Good stuff enlighten please :)

Nothing confirmed yet matey. Only an old td 90.
Not sure if it's a good idea yet.

If you have another project then we need pics!

Haha, Like bloody vultures :D As above nothing confirmed yet.
Will tell more if it happens ;)

Id like see you doing a disco rebuild would be cool

Yeah. Bit awkward though as it wouldn't fit in the garage.
I'd like to do a 110 but again it wouldn't fit in the garage.
Nothing confirmed yet matey. Only an old td 90.
Not sure if it's a good idea yet.

Haha, Like bloody vultures :D As above nothing confirmed yet.
Will tell more if it happens ;)

Yeah. Bit awkward though as it wouldn't fit in the garage.
I'd like to do a 110 but again it wouldn't fit in the garage.

As if you got both sentences the same size lol.
And has for fitting something in your garage a freelander would :eek::D
Yeah I agree, Last time they complained was last bank holiday.
He said "You'll be sorry" and stormed off.
Never heard anything. So possibly just trying to scare me :confused:

I'm sure we can muster up 100 Land Rovers and their owners for a BBQ at your house Aaron:D The neighbours would appreciate that I'm sure.
As if you got both sentences the same size lol.
And has for fitting something in your garage a freelander would

Lol, Never noticed that :p
And noooooooooooo I don't want a gaylanderer :eek: Suppose I'll stick to 90's

I'm sure we can muster up 100 Land Rovers and their owners for a BBQ at your house Aaron:D The neighbours would appreciate that I'm sure.

:D Maybe I should invite them round :p They say they like being in the garden but can't because of me :eek:

Your new purchase wouldn't be a matt black 90 needing a chassis would it?

Nope, As I say nothing confirmed yet. But if I had a way of getting that to me I'd have been interested.

What's happening with his blue 90 then - I best check the for sale section.

Nothing as yet :)Don't really know what's going to happen.
Not sure it's a good idea buying this other 90 as I've got a rather silly idea floating about in my head :D
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Oh **** I've done it again :eek: so to the vultures above I've put a deposit on said 90 :eek:

Anyway here's a pic for now. There maybe more at a later date :)

Much better colour this one Aaron! No more Everton Blue! More addictive reading to come... You just know there is loads of fun in store under that chequer plate.
Good effort Aaron. 2 x 90's on the drive eh. Your neighbour will love you!!

:D Well it'll be 3 when my brother moves back in :lol:

Much better colour this one Aaron! No more Everton Blue! More addictive reading to come... You just know there is loads of fun in store under that chequer plate.

There will still be lots to come from the Everton blue one :p
Shouldn't be to bad under the chequer plate as it's only wings and sills. Can go back on if it's dinted to f*ck under it ;)

And more addictive reading. Possibly, Not sure if I'll do a build thread yet. Done two already so might not be any point.

Your just a sucker for punishment!! I wonder how much you've got it for tho hmmm :p

Sucker for punishment to some people. But for me I love doing it :)
I love the transformation a vehicle can go through. At great expense yes, But as long as I don't loose money I'm happy.
Go on do you know what I paid? You seen it advertised

No option now're up and running. ;)

I'll be visiting soon :D

Hmm, Don't know about up and running but we'll see :)
Whenever I go and buy a landrover I think what am I doing buying this rusty old nail :eek: But once the strip down starts and some stuff gets cleaned up it's nice to know I'm saving something for a few more years :)
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