It's fine on the drive IF it's insured

If it's not you need to keep it in the garage and nail it to the floor , keep the new one parked in front to block it in

there's a lot of passing traffic where you live , it's only since I've stopped working I've noticed how many drive arounds there are

I live in a cul de sac, 5 houses , at least twice a week there's a transit pickup looking for scrap driving about

They get everywhere and a nice restored landy parked on the drive would be an easy target

There most definitely is a lot of passing traffic, That's what worries me. It hardly blends in :eek: Not insured. But was thinking about layup policy.

Presumably, if your not working at the moment then you don't need the Landy on the road. So leave it locked up in the garage until you get another job.

I missed where the Red Shed came from, but guess its in a condition that does not make it attractive to steal?

Exactly, Just an expense I don't need.
I bought red shed as an impulse buy :eek: Paid for with savings, Which I don't like doing but should get money back regardless of outcome :)
Being out of work was part of the reason though, As it'll keep me busy and most importantly happy :)

You could strip the 90 back to bits and put parts in any spare bedrooms you have :D not that Ido :p but it's safe then and start on the new redshed .

:D If it was my house I would. Betterer than a damp shed :p

Or you could buy a 110 and put the stripped 90 in there :D

:eek: not allowed any more landrovers :eek:

Is there no one local to you that can store it for the price of a slab of beer.

I don't know any one with the space personally. I could probably find somewhere but I'm vary cautious about who to trust.

I'm a property professional (not lawyer) and this is fine advice.

In my experience Council officers are well used to, er, irrational, residents making complaints and are always very sensible.

The Council will not tell you who's complained but you might like to add that you can confirm your immediate neighbours have no objection, as you have already taken the trouble to discuss the matter with them.

Good luck fella, great thread!

Cheers for the advice :) Going to ring them tomorrow for a chat and see what they say.
Well it's been a while since I updated this and for the avid followers of my rebuild threads, You will know that I'm going to put a 6bt in this.
Long storey short is,
Bought another 90 to rebuild and put a 6bt in just steady away with no time constraints.
Thought what's the point in building something that isn't as good as this. So I wanted a galv chassis.
Now seeing as I'm not working I didn't want to spend £1200 on another chassis, Plus at least another few hundred quid doing the axles etc. just to get a good rolling chassis.
So I thought I'll put it in this, Seems the best option for me at the mo.
Although it's going to pain me to take the thing to bits again :(

Anyway, I didn't decide this straight away so I'll do a quick update from the last few weeks as to what has been done with the engine :p

Oh and here's a pic of said engine :D

The next few posts will be copied and pasted from my other thread for those that haven't read it :)
So this is how it came to me.
Neighbour came out shouting the odds.
"What is that thing!" :lol:


So as per my earlier post, Engine turned up at 8 o'clock this morning.
Neighbour must of seen hiab reversing on the drive. (It was a bloody tight squeeze)
And as soon as he had the engine in the air she came out shouting the odds.

"What the hell is that thing!"
"What is it"
"Look at it! What the hell is it"
"This is the last straw! what the hell are you building now"
"Send it back on your little truck"
"You're running a business and I'm going to report you"
"I'm always seeing them coming and going"
"I'm going to report you to the police"
I'm going to make your life hell"

Just a few of the things she was screaming at me.

I asked her not to shout and now's not the time for an argument.

She said, "Yes it is! And I'm shouting because of this bloody big truck"
:lol: I'd say a landrover is noisier, Daft bint.
Anyway I just turned around shaking my head.
So she then started shouting,
"Don't you turn your back on me!"

Hiab driver must have thought what the f*ck is going on :eek:
One thing I did learn though is that my immediate neighbour isn't happy with me either, Although she has never said anything to me. And I don't have a crystal ball :rolleyes:
Was the goby bitch above speaking for her though.

Any way. The engine :D
It's a bit bloody big :eek:





Took a few bits of so it's now ready to lift out when I get a helping hand.
Looks a bit more manageable with the rad etc. removed.


