look at the shine of that chassis.... so jealous!! :p

:p Get saving, You know it makes sense :D
How many of these have you seen done? Just wondering what is known of how a 90 handles with something like that under the bonnet.

Thiers a couple been done in 90's, And quite a few more in 110's Problem with the 90 is the length, Rear prop could be quite short. 3 Needs a set of HD springs to take the weight as it's on it's arse at the mo. Infact it wouldn't be arse would it, So it's on it's nose to so to speak :p Hoping I don't need to fit a lift kit.
We soon will :D

Yeah it'll be fine :D
Are you going to have room for the air bottle in the engine bay?

How are you handling the PAS?

Are you changing the cam belt? - It looks like it is under that front cover so it would be a nightmare to change once the engine is fitted.

Are you doing a detailed list of all the modded parts you have to make so that we can all do one later :D Just about to get the keys for a 20 bay barn/garage between me and a couple of mates so will have somewhere to build something luny like......
yes mate, the teeth on mine look like a smack heads

:lol: I'll have a think mate.
Are you going to have room for the air bottle in the engine bay?

How are you handling the PAS?

Are you changing the cam belt? - It looks like it is under that front cover so it would be a nightmare to change once the engine is fitted.

Are you doing a detailed list of all the modded parts you have to make so that we can all do one later :D Just about to get the keys for a 20 bay barn/garage between me and a couple of mates so will have somewhere to build something luny like......

Ooh, I need a big barn like that :D

Power steering needs a prv fitting as the cummins pump, Pumps to much pressure for the LR steering box. I've no idea where to get one or how to fit this yet. Although it's the where to put it I don't know.

I'll be putting one of these in the back for onboard air.

No timing belt, Looks like this behind it (pic stolen from elsewhere)

Oh, And yes, I'll try and put in as much detail as possible if theirs interest.
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:lol: I'll have a think mate.

Ooh, I need a big barn like that :D

Power steering needs a prv fitting as the cummins pump, Pumps to much pressure for the LR steering box. I've no idea where to get one or how to fit this yet. Although it's the where to put it I don't know.

I'll be putting one of these in the back for onboard air.

No timing belt, Looks like this behind it (pic stolen from elsewhere)

Oh, And yes, I'll try and put in as much detail as possible if theirs interest.


I saw somewhere else where someone used a pressure reducer for the PAS. No time to look now as off to work but it'll be on one of the cummins/defender write ups.

I saw somewhere else where someone used a pressure reducer for the PAS. No time to look now as off to work but it'll be on one of the cummins/defender write ups.

Yeah, I know I need to use a pressure relief/reducing valve. It's the where to put it in the system I don't know at the mo. Will research it more when I get that far.
Is there enough room at the front of the wheel boxes to "hide" the air tank?(or two)

Only need one tank, As I'm only using it for air assist clutch.
Going to put it in the rear tub on top of the wheel box.

I guess you mean underneath the wheel box infront of the wheel?
Interesting actually, I recon it'd fit, Will have a measure up and see when I'm that far on.
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I think you're mad, bonkers, in fact I think you've lost the plot :D

Really looking forward to seeing this one up close and personal. :D
I think you're mad, bonkers, in fact I think you've lost the plot :D

Really looking forward to seeing this one up close and personal. :D

When I did my conversion it takes a little grit and determination to get it done and minor things cause most snags
I assume you're intending to drive this one, have you had an insurance quote for a 20 something driving a street legal dragster.

It's a lot of work if they want 3k to insure it

You should have sold the blue one as was and put the money into the red one because it looks to me it's the building not the driving you enjoy

To put that much money and time into the most stolen vehicle in the UK and leave it uninsured is nuts IMO

If it's not too late put the 200 back in and sell it
Not an overly great day, I got done what I had planed.
Which was to make the engine mount, Just took me longer than I thought.
But having never done anything like this it was a learning curve.

I've made this with what I had available. (some of the daf 45 chassis) So their's more holes than their should be :eek:
I may remake it at some point. But we'll see if it works first.
The main problem I had was making sure I could still remove and refit the bolts in the block once it was welded up.
But as I say, I've never done anything like this.

Anyway. I drilled to holes to suit the block.


Bolted to the block, Bent a piece of steel, Drilled a hole for the rubber and sat it on. Then tacked in place. Or not so tacked as it turned out as me gas was playing funny buggers, I was **** wet through and I'm a midget and couldn't reach :eek:


Added some side bits in before I took it off, Then welded it up.
Do these welds look ok?
Not ok as in look good, As look good they don't.
Not that I really doubt myself, Just never done anything critical before :)
Oh and where theirs a bit of weld missing is because of one of the many holes in the steel :eek:


Let it cool and bolted it on.


Engine can now support it's self :D


Not a lot of clearance. Some HD springs should help matters.

Great job Aaron.

Cheers :)
from the pics I can see undercut on one side and a slightly cold weld on the side :p should be ok

Cool, Should be ok, How would you test something like this? I did wack it with a big hammer :p
All good mate, time will tell once she's up and running eh

Yeah, Hopefully their wont be an engine on the floor :eek:
is it off centre that much or is that just the pic ?

It is of centre, So that the engine sits square in the engine bay. Although pic does make it look worse.

Edit. Do you mean the whole engine?
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Big hammer is the only way unless you have an xray machine :p

and yeah meant the whole engine

Will it had the big hammer test then :p
Yeah, I twigged after :doh:
To be honest I've just done the same as others have done, With a re-drilled tdi mount on the drivers side and make one for the other.

It looks worse as theirs no alternator, Exhaust manifold/turbo on.

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