My mate has decided to go for the conversion himself, which is fine by me, I would have had to do it in his workshop anyway. So I will be able to help.

He has a chance of a 110 with a NA diesel that needs a bit of tidying up, we think it's a 1990 or thereabouts.

Ah, fair enough. Let me know how it goes :) And don't forget the pics :D

Love reading these threads, good work.

Did you learn how to do it yourself just by taking things apart?

Cheers bud :)
Some stuff is self taught, like painting, welding etc.
I was a mechanic for a few years when I left school, so I had mechanical experience before starting any rebuilds.
Not that we ever worked on 90/110's through the company. Think I worked on one 110 in about 4 years, and that was only brake pipes.
But the lad I used to work with was the one who got me into lr's. He had one so used to do odd bits on that with him on a weekend.
I guess the the landrover side of it is self taught, but it's only nuts and bolts like any other car and theirs nothing much that isn't doable by a home mechanic or overly difficult.
I dare say I've learnt more since leaving by just having a go myself. Stuff like gearbox's, transfer boxes.
But then without the initial experience I doubt I would have.
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Well I have decided I need to get this moving again.
It's started to annoy me that it just sits their un-finished, and makes me think I should have just left the 200tdi in it and the extra money spent would have put it on the road by now.
But hay-ho, too late now and will be worth it in the end.

Plus the fact I've been looking for another project, and it seems silly to have half finished stuff everywhere. So I need to at least get it roadworthy. Not that I have much enthusiasm for it anymore :(
Not that I'm having much luck finding another project :frown:

First port of call was to stick some charge in the batteries for an hour.
Turned the key and she cracked straight up after not being started for a good while. So that gave me a big grin as it sat their rumbling away and thought "Yeah that's why I did it :D"

Anyway. That gave me a little bit of enthusiasm to get some little jobs done.
Some of you remember the turbo clocking discussion.
Well I made the decision I want it right. I.e oil feed into the top.
So I took it off again today, I had very little hope that it would move if I'm honest. But it gave up easier than I thought it would :eek:
(But maybe I hit it harder than last time. As now it was either going to move, or break and get a new one :eek:)
Big copper hammer did the trick :D


So with the turbo refitted and the drain coming out the bottom I had to alter the oil drain pipe.
Just cut it off and re-welded the straight bit on.
Will also be tee'ing the vac pump return into it. But left my drill at work so couldn't drill a hole in it to weld the other pipe in :doh:


I did a couple of other jobs, connected the speedo cable, re-fitted the horn.
I also bought some rear shocks last week. I needed a couple of odd bits, so ordered these to make the order up and get free delivery :eek:

I had scratched my head during the main build as to what shocks to fit and couldn't make my mind up.
But having fitted them to my brothers 90 I decided to use the same as they seem pretty good and are very reasonably priced.
Will order the fronts when I order some HD springs.

So they where fitted too. Then I was rained off at about 1pm ish :mad:
So I spent this afternoon ordering a few more bits and bobs for next week. When hopefully the weather will be better.

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Good to see you're getting motivated again, with all the work that's gone into it so far it would be a real shame not to finish it and drive the thing.
Nice work buddy. I always have respect for guys that can carry out work like that when they dont have nice warm spacious garage to work in

And SOD the neighbours. As has been said previously, unless your making noise before 7am and after 9pm, they havent a leg to stand on.

I always enjoy these Cummins builds as i plan one myself some day. Whats the future plans for the engine? Very easily tuneable to give HUGE torque/power. Inline fuel pump, sightly bigger turbo and your rockin..
Good to see you're getting motivated again, with all the work that's gone into it so far it would be a real shame not to finish it and drive the thing.

Cheers and agreed :)
That's why up to press I've just let it sit their, instead of making rash decisions like selling it.
Just want it somewhere near finished now. Even if I only do little bits at a time.

Nice to see the ball is rolling again mate, love your work!

Cheers bud :) Hopefully be some more regular updates now.

Nice work buddy. I always have respect for guys that can carry out work like that when they dont have nice warm spacious garage to work in

And SOD the neighbours. As has been said previously, unless your making noise before 7am and after 9pm, they havent a leg to stand on.

I always enjoy these Cummins builds as i plan one myself some day. Whats the future plans for the engine? Very easily tuneable to give HUGE torque/power. Inline fuel pump, sightly bigger turbo and your rockin..

Cheers mate :)
Yeah, it's crap working in a pokey little garage or out in the rain, but all I have at the mo. Definitely get more done if I had somewhere decent to work.

