Agree that you need to give it a good run before reading too much into that. My 200 TDI smoked when I first got it and it needed a good run up to speed to burn all the oil that had got in the manifold during unloading from trailer and fitting etc.

I would imagine that yours would need a really hard run to get it hot. I struggle to get mine above 80 degrees.
Yes, I get that too. People come up and ask me to fix their cars. Usually little things, like a woman the other day who couldn't get her door to lock, or someone a while ago whose lights would not turn off on her Subaru. Not knowing anything about these models I was a bit pessimistic but we found a switch she'd never noticed before on her steering column and the lights went off. A man asked me to help him start one of these the other day
VOLVO C70 2.3 T5 2dr Convertible for sale in Birmingham | Auto Trader It was only a flat battery fortunately so we got him rolling again pretty quickly. I had a good nose under the bonnet while I was at it. "You must know a lot about cars" he said. I wouldn't consider myself an expert. it's mostly what I read on Landyzone.

I had it once or twice when we first moved here. They've since all fallen out with me :lol:

Be careful that they weren't just scoping what you had in your shed/drive... It has been known mate..

Most definitely bud. It was the first thing that crossed my mind when they walked down the drive.
Like I said it all seemed a little strange and worrying.

Definitely agree with this. You really want to get those cameras rigged up ASAP marey. :)

Yep :( I really need to find a barn in the middle of nowhere to work out of so I haven't got silly money sat on my drive day in day out for everyone to see.
Or build a big garage in the back garden. If I was aloud :eek:

Agree with the above, get some security rigged up

Aye, I try to be already, it's just how far do you go.

Agree that you need to give it a good run before reading too much into that. My 200 TDI smoked when I first got it and it needed a good run up to speed to burn all the oil that had got in the manifold during unloading from trailer and fitting etc.

I would imagine that yours would need a really hard run to get it hot. I struggle to get mine above 80 degrees.

Yeah. This is what everyone is telling me.
My concern is it's worse than people are thinking and theirs an underlying problem.
Still I've nothing to loose so I'm going to give it a try at the weekend if I get time.
On a slightly happier note.
Some more carpet and glue turned up. So I got my rear door card finished and fitted :)


Sorry to see that Aaron. Rebuild or replace?

Yes. Me too :(
I think I just died a little inside knowing I'll have to pull the engine out one way or the other.
Not really sure what to do at the mo.
Rebuild would be the best, but not sure how many other worn out parts I'll find.
Replacement is possibly the cheaper, easier option.
So I didn't write how the above pictures came about so I'll try and explain a little.

Someone on another group elsewhere posted about how they had bronze coloured flakes in their oil when removing the sump.
People were mentioning main bearings etc.
Now this got me thinking back to when I first pulled mine off and I had a little of the same. So what with the current issues I got slightly worried.

Any way I decided to pull the sump this morning for a quick check.
What I found was far worse than I'd ever imagined :(
I first pulled one big end.
I found lots for scoring to both the crank and the shell.
I retired back inside for a while thinking "**** it's f*cked"
Which was the above pictures, but I'll stick them up again.



Anyway I went back out and decided to pull the rest for a look.
While all the shells where scored. The crank scoring was worse on some than others.
The one above was probably the worst.


With the mains checked (f*cked) I decided I'd best check the big ends.
And again lots of wear :(


The tops where worse than the bottoms.



I got to the last one and... Yep. one spun bearing :(


Said spun bearing when removed.


So what's the plan. I honestly don't know, I feel like crying. And at the moment I feel like burning the bloody thing.

A rebuild would give me a good engine, but how many other worn out knackered parts am I going to find.
Plus the crank will need a regrind etc..
Or find another engine and do a straight swap. I'll just make sure to check it properly when the sump is off this time :(

Either way I think I died a little inside when I realized the engine needs to come out which ever way I go.
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It must feel devestating fella. Your passion for this stuff is clear to see, don't give up (or burn it). Maybe in a few days (maybe weeks) time you can look at this as an oppertunity to make it an even better landy.

Really gutted for you, I know how it feels when you have put your heart and soul in to things.

If it were me I would rebuild, at least that way you know things are done correct not trusting someone else's word that it is a "good" engine.
I'm really sorry to hear that. I had imagined that being designed for work in lorries and busses those engines would go on for ever.

