Well it's back to the blue bogeys and hair like straw today, Infact I even had a bit on one of me teeth :eek: Yep I painted me back door and it's the last of the painting :)

So etch primed.


And painted, I did high build inbetween but I forgot the pic's.
Not 100% happy with it but it'll do until I can afford/find one of the newer one piece ones.


And we got this through the door yesterday. So it looks like George the neighbour has been reporting me to the council :mad:


And then to top things off this came through the post today :mad:
Seriously considering just saying bollocks to it all because he's going to keep reporting me if I carry on :(
Half expecting another one saying I'm running a business or similar.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to report a nuisance caused to myself by a neighbour, some but not all of the factors of this nuisance are listed below,
1. Continuous whining and whinging noises emanating from said neighbour/property.
2. Intimidating behaviour.
3. Oppressive behaviour that directly impacts on my free movement and activities thus negatively affecting my ability to enjoy a healthy and productive existence.
4. Unrealistic requests/DEMANDS made on myself by aforementioned neighbour.

As many of the request made are intrusive/unfair/unrealistic and un obtainable it is my opinion that they meet the criteria to fit the definition of bullying.

Yours just trying to get on with his life
Just a standard letter nothing to worry about, they are obliged to notify you by law I think.

They are also obliged to notify you if any action will be taken or complaints escalate at each stage.

Since your work is only occasional I can't see any problem as long as your paint chemicals etc don't cause a hazard.

I have come across this before doing building work and often found if you call them they are most helpful and explain "your" rights.
You might consider measuring noise levels at his boundary and using it in a response. I can't imagine odours are significant since he is not your immediate neighbour. Has he actually discussed his concerns with you?

Other suggestions are to make sure he is on holiday when you do anything really noisy or try to insulate your compressor. Also keep a diary (as he has probably been advised).

He sounds like a real sad sack with too much time on his hands.
What a prick.... Get yourself on holiday for a week mate while some1 randomly spills brake fluid on his car...
Don't let it get you down mate. Easy for us lot to say when you are the one who has to deal with it but personally I would knock on his door and try to come to a compromise (you are already doing everything you can to respect your neighbours anyway) so I imagine they won't entertain that so at least you can say you tried that reasonable approach if the situation escalates.
Don't let it get you down mate. Easy for us lot to say when you are the one who has to deal with it but personally I would knock on his door and try to come to a compromise (you are already doing everything you can to respect your neighbours anyway) so I imagine they won't entertain that so at least you can say you tried that reasonable approach if the situation escalates.

Problem is, if he's that much of a #### he could turn that around as harassment, he's filed a complaint then aaron as soft as he is turns up at his door. He could then make things worse.

Like some1 put, ring the council, have a word, keep out his way and keep doing what your doing. As long as the council see your doing your best then balls to him.
Problem is, if he's that much of a #### he could turn that around as harassment, he's filed a complaint then aaron as soft as he is turns up at his door. He could then make things worse.

Like some1 put, ring the council, have a word, keep out his way and keep doing what your doing. As long as the council see your doing your best then balls to him.

That's a fair point, and he most certainly sounds like a grade A ####!
In that case you have to bloody well learn then wont you. ;):D

Only jesting, I'm not bad if it's something I'm interested in :)

Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to report a nuisance caused to myself by a neighbour, some but not all of the factors of this nuisance are listed below,
1. Continuous whining and whinging noises emanating from said neighbour/property.
2. Intimidating behaviour.
3. Oppressive behaviour that directly impacts on my free movement and activities thus negatively affecting my ability to enjoy a healthy and productive existence.
4. Unrealistic requests/DEMANDS made on myself by aforementioned neighbour.

As many of the request made are intrusive/unfair/unrealistic and un obtainable it is my opinion that they meet the criteria to fit the definition of bullying.

Yours just trying to get on with his life

:lol: Good response :)

Sounds very much like harassment.

Protection from Harassment Act 1997

I'd respond with a formal complaint and a request for a restraining order, if only to scare him into minding his own business! :D

Be a good idea if I could be arsed mate. Just not worth the hassle :(

Go round when it's dark and superglue his car door locks (just don't get caught) He's just a sad dickhead.

You're right he's a dickhead but doing something like that is just another thing to report me for. Not that he'd have proof it's me but you know...

Just a standard letter nothing to worry about, they are obliged to notify you by law I think.

They are also obliged to notify you if any action will be taken or complaints escalate at each stage.

Since your work is only occasional I can't see any problem as long as your paint chemicals etc don't cause a hazard.

I have come across this before doing building work and often found if you call them they are most helpful and explain "your" rights.

That's the thing it's occasional sometimes but then when I'm out of work it's everyday. But I don't start before 10 (at the very earliest) and in at 6 (at the latest)
That's the thing the paint thing probably is a bit iffy so can't really argue, But the noise one is utter bollocks. Yes there will be some banging but as above it's not daft early or daft late.

Not worth the effort mate :(

You might consider measuring noise levels at his boundary and using it in a response. I can't imagine odours are significant since he is not your immediate neighbour. Has he actually discussed his concerns with you?

Other suggestions are to make sure he is on holiday when you do anything really noisy or try to insulate your compressor. Also keep a diary (as he has probably been advised).

He sounds like a real sad sack with too much time on his hands.