Removed air tanks, Only need one, But I'll keep the others as spares.
Oops, Theirs me hording again :eek:


Well I lifted the engine out of the DAF chassis today. Something which I was dreading as I've got to drag it a fair distance to the garage.

Anyway, I lifted the engine up, We tried to drag the engine crane but the engine kept getting caught on the chassis, So decided I'd pull the chassis from underneath the engine.
So attached a rope to brothers 90 and pulled it out :p



And dragged it all the way from up there :eek: Not the easiest of tasks on a cobley concrete driveway. Although the biggest problem was it kept wanting to going into the grass in the middle.
Got **** wet through in the process but I wanted it out over the weekend.
I must say I was impressed at how well the engine crane managed. Didn't even make any funny noises :p



So today I decided to split the engine and box, To make it easier to move about on my own more than anything, Although it's still a c*nt.
Will check the clutch while its out as well.


Decided I want to paint the block and give the engine a general tart up.
The original plan was to make the engine fit first, Remove it, Paint it up and refit.
But I can't afford a new chassis at the mo.
So until I can afford one I want to do as much as I can without spending to much.
So I'll do it now.
I don't know how far I'll take the strip down as yet, But decided to start with the exhaust manifold, Starter and alternator.

Well that didn't go to plan did it :(
Sheered 4 manifold bolts.
To be honest I did expect it.
Looked like they'd never been touched and rusty as f*ck.
So I either drill and try to use an easyout or drill and tap. Not sure which yet.


Manifold off, by ekk, Everything on this engine weighs a bloody ton :eek:


And where I finished the day, Only had a couple of hours in between the rain :mad:
Just need to think up a colour scheme at some point.

Not a lot again today.

Still don't know what to do, But I'm now thinking the best way is to take to tdi out of the blue one I've just built and stick the cummins in that.
Yes it's going to pain me to rip the thing to bits again but it means I get the galv chassis I want without having to start again spending money I don't really want to use.
Not a definite plan but it's the way I'm leaning at the mo.

Waiting for paint for the engine so decided to clean the exhaust manifold and turbo up.


Thought it'd be easier to do it with the turbo unbolted (It's rather heavy in one lump)


Manifold cleaned up.


And painted with some high temp stuff, I've got no idea how well it's going to hold up when it starts glowing :D But time will tell.


Then thought I best tackle the broken manifold bolts.
Decided to drill and tap as I didn't fancy braking a easyout in one as I'd be f*cked then.
So centre punched.


Hole drilled to 8.5mm


Ran a tap through, Can't say I enjoyed doing it, Kept thinking the tap would snap and f*ck me over even more.


And done. Only did 2, So 2 more to do tomorrow.


So I think I have finally came to a decision and the 6bt can go in the blue one I built.

So today I wanted to see what was involved in moving the oil pick up.
So I can come up with a plan and get it turned around for good.
Thinking just make it a flexi pipe as opposed to ridged.

So sump off.


Sumps pretty clean considering, So is the engine.


Clutch big enough, As I've said in the past everything on this engine is bloody heavy :eek:


Then moved the gearbox to the shed so I can give it a spruce up.


Needs a new release bearing as its quite noisy.


Well some paint turned up today, Not all of it, But the bit I need first did :)
2k epoxy primmer. Never used it but heard a lot of good things about it.
And my first impressions are the same.


And the reason I bought it, To paint the engine.
Will be painted red when it arrives.




Then gave the gearbox a bit of a wire brushing.


And painted. I know I seem to be doing things higgledy piggledy but I'm unsure what to do about the gearbox to lt230 adaptor.
So this keeps me going for a while, But I'd have preferred to test fit everything first.

On the plus side it means everything is clean(ish) when I do start trying to mate the lt230, Which I started cleaning today. Not the one I'm going to use but it'll do for mock up purposes.


So todays jobs was mainly to do with the sump.
Basically the sump needs to be reversed so the dip stick needs moving and the oil pick up needs moving.

So sump off.


Old pick up.


Removed pick up pipe and chopped the end off.