If I were you I'd go for a regrind and new bearing shells (if they're available in oversize for this engine - I've no idea). Plus take the head off for a look at valves, bores, rings etc. while you're at it. Another second hand engine isn't necessarily going to be any better than the one you've got.

All the brackets and pipes are made up for it, and all the nuts and bolts are nice and new, so it'll be a lot quicker than putting it together in the first place.
Feel for ya mate! But like you said if you rebuild, your gonna have one hell of a nice vehicle :D
And on the plus side for the rest of us- more pics and updates from ya good self;)
Good luck which ever you choose
That sucks man. Oil starvation?

If you decide to go the replacement route can I have 1st dibs on the wrecker for a long term rebuild?
Feel for you.

Your work on the rebuilds is first class and I reckon everyone who's read this thread is willing the thing to get finished. Take a day or two away from it. Sure it will be a cracker when it's done!
****e mate
I feel for you, take a few days before you jump in
If it needs a rebuild You would be the man to do it
Aww, man. Is that what was causing the smoke? What happened?

Not really sure, but either way it's another problem that needs sorting :(

really gutted for you aaron, you've put a lot of time and hardwork into this :(

Cheers bud :) It'll get their eventually.

It must feel devestating fella. Your passion for this stuff is clear to see, don't give up (or burn it). Maybe in a few days (maybe weeks) time you can look at this as an oppertunity to make it an even better landy.


Not to worry I'll not burn it really :eek: As ****ed off as I am.
I'm more ****ed off with myself that I hadn't realized until now and that I've got to rip it all out again to start all over when it was actually ready for the road.

Really gutted for you, I know how it feels when you have put your heart and soul in to things.

If it were me I would rebuild, at least that way you know things are done correct not trusting someone else's word that it is a "good" engine.

Yep :( More so on this one than any other I've done, I seem to have become attached to this one.
Although resent issues have made me want to distance myself from it, I've had selling thoughts more than once. But I just can't do it really.

Yep. Completely agree ref rebuilding the engine. This was meant to be a "Good" engine :rolleyes:
I'm just not sure how much is going to be good enough to put in a rebuilt motor.
Which ever way I go I'd like to strip it and see how bad it is inside.

I'm really sorry to hear that. I had imagined that being designed for work in lorries and busses those engines would go on for ever.

If I were you I'd go for a regrind and new bearing shells (if they're available in oversize for this engine - I've no idea). Plus take the head off for a look at valves, bores, rings etc. while you're at it. Another second hand engine isn't necessarily going to be any better than the one you've got.

All the brackets and pipes are made up for it, and all the nuts and bolts are nice and new, so it'll be a lot quicker than putting it together in the first place.

They're meant to be hardy old engines. But they can only take so much stick.
Servicing probably wasn't top of priority late in it's life, run low on oil etc. Hence the scoring on the crank, and a spun big end bearing.

If I rebuild it I'll take the head off as the rings are probably past their best if the bottom end is like this.
As much as I'd like to rebuild this, I'm not sure I've got enough time to spend on it at the mo and would take months.
Another engine is the easy option, most bits off this will just swap over if theirs any differences, so would still bolt straight in.
I don't know. I don't know what to do, my heads f*cked.

Feel for ya mate! But like you said if you rebuild, your gonna have one hell of a nice vehicle :D
And on the plus side for the rest of us- more pics and updates from ya good self;)
Good luck which ever you choose

Cheers bud, their'll be plenty more to come :) I just didn't expect it to come about like this :(

That sucks man. Oil starvation?

If you decide to go the replacement route can I have 1st dibs on the wrecker for a long term rebuild?

I recon so mate. The scoring on the crank and shells is like metal on metal, i.e no oil. Although some are worse than others.
Plus a spun big end.
I'd say it's been run low on oil at some point in the past, some crap has got in the oil or just down right ****'e maintenance.
Just seems a lot of damage for wear and tear to me.

Oh and yeah I'll let you know when I decide which way I'm going.
Although another engine is seeming like the way at the mo. Problem with that is having something to collect it in, but I'll sort something one way or the other.
I might be able to help you with an engine got one with only 130000 kilometres on it. If your interested mate give me a pm. But I am gutted for you as like others have said you have put some effort and work into it.

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