doesnt good buddy have homo connotations? Not sure i want to radio that to any lonely truckers!

Best thing might be to just listen for a while and see what others are saying/doing. However if with mates laning then chatting like normal would prob be ok.....
doesnt good buddy have homo connotations? Not sure i want to radio that to any lonely truckers!

Best thing might be to just listen for a while and see what others are saying/doing. However if with mates laning then chatting like normal would prob be ok.....

back 'em down....back door,, i only do beaver...
LOL forgot all of these, must be more than 30 years since anyone used them :D CB RADIO 10 CODE | 10-4, 10-20, 10-10 ....

We must have been very sad in the the 80's. We used to play hide and seek with CBs. One car had to go and hide somewhere less than 5 miles away and transmit occasionally, everyone else had to try to find them from the strength of the transmission :eek::eek:.

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