
Well-Known Member
hey guys, currently looking into a snorkel (diy) but looking at the air box theres 2 great big holes in bottom with rubber bungs in, can water get in here, or do people just seal them with silicone, also do people seal where it joins together where filter goes?
You need the rubber bungs as they let water out if you make sure they are well greased then the pressure of the airflow pulling in to the engine should keep them closed. Unless you ate planning some submarine action
You need the rubber bungs as they let water out
Surely the idea is that you don't get water in after fitting the snorkel. If you look on you tube there's a vid of a safari snorkel being fitted they where they seal up all of the hole's.
I left the bungs in mine because inevitably some water will get in to the airbox through the snorkel from rain and I would rather have it drain out than collect in a pool that could get sucked in to the engine. If you are moving through the water then the engine bay shouldn't really flood too much. Like I said its only if you are planning to go really deep that I would seal them up.
I left the bungs in mine because inevitably some water will get in to the airbox through the snorkel from rain and I would rather have it drain out than collect in a pool that could get sucked in to the engine. If you are moving through the water then the engine bay shouldn't really flood too much. Like I said its only if you are planning to go really deep that I would seal them up.

Rain water will go straight through the engine, a small amount of water will do no damage at all, in fact it will actually help as it will lower the charge temp and increase the % of oxygen reaching the combustion chamber, a lot of performance engines will use a water injection system for this reason.

The intake system should be completely sealed as it is a very strong vacuum in the system and any holes near or under water level will suck in massive amounts of water and risk hydraulicing the engine. You should be checking the filter for foreign body ingress more often but that's part and parcel of off road maintenance.
Seal the Fooker tighter than a Nuns bits in winter..

except the lid the clips pull the lid down onto the rubber lip of the filter and that seals it. Once the snorkel is fitted. With the engine running take the top off the snorkel and place something over the top of the snorkel. If the engine doesn't stall find the leak and seal it up. Engine bay is NOT a diving bell the water level inside he bay has no correlation to the water level created by a bow wave. and if you hit summat under water and stop. then you'll be Fooked bigtime.
Hey guys, quick question. The small breather/vaccum type hose that slots into the right hand side of a 300tdi airbox, What is this and should it be trusted to keep water out or should the hole be sealed up? Cheers

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