Noise levels can't be that bad bearing in mind no other neighbours have said anything to me.
He says the odour is traveling that far so who am I to argue :rolleyes:
Compressor is kept in the garage most of the time so isn't to bad with the door shut.
That's the thing if I do do anything really noisy it isn't for along time and I try to do it in the garage as opposed to outside and as in one of my previous replys it isn't to early in a morning or to late at night.

And has he discussed his concerns. He came around when he saw me unloading my new chassis and said
"I hope we're not going to have a repeat of last year"
I said "No I'll try and keep the noise down a bit more"
He said "You better do or you'll be getting a visit"
He then stormed off.

He then came around last bank holiday and complained about the smell of paint thinners.

Told him I'm in the middle of painting something so I cant exactly stop :rolleyes:
He then said "You'll be sorry" and stormed off (again :rolleyes:)
Their solution is I take it to a garage as they told me last year. Yeah right :lol:

What a prick.... Get yourself on holiday for a week mate while some1 randomly spills brake fluid on his car...

:lol: Funny as it maybe, It's not worth it mate,

also no mate, no idea what you paid for it. But i know it will look pretty when its finished!!

Ah wasn't sure by your reply If you'd seen it advertised. It might not look pretty because it might not be going ahead yet. Asked the seller to give me a couple of days to think about it :(
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Problem is, if he's that much of a #### he could turn that around as harassment, he's filed a complaint then aaron as soft as he is turns up at his door. He could then make things worse.

Like some1 put, ring the council, have a word, keep out his way and keep doing what your doing. As long as the council see your doing your best then balls to him.

+1 Sounds like a right **** If he was the sort to try and compromise he would have by now.

The council have to take all reports seriously, after all you would expect this if you were suffering from a noisy neighbour.

Forgot he was next door but one, so even if they did put microphones in his lounge, unless you started pile driving in your garden you will be well under the "continuous" decibel level.

Anyway our enjoyment of this thread is much more important then that t**t's clean air, In fact it could be classed as a nuisance to deny us.

Good luck and please keep us excellent thread( both this and the next)
As regards the thinners fumes, yes it may be uncomfortable in his opinion but ffs its not like you are getting through 100 ltrs a day is it.

You would be surprised how many complaints are received by councils each week about next doors cooking "curry's" in the day.

Like I said give them a call you've got nothing to loose, they will probably be very helpful with advice as it is easier for them.

As you have received those letters, he will have already been advised to make a record of times/dates/noise etc...

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Don't let it get to you mate
we had the same issue, from the old git next door when we moved in, and started to refurbish the place

We had a letter from the council ref a complaint saying noise levels, burning rubbish in the garden etc
I called the council and explained what we were doing.
they told me it was standard procedure to send a letter etc blah de blah
We never had another complaint.

Just don't loose your rag with the people next door,its easy to tell them to go #### them selves

I would call the council and tell them what you are doing
rebuilding your car, you aint breaking any laws
Take reasonable steps and a diary. Chat to the local authority and get their advice over what is reasonable and what is not. If they are onside it will be worth a lot.

I would suggest there is not much he can do. It might be worth paying for a solicitor's advice. If he starts harassment a letter will cool is ardour.

Does he go off the deep end when any of his other neighbours do any DIY?

At the end of the day if you give in where does it stop?
Don't let it get you down mate. Easy for us lot to say when you are the one who has to deal with it but personally I would knock on his door and try to come to a compromise (you are already doing everything you can to respect your neighbours anyway) so I imagine they won't entertain that so at least you can say you tried that reasonable approach if the situation escalates.

Yeah to be honest I don't usually let stuff like this get me down. It's the fact I've tried really hard to keep them happy this year and they're still not happy :( Don't know why I bother sometimes, Hence thinking about saying bollocks to it all.
Not going to knock on his door, Last time when his wife kicked off, I kept asking when am I aloud to work on it?
Their response was "Never"
So I asked how I was meant to finish it? Apparently I should pay a garage :pound:
So I already know what they're going to say. Maybe they think the streets to posh for this kind of thing. And me being a klampit is bringing it down :D

Problem is, if he's that much of a #### he could turn that around as harassment, he's filed a complaint then aaron as soft as he is turns up at his door. He could then make things worse.

Like some1 put, ring the council, have a word, keep out his way and keep doing what your doing. As long as the council see your doing your best then balls to him.

Yeah I may ring them after the bank holiday. I wasn't going to bother but I'll see if I can get some sense out of them.

+1 Sounds like a right **** If he was the sort to try and compromise he would have by now.

The council have to take all reports seriously, after all you would expect this if you were suffering from a noisy neighbour.

Forgot he was next door but one, so even if they did put microphones in his lounge, unless you started pile driving in your garden you will be well under the "continuous" decibel level.

As regards the thinners fumes, yes it may be uncomfortable in his opinion but ffs its not like you are getting through 100 ltrs a day is it.

You would be surprised how many complaints are received by councils each week about next doors cooking "curry's" in the day.

Like I said give them a call you've got nothing to loose, they will probably be very helpful with advice as it is easier for them.

As you have received those letters, he will have already been advised to make a record of times/dates/noise etc...


That's what I cant understand the noise can't be that bad.

And as you say it's not like I'm using gallons of thinners, It's one or two panels at a time so an hour and half 2 hours max at a time.

Oh and do you know the continuous decibel level aloud?

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