Another good step is to report him to the tax & VAT offices. Believe me, when the VAT peeps cone intoa company they go through everything - and i mean EVERYTHING.
Is it safe to assume the new job is going well? Does your boss know he is depriving hundreds of your fans of their daily rebuild updates on this and the td 5?
Well that's approximately £399 more than I've got in mine.

Ok, so maybe I'm not as bad off as I thought :eek::monitor_punch:

Well I've got a little classic triumph spitfire in need of restoration. :)

Nice :) Is this a new purchase?

Should start a new thread called" Aarons life rebuild thread" so not to be confused with the landy rebuild;)

Sounds about right :lol:
But, meh, I'm in a happier place at the mo :)
Unfortunately, he has found the EBay prices now so it got more expensive. So will see what happens, if he can break the rest of the truck and get decent money I might be ok. Stuff can be cheaper over here as there is less of a market, and sending a full engine over on the boat will take a big chunk of money in carriage. The same guy has a classic 4 door Range Rover with a knackered v8 in it, but the doors etc are a bit ropey, not sure if it's worth a project or stick out for a 110
Unfortunately, he has found the EBay prices now so it got more expensive. So will see what happens, if he can break the rest of the truck and get decent money I might be ok. Stuff can be cheaper over here as there is less of a market, and sending a full engine over on the boat will take a big chunk of money in carriage. The same guy has a classic 4 door Range Rover with a knackered v8 in it, but the doors etc are a bit ropey, not sure if it's worth a project or stick out for a 110

Ah, hopefully you get it for reasonable money bud.
Range rover would be nice, and that has been done before too so it's not venturing into the unknown.
Suppose it depends what you want to use the vehicle for in the end.
You know how my neighbours hate me.
Well I saw this picture of a friends garden today, I think mine should think their selves lucky :lol: :p

Hadn't looked into this thread for a few days. Congratulations on the new job. Sadly employment does cut into valuable Land Rover time though.
Yeah I see what you mean! that hedge hasn't been cut straight at all has it ;)


Hadn't looked into this thread for a few days. Congratulations on the new job. Sadly employment does cut into valuable Land Rover time though.

Cheers bud :) Like I've said, not a proper job so I'll be back in the same position sooner or later.
But it gives me some much needed cash flow for the time being.
Oh and no Land Rover time is poo :( Be better when the lighter nights come so I can have a couple of hours after work.
Ah, hopefully you get it for reasonable money bud.
Range rover would be nice, and that has been done before too so it's not venturing into the unknown.
Suppose it depends what you want to use the vehicle for in the end.

My mate has decided to go for the conversion himself, which is fine by me, I would have had to do it in his workshop anyway. So I will be able to help.

He has a chance of a 110 with a NA diesel that needs a bit of tidying up, we think it's a 1990 or thereabouts.

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