Oooh I was right :p

I may have a second spare engine which is a 9.35:1 though, sold the one with the bald cam shaft but possibly picked up a new one from a P5, could sell the heads off that if you want ? which should bring it up a bit
I thought it was the head depth that had an effect on them too ?

Have a set of 9.35's spare if I end up getting the engine on monday
well to give you an idea the 8:1 4.4 was 130 bhp and the 9.1:1 4.4 was 200 bhp so quite a difference- it surprised me. not sure if it would be so marked on the 3.5

my carb 3.5 is 8.25:1 and 135 bhp and that has the less efficient pre sd1 head (although they are the same volume and james is right as ususal its the pistons that change compression with std parts on the lrv8)
Had to take them all off and grade them loose to tight. Test fit, chenge if needed and made sure they all were good
that sounds like a right pain, so long as the guy at the machine shop didnt take them off to press on the new pistons then mine should be ok still, I was so carefull.

what you gonna do about that lousy C/R , real steels said to me on wed that some rv8 versions only had 95 bhp- could that be yours? get some new pistons in there bud!
Yea it took many hour's!
I dont know.. bit ****ed off at the prospect of it only being 95bhp. Whats the bhp on the 9.1:1? The only bonus is the new 3.9 cam might add a couple over the 3.5 one
yeah I dunno if it was a disco one thats 95 but its about the lowest compression I have heard of on one lol. not sure on the 9.35:1 in a landy but the 9.75:1 in an sd1 was 190 bhp with single plenum I think.

if it makes you feel better some new old stock (ie good quality non third world pistons) cost me 270 all in. if you were happy to go for whatever rimmers or lr direct is selling for example I expect it would be even cheaper. you may as well while its in bits!
Power on the RRC 9.35 I have is 165bhp according to microcat and I think the defender 8.13 is 135bhp from what I can see on google
james you mean me with caps? ive not got as far as putting it back together yet, still waiting on bearings and other bits
will do boss, I was also wondering how much oil to put in the bore when putting the pistons in when I did the bmw's rings I just left what as in there as it didnt come out of the car or get bored but this is a complete build now so would like to know what you normally do mate
so a fair dribble on the pistons and rings before sliding in, I just wanted to check there couldn't be too much really. I have been wd40ing the bores weekly whiles its in the garage just to make sure I dont get a speck of rust on those nicely re-bored surfaces :D

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