
Good Afternoon,

Just turned my TVR V8 which could rarely be used, into a Disco 1 with all the toys and I'm totally smitten. The go almost anywhere and when I want to vehicle, not having to wait for the clouds to clear off beforehand LOL?! :clap2:

Okay, to the point. A multipoint LPG in fact on a 3.9i that was rebuilt a few years ago and runs superbly on both petrol and LPG. Idles uber-smooth at 750 rpm on petrol and around that on Gas. Enough power to pull the 2 plus tonnes and will on big tyres and suspension/body lift sit beautifully @ 70mph (H'officer) :rolleyes:.

On petrol the engine is so quiet and smooth its hardly believable, and performs as mentioned. Switch to LPG and at all revs there's the 'tick'/click most noticable at idle.

I've tightened the manifold downpipes and have listened in to the outlets / joints on the heads with some rubber piping; all quiet. The 'ticks'n clicks' come from the top of the LPG Injectors... all 8 of them. Question: IS that normal & OK? Can any changes/tuning get rid of the clicking?

All information and suggestions greatfully received.

It is normal for the lpg injectors to tick as they open and close. I've been running my pajero v6 on Romano sequential injection for 8 - 9 years and mine have always ticked. Not too loud though.
It is normal for the lpg injectors to tick as they open and close. I've been running my pajero v6 on Romano sequential injection for 8 - 9 years and mine have always ticked. Not too loud though.

Thanks for the confirmation, Ivanhoe, much appreciated.

I am now curious if there is anything that can be done to quieten them a little, not that they are too loud but even so. That depends on the make as much as anything I suppose, so will look into that. Having just checked the limited documentation and under the bonnet its hard to tell anything. Some parts are Italian, the filter appears UK origin, but as for the injectors that's anyones guess.

Kind Rgds
yes..buy some decent injectors.

Thanks for that. But there's a vast difference between being helpful and trying to be smart ... that glib 'response' was neither in my opinion, and falls way short of being Zen-like?! :monitor_punch:

Okay, I will look up what a 'decent injector' is and go from there, but I would have thought a little detail from a 'senior member' on that might have been forthcoming..

Have a nice day.
Okay, just contacted the installer (of less than 2 years ago) and the system and injectors are Landi Renzo originals, and for a V8 so quite big...and naturally a little noisy.

Case closed I think..

Thanks for that. But there's a vast difference between being helpful and trying to be smart ... that glib 'response' was neither in my opinion, and falls way short of being Zen-like?! :monitor_punch:

Okay, I will look up what a 'decent injector' is and go from there, but I would have thought a little detail from a 'senior member' on that might have been forthcoming..

Have a nice day.

footh off..my reply was correct and to the point..dont like it then go away to LRO forum where everyone is polite..

and re your injectors fitted..they are cheap..go buy good ones..the supplier aint gonna say they fitted cheap are they??

i run 450hp on lpg..mine are silent..

buy prins or hana or magic if on a budget..i really rate magic for their cost..ie they are running 450hp with no probs and are inaudiable..(unless bonnet up and ear to them)
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footh off..?my reply was correct and to the point..dont like it then go away to LRO forum where everyone is polite..

I walk into a room and anyone talks like that to me and they'll be sorry. I suggest you do one before you get into trouble, and I don't take any advice from keyboard thugs.
Thanks for that. But there's a vast difference between being helpful and trying to be smart ... that glib 'response' was neither in my opinion, and falls way short of being Zen-like?! :monitor_punch:

Okay, I will look up what a 'decent injector' is and go from there, but I would have thought a little detail from a 'senior member' on that might have been forthcoming..

Have a nice day.

I think there is a distinct scene of humour lack going on here.

but my info is correct...cheap injectors make noise..good ones dont..

ie..one would not want to hear them on your new range rover etc..

if you really bothered about noise i would suggest magic jet..cheap(ish) and good..metal not plastic..but you will ned software for your system to set them up..software is free..

but my info is correct...cheap injectors make noise..good ones dont..

ie..one would not want to hear them on your new range rover etc..

if you really bothered about noise i would suggest magic jet..cheap(ish) and good..metal not plastic..but you will ned software for your system to set them up..software is free..


What I'm going to do is leave them as they work alright .. and if ever there is a problem with their functioning, then maybe get the Magic replacements etc.

In the mean time I'm wondering if using insulation on the top of the injectors might be a 'solution'. They don't seem to emit heat in operation, or would sound insulation be an unwise thing to do I wonder?

At the moment I'm more interested in sorting out the tracking which appears slightly out, the nearside healing out a touch. However, having read many threads on adjusting the most popular solution to get around the corrosion-weld of the nuts making this an extremely difficult 'operation' on both track and drag bar ends, seems to be to replace them?! I invested in the most enormous adjustable spanner over the Weekend and with plenty of GT85 simply cannot budge them.

I don't notice mine being noisy, but they are the older Zavoli 4-way blocks and much smaller.

Our son has the newer Zavoli Pan/N valves which are much bulkier but perform better.

Yup, cheap injectors will tick.

I've also got the PAN ones, and have had the Matrix "block" ones before.
These make a barely perceptible noise when running - you can hear it when the bonnet is open, but only just.

I've got them fitted on a lexus, and I certainly cannot hear them from within the cabin.

I did work on a mates v6 merc that had a cheapo conversion done (very badly) and they rattled badly - you could hear them clearly from inside the car.
Hmm, mine can't be heard from within the car, outside they can tho', and more obviously when the bonnet is up.

Noticed the other day too that it does misfire a little on LPG too, less so when warmed up, but accelerating shows it up. No problems whatsoever on petrol.
Good Evening.

'Ticking injectors issue' aside (which I can live with until there's a problem), I discovered the fault with the misfiring on LPG was two fold.

1st, the plugs were gapped incorrectly. 2nd - and far more serious, the freezing over of the Vaporiser?!

How comes? Well, 'previous owner' had done some mods on the D1 (as you do...installing all kinds of goodies which are greatly appreciated by the new owner [ME:clap2:] and in the process had not plummed in the heater pipe feeds to the Vaporiser correctly. Instead of taking the Vap. feed & return pipes teed off BEFORE going into the heater, the pipes were teed off AFTER the thermostat adjust valve. Consequently, when turning the cabin heater down to cold - - - the Vap. froze over and stopped the LPG feed?! :crazy: (Okay, we all make mistakes). Depending upon where the cabin heater setting, the D1 on LPG would either run fairly well .. or grind to a halt. So having stripped and re gasgetted the Vap. and replumbing taking the feed to and from it before the cabin thermostat, now all works to spec.

Fantastic machine and the best fun ever with 4 wheels, for sure. Pics added, before and after work done, just thought the 'people should know'...;)

Next up is the tail light cluster mod. Have read about as much as I can take after trawling thru endless threads, and my idea is to take a live feed off the loom running up the rear offside (and presumably nearside) pillar behind the light cluster and plug that into the dual element top bulb. There are only 4 wires currently feeding it, none of which are red&orange .. which I've gleaned is the correct one.

Cheers all.


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