get it taxed and mot'd and park it out side his house with a sticker in the window advertising resprays.


Also tell him due to his intense interest in your current project you would like to offer him first dibs on buying your completed project. Maybe when he owns a landy he will realise and go away, tell him he can have it at a discounted price as your getting the next one ready!

I still wanna be nosey and find out what u paid for it! Pm me if you wish or tell me to mind my own :p
Yeah know what you mean mate, looked at cheapish unit prices last year when I did the welding and new head on Disco. Too expensive with running water and leccy just couldn't justify it.

At least on your own drive you can jump straight on it after work/weekends or whenever you get 5 mins.:)

A unit is only cost effective if you are doing it all the time. (Oh hang on a minute you are):D:D

Like you say its whatever your comfortable with. No point getting stressed.
If you want to ignore it for now then. Just keep all letters and make a note of date/time you do any loud banging for more than say 1 hour or use compressor.

Anyway stop wasting time on this dipstick and get on with the build threads:):p

Haha I am a stress head :eek: Infact when I think about it I've been rather happy of late (by my standards :eek:) Why? Because I haven't been at work. God I f*cking hate it. Stresses me to f*ck. But all over nothing really. Gaffa doesn't help with his flapping :rolleyes: Infact he's the cause of most of it.
So the more I think about it the more I would like to get a unit and work for my self. But I'm not sure it'd make money and the truth is I haven't got the bollocks to go ahead with it.

That's the only reason I'm doing it all the time. If I get any work it'll be back to just weekends and the odd evening. As I say I'd love to do it full time but....

get it taxed and mot'd and park it out side his house with a sticker in the window advertising resprays.

:lol: maybe he wants his Passat doing :D

Also tell him due to his intense interest in your current project you would like to offer him first dibs on buying your completed project. Maybe when he owns a landy he will realise and go away, tell him he can have it at a discounted price as your getting the next one ready!

I still wanna be nosey and find out what u paid for it! Pm me if you wish or tell me to mind my own :p

Yeah mind your f*cking own business :mad::p
Nah in all honesty I probably paid to much at £1300 to late now though.

maybe he wants his Passat doing(over):D

Driving over maybe :D

No maybe about that daz

get it taxed and mot'd and park it out side his house with a sticker in the window advertising resprays.

What he says but fit a camera inside to take video of his fuming face and post it on here or u-tube so we can all have a laugh :screaming_bug_eye_f
Some years ago a mate of mine had a neighbour who moaned every time he did anything on his car which was on his drive, not even on the street

It erupted into a full on slanging match in the street when he came out and took a picture of his untaxed car which he'd driven across the pavement with the front wheels on the road so he could brush under it.

It ****ed him off that much he measured his drive, them measured a mini

He worked out he could get a mini right on the end and still get past it to the house

A week later he bought a mini and parked it right on the end of his drive then brush painted every panel a different colour at night

When the guy opened his curtains the next morning he saw it and was round banging on the door with a purple face

My mate was calm and just said what are you going to do about it then shut the door

It was there for months until he scrapped it

Is there anything like this in your area £190 sounds cheap to me to be able to paint it in one go

Spray Oven Rental - Complete Car Care

I do find it ironic they've misspelt professional though :D

Also tell him due to his intense interest in your current project you would like to offer him first dibs on buying your completed project

Less of that bad langauge Robbie, 2nd dibs only please; other people have already 1st-dibbed it:D
Fair comment, I'll see how it goes if I do another.

Yeah, Compressor is definitely the loudest thing, But to be fair I don't use it that often as I can't be arsed to let it fill up.
I'd do a video to show people how loud it is but I haven't got anything to do it on. Thinking about it I think it's got a sticker on it that says 90db.
What's the worst that can happen, Erm I don't know but I guess if they deem it that bad they could stop me doing anything at all.

Cheers for the advice :) As I say we'll see how it goes.

Oh yeah, I agree it's the painting they'll nail me on. I know I shouldn't do it but I'm not paying for it done when I'm capable of doing it myself.
As far as I'm concerned it was done with a rattle can ;) and why sell them is shops if I'm not aloud to use them at home :)

His face will probably be as red as the 90 if I decide to buy it :pound:

Never new Sundays where not aloud. But if I work all week and only get Saturday/Sunday to work on it then I'd be working on it regardless :eek:

Brothers 90 is in my name anyway as it used to me mine.

Good tip on working on others vehicles as I do the odd bit's for a friend.

My mower has a sticker that says 96db on it so louder than your compressor. It's just an electric hayter to

Guys a prick imo
What he says but fit a camera inside to take video of his fuming face and post it on here or u-tube so we can all have a laugh :screaming_bug_eye_f
:lol: Think I'm going to have to knock the painting on the head. Multi coloured landrovers it is :eek:

Some years ago a mate of mine had a neighbour who moaned every time he did anything on his car which was on his drive, not even on the street

It erupted into a full on slanging match in the street when he came out and took a picture of his untaxed car which he'd driven across the pavement with the front wheels on the road so he could brush under it.

