of days and I'll do it when I've got a mo bud.
Little bit more of an update, Monday night I just had a little bit of a tidy, and got the panels I'd painted stored safely in the shed ready for fitting in another month or so..

Tuesday I cut the new indicators in, just steady away with a file so I didn't **** up.
I don't mind the 300tdi style, or the td5/tdci style, it's just the 200tdi ones that just seem really bulky and blocky, much prefer the above, so that is what I have done.

And then last night I got the wings painted and the front spats.

And had a little bit leftover again so did the trans tunnel.

New seatbox ends turned up today, but can't really be bothered tonight, so a job for the weekend I think, oh and bought a new camera the other day, about bloody time too :oops:
Haha, I might have known that was coming, only picture I have at the mo and didn't take anymore, will see what I can do later though.

Seems to be the way, but I'd rather help him where I can than have to pay someone to do it, especially when money is tight, and it means I get my money back sooner too :eek:

The settee wasn't the plan :oops: She had a welping box all set and ready, I tried to put her in it before I bogged off back outside, she jumped straight out of it and back on the settee.
Came back 10 minutes later and she had already started :eek:

Is yours due anytime soon? Hope hers goes well bud.

Sorry Aaron, missed the reply. Yes, she's due at the end of this month. Your puppies look awesome. I'll have to get her whelping box built this weekend. I can't believe how big she is, literally growing everyday!

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