Plans for the engine. Short term probably just a 3200rpm spring, fuel pin as I have one knocking about already and just a pump tweak.
First things first, get it on the road and iron out any problems before any engine playing.
Long term hx35w, injectors. Who knows their is lots of options. I guess how much the axles will take will determine that though :eek:
Yeah Dana 60 axles will prob be needed if lots of tweaking planned..

Yeah. My thoughts too, or at least salisburys. Although to be honest I haven't built it for massive power.
If the Cummins was a plan from day one things may have been built different. Whereas now I don't want to undo what has already been done.

I think with a slight pump tweek, 3200rpm spring and fuel pin it should be driveable enough with plenty of torque compared to a tdi.
Although a wastegated hx35 in place of the h1c in the future would be nice :)
So another small update. Just been doing little bits and bobs really. But then I guess they're the ones that take the most time.
I had ordered a load of bits for this weekend last Sunday, some have turned up, some haven't, bloody useless twunts :rolleyes:

Anyway, first job was to change the high pressure pas hose.
Why? Well that blew off about 4 months ago when I was trying it lock to lock. So got a one piece hydraulic hose made to measure.
Job done and it didn't blow off :eek:

I was having a problem with my gauges working intermittently. Sometimes they did, sometimes they didn't.
Initial thoughts where earths. But checked and checked again and nothing.
Ended up being a loose fuse holder in fuse box. Bent the pins in a little and seems to have done the job.

As I said last week, I was going to tee the vac pump oil return into the turbo return.
Couldn't buy one, so had to make one :)
So remembered to bring my drill home from work this week to get the job done.
I really do need to build a bench in the garage instead of laying on the floor when welding.


Next job was to make a gear stick.
So made it extend forwards so it would sit in the original position with the thoughts of using the original gator. But now it wont fit over :doh:
Guess I'll have to re-think that then. Also needs cutting down as it's too long at the mo.
And the interior is in various states of repair :eek:


And the next job. New engine mounts.
The more time I have had to think about things, I realize some things could be done better, so now I'm going back on myself slightly.
But it's all for piece of mind more than anything else and would probably be fine as it is.

So what I have bought is a set of QT captive engine mounts, these are made for the original 200tdi or v8.
And as I'm on the same mounts I can utilize this.
I really didn't like the thought of an extra 200kg on the rubber bobbin mounts, they can split in two with the 200tdi never mind with the extra weight.

Although to be honest, for what they are they're a bloody fortune :eek:


So seen as the 90 is on the back garden on the grass I needed somewhere solid to do it. I.e the patio :eek:
So it was at this point it moved under it's own steam for the first time :banana:
Still, it was only down the garden, can't wait to take it down the road. Just nice to know it actually moves now :lol:


Tomorrows job is to start the exhaust. But as I said earlier, one of the deliveries that didn't turn up was some exhaust bits and turbo oil feed pipes.

Also need to look at the head lights as they seem to have gone bandy.
put side and dip beam on and all's good.
Put main beam on and only side lights stay on.
We'll see if I get around to it. Hopefully it's something simple.
Great to hear that it moves Aaron! Well done! Loving the engine mounts. Also like the overhead pic. Gives a bit of scale to how big the engine is lol.
Great to hear that it moves Aaron! Well done! Loving the engine mounts. Also like the overhead pic. Gives a bit of scale to how big the engine is lol.

Cheers bud :)
Yeah, it's been ready to move for a while, I've just not had the interest to even try.
Engine mounts are good. But expensive for what they are :eek:
But it gives me a lot more piece of mind that the engine isn't going to go anywhere. So worth the cost to me.

Aaron this is some of your best work. I'm so ruddy envious. :)

Cheers mate :), and don't be, I've even stopped keeping a check on what I've spent :eek:
Just want it finished now, one way or the other.

Another great thread, I'm in awe mate! Well done and keep at it - you're nearly there.

Thanks mate :)
Not far off now no. Making the exhaust is probably the biggest job now.
Even though all the little jobs will take the most time.
Planning to do the same conversion to my 110. Just need to have some fun with my 4.6 first. Just wish id known about the cummins conversion before i started to build my v8. Yes the V8 might sound better but there aint no way i can get 700lb ft of torque out it lol
Planning to do the same conversion to my 110. Just need to have some fun with my 4.6 first. Just wish id known about the cummins conversion before i started to build my v8. Yes the V8 might sound better but there aint no way i can get 700lb ft of torque out it lol

Yes. V8's sound well, but I'm a diesel man at heart. Well I don't like the cost of petrol for a start :eek: :eek:
R.E the cummins. Well I just wish I'd done it from day one. It'd have made it much easier than f*cking about after.
But hey it's to late for that.
I'd love to do another one, now I know more about the conversion I wouldn't be going back on myself like now. Again it'd be easier than this time around.
Who knows, maybe in a couple of years, when hopefully I have a decent work space.
So what did I do Sunday, well not a bloody lot. While I was outside most of the day, I couldn't say what I did :eek:
Exhaust went out the window until I get all my bends, so I can mock it up properly.