Now I had originally bought a length of rubber hose, But when I tried it their wasn't enough room for the bend and was kinking the pipe, Now I could have cut the flange (above) of and welded as 90 angle on it, But I've no gas for the welder.
So I had a hunt around and found this bit of pipe which has a 90degree bend on it all ready.
Hose was off the power steering reservoir for the daf 45. So that worked out well :D


Pipe cut to length and jubilee clipped.


Dip stick was knocked out from the sump side with a punch.


Knocked a core plug out and refitted at the back of the engine. Will deal with dip stick length when I get some oil in it. Also need to put a new core plug in where the dipstick used to be. Need to find a supplier that'll sell me just 1.


Sump was a mess to say the least.


So gave It a clean with the wire wheel and painted it.


And refitted.


So today I haven't done a lot, But the thing that had been worrying me is now in hand.
Yep that would be the gearbox/transfer box adaptor.
It may take a while but it's in good hands and now I know I can get them joined together I will start removing the old engine and buying the bits I need.
I only didn't in case things went tits up.

Then the paint turned up this afternoon, So I painted my engine.
It's, Erm, A bit bright :eek: Should look better with some black bits :)




And this is where I'm at as of today :)
gearbox/lt230 adaptor is going to be 3-4 weeks, But now I know it's getting done I will finally make a start.
Thinking about taking the 200 out this weekend.
Then possibly start putting the 6bt in next week :)
I've been putting everything off until I had this adaptor in hand, So will make a proper start now.

More engine painting today, Albeit not a lot.

First job was to paint the sump again as it got covered in red paint :rolleyes:
Then cleaned the air intake plate up.


Lick of paint :)


Next job, Get all the old paint off the injector pipes.
What a bloody boring long drawn out job that was :(



Started cleaning the rocker pots up back to bare ali, Paint was all flaking off and looked a mess so was the only option.
Now I've got two thoughts at the moment, Paint them blue (body colour) OR polish them.
What yer recon?


Painted and fitted a few bits to front of the engine.


Injector pipes painted and fitted, Along with air intake plate.




Black mate.... Was good to see it all in person today mate and have a catch up...

That 6bt is really huge in person the pictures just don't give it justice! lol

Keep up the good work pal
Black mate.... Was good to see it all in person today mate and have a catch up...

That 6bt is really huge in person the pictures just don't give it justice! lol

Keep up the good work pal

Cheers :)
Yep good to have a catch up, Come and have another gander when it's running :D

polish em!

Yep, That was my original thoughts.
Think it's look better than black and I've got plenty of time on my hands to do it, Best get reading how to do it then.
Good day today, Managed to get the engine and box out :banana: Which was the plan, But you never know what's going to happen.
It really does pain me to take it to bits again :( But needs must and at least it's easy :)

So engine and box coming out.


And out :p


Depresses me thinking how much effort I put into this engine and gearbox up to just take it out.


And then seen as it was still early I thought I'd offer the 6bt up :D
Only to give me an idea of how much bulkhead to cut away. As I want as much footwell left as possible.
Obviously it'd only go so far in and so far down, But it gave me a rough idea.



Where the bulkhead wants chopping and wants a bit off the other side.
Would have done it today but the bloody grinder broke yesterday :mad: So of to buy another tomorrow.

I will be up mate once it's running, it pains me to see it removed as well as you! Can't believe your taking it apart :'(
So went and bought a new grinder this morning, The old one actually has a 2 year guarantee but can't find the receipt :mad:

Cut the bulkhead, Went a bit mad on the drivers side, But I'll make it back up when everything Is in it's final resting place.

So with that done I put the engine back in to test, Yep it goes through :)

Used a re-drilled tdi mount on the drivers side (an idea I robbed from else where :eek: )
But need to make a mount for the passenger side, But I haven't got any welding gas to do it, So that's this weeks job.

This is roughly what it'll sit like.


And it's nose diving a bit with the weight of the engine :eek:

How many of these have you seen done? Just wondering what is known of how a 90 handles with something like that under the bonnet.

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