The item numbers i bought from ebay earlier in the thread are what i used to make the box - only took 20 mins.
Give it a whirl mate - if you aren't happy with it - remove it.

that's what I was thinking, as have everything bar the resistor, so might get one and have a play ;)
Cheers mate, but have already bought one - about an hour ago.....typical :rolleyes:

We should combine forces, make 8 and flog on fleabay :D
Thats the box fitted bridged across the red, green/pink wires.
I accessed the ecu wiring loom by removing the black panel above the pedals (there is a black corrogated pipe to protect the loom) Bared the wires (red and green/pink) and soldered the 2 wires from the box - 1 to each wire.


Can you put up a pick of where the wires are, as hoping my resistor will land today, cheers bud
If you look above the pedals you will see a black panel - drop that down.
Open the panel below the steering wheel and you will see a corrugated plastic tube cable tied to a metal tube - cut the cable ties off and pull the corrugated tube through the hole where the black panel was - wires are in the corrugated tube ;)

Ok, will have a good look about once it lands - as need to inspect up there as nice puddle of water on the drivers mat this morning - just spent the last 2 weeks welding up the rear boot, arches etc making that waterproof....never ends :rolleyes:
Ok, will have a good look about once it lands - as need to inspect up there as nice puddle of water on the drivers mat this morning - just spent the last 2 weeks welding up the rear boot, arches etc making that waterproof....never ends :rolleyes:

Geez, you and your welding, is there no stopping you Stu?
I land back in the UK in Oct if you fancy hooking up and getting muddy one weekend?
Yup a buddy of mine has switched from having CLk's and large road based v8 thingy's to a 300tdi CSW Fender! He wants mud too so that should be hysterical altogether!
Just been looking for the wires, and the green/pink seems a lot thicker than the red one, is that right?

As just want to check before i wire in the resistor and blow something up

Yes thats right mate.
Bare the wires and just wrap em round while you test it.
Connect the wires and turn the resistor fully clockwise - start the engine - let it warm up - turn the resistor SLOWLY anti clockwise.
You will get to a point where the idle becomes rough - turn clockwise til the idle is smooooooth again.

All done...first go turned the disco into james bond car...the amount of black smoke coming out of turned it down and seems ok, certainly better for getting out of junctions
only think, have noticed it a few times, before the resistor mod, the odd time it would lose power, around 3 3 1/2 rpm and just slow down, no kick down nothing, just start stopping. foot off pedal, let it coast then seems ok. Has happened in 2nd gear as well as 4th at around 60, so not speed related, engine related.

Just changed fuel filter as been on a year, tho only 5k miles done, and still done it. Just searching about to see if anyone else has had this.

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