It ****ed him off that much he measured his drive, them measured a mini

He worked out he could get a mini right on the end and still get past it to the house

A week later he bought a mini and parked it right on the end of his drive then brush painted every panel a different colour at night

When the guy opened his curtains the next morning he saw it and was round banging on the door with a purple face

My mate was calm and just said what are you going to do about it then shut the door

It was there for months until he scrapped it

Is there anything like this in your area £190 sounds cheap to me to be able to paint it in one go

Spray Oven Rental - Complete Car Care

I do find it ironic they've misspelt professional though :D

Haha funny :lol:, Wait till a daf 45 turns up on my drive :D
Oh and that's a good find, I never new such places even existed :)
I'd pay that as well, And I'm a tight twunt.

Less of that bad langauge Robbie, 2nd dibs only please; other people have already 1st-dibbed it:D

;) what he says. F*ck George the neighbour :D

My mower has a sticker that says 96db on it so louder than your compressor. It's just an electric hayter to

Guys a prick imo

Yep I agree :D
Well today I pinched the bumper of the "red shed"
'tis a lovely galv one so goes with the chassis :D And it's nice and straight unlike the other one :eek:


And I'm now in a dilemma about how to deal with this.

So it's all but done now. Just wants rolling out of the garage. Roof and back door on, set of shock and then it's just the interior.
But I refuse to use savings to put it on the road so ideally I'd like to keep it in the garage. (Yes I'm **** scared of it going missing already :( )

But I would also like the red shed in the garage so I don't have to work in the rain Oh and of course to keep the noise down ;) So I really don't know what to do for the best :eek:
And I'm now in a dilemma about how to deal with this.

So it's all but done now. Just wants rolling out of the garage. Roof and back door on, set of shock and then it's just the interior.
But I refuse to use savings to put it on the road so ideally I'd like to keep it in the garage. (Yes I'm **** scared of it going missing already :( )

But I would also like the red shed in the garage so I don't have to work in the rain Oh and of course to keep the noise down ;) So I really don't know what to do for the best :eek:

So you don't mind spending money on another land rover but you refuse to pay for insurance so you can enjoy the one you've just spent a small fortune on.:confused:

You're not a Landy fan at all are you, you just doin up cars to **** your neighbour off:D:D

On a side note you could always buy a spray booth, erect in on the front drive and keep one of them in there.:eek:
So you don't mind spending money on another land rover but you refuse to pay for insurance so you can enjoy the one you've just spent a small fortune on.:confused:

I new this was coming :eek: New 90 was paid for with savings. Why? because no matter what happens I'll get my money back.
Insurance I would like to come out of wages money.
Might sound stupid but it's just the way I am :eek: (a weirdo)

You're not a Landy fan at all are you, you just doin up cars to **** your neighbour off:D:D

:eek: How dare you think I would try and **** my neighbours off :p
And nope landrovers are my passion and there's no doubt about that :)

On a side note you could always buy a spray booth, erect in on the front drive and keep one of them in there.:eek:

To be fair it "should" be fine on the drive. But you can't be to carful and never having had this much money in any motor before it's very worrying :eek:

It's fine on the drive IF it's insured

If it's not you need to keep it in the garage and nail it to the floor , keep the new one parked in front to block it in

there's a lot of passing traffic where you live , it's only since I've stopped working I've noticed how many drive arounds there are

I live in a cul de sac, 5 houses , at least twice a week there's a transit pickup looking for scrap driving about

They get everywhere and a nice restored landy parked on the drive would be an easy target
Presumably, if your not working at the moment then you don't need the Landy on the road. So leave it locked up in the garage until you get another job.

I missed where the Red Shed came from, but guess its in a condition that does not make it attractive to steal?
You could strip the 90 back to bits and put parts in any spare bedrooms you have :D not that Ido :p but it's safe then and start on the new redshed .
And I'm now in a dilemma about how to deal with this.

So it's all but done now. Just wants rolling out of the garage. Roof and back door on, set of shock and then it's just the interior.
But I refuse to use savings to put it on the road so ideally I'd like to keep it in the garage. (Yes I'm **** scared of it going missing already :( )

But I would also like the red shed in the garage so I don't have to work in the rain Oh and of course to keep the noise down ;) So I really don't know what to do for the best :eek:

Is there no one local to you that can store it for the price of a slab of beer.
DazDisco's plan to ring the council is the way to go. You need to introduce yourself and convince them you are sensible, considerate and reasonable. You'll do that by the very act of having the common sense to call them. Then calmly explain to the council the reasonable things you do;

  • I remember way back in the thread you saying you don't start with anything noisy until 10am.
  • You enclose the compressor in the garage, to suppress the noise.
  • You spray in the garage, to suppress the fumes.
  • You don't work late at night.
  • The frequency of the compressor usage is very low.
  • The frequency of spraying paint is very low (its a very expensive process so most work is prep- the actual painting process is brief with large times between coats)
  • Most of the work is socket sets and hand tools which are quiet

Your overall message is that the noise and fumes produced do not happen that often. AND being a reasonable and considerate person you have taken reasonable efforts to minimise them. Time limits, working in garage etc. You wont need to say that you are reasonable and considerate, saying the type of things in the list will hit the buttons the council are looking for.
Stay cool, mate :clap2:

I'm a property professional (not lawyer) and this is fine advice.

In my experience Council officers are well used to, er, irrational, residents making complaints and are always very sensible.

The Council will not tell you who's complained but you might like to add that you can confirm your immediate neighbours have no objection, as you have already taken the trouble to discuss the matter with them.

Good luck fella, great thread!

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