Now I don't usually do lists. But I seemed to have little jobs to do all over the place so thought it'd be best to do so.
And jobs seem to be coming out of nowhere, when they've worked at one point. Like the head lights :mad:
Anyway. This is roughly what's left on the list.

  • Make exhaust.
  • Make diff lock selector.
  • Make high/low selector.
  • Find/buy/fit suitable hd springs.
  • Buy/fit front shocks.
  • Sort head light fault.
  • Re-fit and tidy interia when certain everything works.

Some of it can't be done anyhow. Like the front springs and shocks as it'll sit too high and not go back though the garage when I'm ready to do so.
Which once it's out of the back garden, I can get the roof bolted down solid.
Build the back door up
Re-trim headlining and ply line and carpet the back. And probably a couple of other finicky little jobs I've forgot.

Oh and see. Another jobs just popped into my head that I'd not put on the list yet.
I noticed the other day that diesel was leaking out of the throttle spindle on the injection pump.
To say I was ****ed off was an understatement :mad:
But I've ordered a seal kit and while it's in bits I'll also fit a 3200rpm spring to the pump.
So not the end of the world really.
Well still no exhaust bits :mad: ****ed off would be an understatement :(
That was meant to be this weekends job. But never the less I painted a roof instead.
And managed to get a couple of hours on this.
Cut the gear stick down a little and fitted a shiny new gear knob.

Then the attention turned to the high/low selector and diff lock selector.
Now from the start I had planned to make use of the on board air and use air actuators.
But that's more money and I just want it done now, and I can always upgrade at a later date.
The key for now is to just make it function.
So I used a piece of 10mm steel bar, bent to suit and brought out next to the drivers seat for the high/low.
Just push forwards or backwards, no pivots or linkages, just nice and simple. Crude? maybe. But it works and functions very well.

Diff lock much the same. Brought out of the transmission tunnel just in front of the seat box.
But twist instead of push/pull.

Still got the issue with the lights. Tried another switch and still the same.
So need to start looking a little more in-depth at that. God I hate electrics :eek:
Well i have just spent the entire afternoon engrossed in your thread. I don't have a Land Rover myself (yet) but it has definately motivated me to get one. The amount of work you have done, just in your garage, no ramps no fancy tools. Just a bit of elbow grease and attention to detail! there are some jobs i would be a bit nervous about undertaking - electrics/ gearbox or stripping an engine - but it's great how much help and info you can get on here. Alot of effort going in to this. Amazed you ha the patience to document it all throughout. Look forward to reading more threads like this.
Well i have just spent the entire afternoon engrossed in your thread. I don't have a Land Rover myself (yet) but it has definately motivated me to get one. The amount of work you have done, just in your garage, no ramps no fancy tools. Just a bit of elbow grease and attention to detail! there are some jobs i would be a bit nervous about undertaking - electrics/ gearbox or stripping an engine - but it's great how much help and info you can get on here. Alot of effort going in to this. Amazed you ha the patience to document it all throughout. Look forward to reading more threads like this.

Thanks for taking the time to read and the kind comments :)

Electrics are my biggest worry, although lr's aren't too bad as their isn't much on them :lol:
The gearbox was easier than I thought and the engine is just nuts and bolts really.
But like you say, theirs lots of advice on here if you do get stuck.

It certainly has had it's fair share of work, but it's what I enjoy :) Infact outside of work it is the only thing I do.
And to be fair I like documenting on these threads too.
It's nice to get others thoughts/opinions/outlook on things and on the bad days I can look back and think "Yeah, It's actually come along way since the start"
So midweek the exhaust bits came (finally) :rolleyes:
Exhaust is made from a mixture of everything to be honest. Mild steel, stainless, slotted bends, weldable bends etc...
Just depended on what I could get in the angles I needed.
Although full stainless in the future is what I want.

Anyway after many hours f*cking around yesterday trying to get it to suit it's now somewhere near.
Just need to make some hangars for it now, get a few more exhaust clamps and make the hole in the rear tub bigger.
Oh and no silencers :eek: Don't think that'll last long though :eek:

Ordered some hd springs and front shocks this morning, so that's next weeks job.
Finally some where near? :eek: Who knows!
Need to get it out of the back garden so I can get the roof bolted down properly, re-trim and fit the headlining, and generally sort the interior.

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