
New Member
I am new to this forum and in desparate need of help.

Recently purchased a low mileage RRC Softdash;Unfortunatly it wont start.

Initially the battery was flat so i tried to jump start it with a boost pack but wouldnt fire up; I have spent some time today going over the basics;
Starter motor turns over fine, plenty of fuel in the tank, cleaned the plugs and getting a spark, HT leads in good condition, distributor cap is clean and dry. Not sure what else it could be.

Being a softdash SE its got a lot more black boxes and electonics than my 91 RRC.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestion what to try next any help much appriciated
does fuel pump turn on for 4 seconds when igntion turned on

i get a whiring noise from somthing in the engine bay when the ignition is switch on but i'm not sure if its the fuel pump; where is the fuel pump located?

I think i'm getting fuel into the engine as i cleaned and adjusted all the plugs, replaced them, turned the engine over again, removed the plugs again which appeared to have traced of petrol on it, also a smell of petrol in engine bay.
pumps in the tank you can hear it easier with petrol filler open ,whiring noise in engine bay is stepper motor and normal
whiring noise in engine bay is stepper motor and normal

I hope not!! Stepper is virtually silent, if you can hear it it normally means it is FUBAR. The whirring noise is most likely the ABS pump, should run for up to 45 secs (depends on pressure in system).
If anyone has any ideas or suggestion what to try next any help much appriciated

I will assume from what has been said that you have fuel and sparks. First I would try the flooded engine start routine - push accelerator flat to the floor and then crank the engine and see if it will catch. If not, then remove all plugs and dry them, then put them back.

Get an assistant then mark the position of the distributor. Next, slacken the dizzy clamp so that it can be moved. Get your assistant to crank the engine while you advance the ignition timing.

Hope that helps ya, let us know how you get on.
I will assume from what has been said that you have fuel and sparks. First I would try the flooded engine start routine - push accelerator flat to the floor and then crank the engine and see if it will catch. If not, then remove all plugs and dry them, then put them back.

Thanks for the help, i shall give this a go; with regard to the 'flood engine start' do i need to disble the petrol pump by removing the fuse so as not to allow anymore fuel to be pumped into the engine?

Also can anyone tell me where the Inertia Switch / cut off is? a couple of theads say its under the passenger seat; i have looked under here and can only see what looks to be the ECU and a couple of yellow relays, same under the drivers seat. Another thread says its in the engine bay attached to the bulkhead by the washer bottle; i have found a black spring loaded switch in this area but it looks like some kind of alarm switch / sensor.
Inertia Switch on p38 is in rh-drivers foot well next to accelerator, dono classic tho
Inertia switch on a Classic should be under the passenger seat, attached to the seat base rear cross member - reset by pushing the button down.

If the inertia switch has shut off the pump you wouldn't get any fuel - you suggest you have fuel and sparks so not sure the issue would be the inertia switch but by all means check it.
Thankfully all sorted now; turned out to be faulty remote key fob that was constantly sending a signal to the car . Left the faulty one in the house out of range then used the spare and she started first time!!!

Thanks for all the help.
if your getting spark...shoot some starter fluid in the intake....it should fire...if not...id say no spark
The kill switch on my softdash is in the engine bay, on the rear bulkhead roughly inline with the front passenger seat :)

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