So today I got the head lights working again. Can yer guess what it was?
The bloody bulbs :doh: :eek:
But still nice easy fix.
Had another fiddle with the exhaust although I need some clamps to finish it and ordered some 10mm bar to make some hangars.
Then just generally tidying bits and bobs up.
Got diff lock light working again. And found the connector for the reverse switch on the zf box, so another couple of electrical jobs knocked off.

Got my seal kit and 3200rpm spring from the states yesterday too.
Hopefully that little spring will make some difference.
Wont be using all of the seal kit. I only need to replace the throttle shaft o-ring, but will replace any others I can in the process.


Going to get it out the back yard next weekend so I can get it finished as being their is now hindering me.
Can't fit the hd springs as it wont come though the garage then, so can't fit the shocks.
Same goes for the roof, so can't re-trim and fit the head lining, or ply line the sides, or wire the back door up etc...
One thing leads to the other and it's annoying me now. Still a fair bit to do but can't get at it.

No pictures of any work as I only found the camera this evening.
Well as I mentioned the other day, it's coming out of the back yard this weekend.
So I've started ordering the bits I need to finish. So theirs a few goodies arriving this week :)
Although I'm wanted to work on Saturday by 2 people. Not sure if I want to now I've got a plan in my head though.
But still it's nice to be able to turn work down. Can't believe the turn around this year has had :eek:


And also ordered 5x2m of carpet lining. Plan is to re-trim the roof lining, ply and carpet the sides and anywhere else if theirs anything left.
Was going to order 10m but no funds in bank account.
Whether I get this far is another matter anyhow.

Well plan A went out of the window and I ended up working yesterday.
Brother was working so had no helping hand to take the garage to bits so thought I might as well go too.
I could have had a day doing little bits or re-trimming the headlining but decided to go with the money instead.

Wasn't a late finish so I got a couple of hours to start moving some stuff out of the way to give me a head start for this morning.
So come 8:30 this morning I was outside ready to go, just doing odd bits until brother got up. I'd usually not go outside until 10:00 ish at the earliest, but I had a plan and I didn't want to fail seen as I'd already lost a day.

So out it came, the first job was to get the roof, sides and back door all setup and bolted down fully.


The job I wanted to get done most was the new springs.
So what I have fitted is britpart 90 hd rear springs with a 290lbs rating.
The length is exactly the same as originals, but the difference in coil thickness is massive.


Chuffed with how it sits to be honest, it's sat a little nose up at the mo, but with the weight how long it stays like that is anyones guess.




Started putting all the dash, clocks etc back together and generally clearing the interior out.
Can also see the very simple high/low and diff lock levers I made. (Well they'll do for now until I can afford pneumatic rams)


And had a little tidy in the engine bay, tidying cables etc..


So after months in hibernation it seems I'm finally getting somewhere. Well atleast bits are getting bolted on properly for the final time :)
That looks amazing mate. But I think I speak for us all that we need to see a video of that beasty engine running.
That looks amazing mate. But I think I speak for us all that we need to see a video of that beasty engine running.

Cheers mate :) Will try and get one shortly, will have to borrow a decent phone to do it on mind :eek:

Good going buddy. Getting loads done. Whats the list of things to be done?

Cheers bud, feels like I'm finally getting somewhere now.
Had a decent day today doing the head lining so something like this now.

Ply line and carpet sides.
Make hole bigger in rear quarter for exhaust.
Make exhaust mounts.
Fit 3200 rpm spring and new o-ring on throttle shaft spindle as it started leaking.
Then just little bits like fitting a radio etc...
And no doubt other little bits and bobs I can't remember of the top of my head.
So a good day has been had today, well I say day, I worked this morning but was rained off and was home for dinner time.
Still it suited me as time is very scarce at the mo.

I ordered some carpet a week or so ago and I'm sick tripping over it so decided to get the head lining re-trimmed.

Rear section first.



Stripped the old material off.



And used an off-cut to do the little piece at the rear.




And finally the front piece. Probably the most tricky to do, but all went very well considering.
And chuffed with the outcome.




And even got time to fit it. Only held in with a couple of clips for now as I've ordered some black ones (which haven't arrived yet :rolleyes:) but should look better than white ones.

So I had a late start this morning, went outside at 10:15, or so I thought. Bloody 11:15 :eek: :doh:

Anyway, it was ****ing it down which put my plans to ****. I had planned to do the last mechanical bits, but couldn't be arsed rolling around on the floor in the rain.
So I decided to ply line and carpet the sides. Still in and out of the rain, but at least it wasn't constantly.

Probably the most time consuming job was to measure and cut the ply.
To be fair it'd have been much easier if I had a jigsaw. Still the old handsaw got their eventually.
Did the drivers side first and once that was done the passenger was nice and easy as I had a template.


Carpet applied with lashings of glue.


And fitted, using a hand-full of m6 bolts.


The rain then eased off this afternoon so got the exhaust mounts sorted and made the hole in the rear tub bigger.
Hole was just under 3" before, but filled it out when I first did the exhaust so I could mock it up and weld it up.
But I didn't fancy using a file to remove another 15mm or so, so I bought a die grinder and that went through it lovely :D


And another job I did the other day that I forgot about was to fit a stainless braided turbo oil feed hose. Better than the other one that was just using what I had.

You're getting really close to driving it now, I bet the excitement is rising.

Aye, very much so bud :) Can't wait.
To be fair it's been ready for a test drive for a while, but I'll just finish it properly first, no point in rushing after all this time.
So I was rained off from work this morning, not a lot I could do in the rain at home either :mad:
But then I was bored by dinner time, so I went out to use the rest of the carpet up.
Now having ply lined and carpeted the van sides last weekend, I thought the rest of it looked a bit crappy and the air tank looks ****'e too!

So I've took it out and fitted it underneath at the rear. Why I didn't do this from the start I'll never know! :doh:
Just need to sort some bits and bobs out to extend the pipework, plus move the governor to the engine bay somewhere.
And I'd like to make some form of guard to protect it too.



Used the rest of the carpet up, saving just enough for the rear door card.
Looks much tidier without the air tank too :)


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You certainly do a nice neat job. It's starting to look like a professional trim service has been at work.

Is the air apparatus going to be happy exposed to the elements under there?

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