we've pushed a mates 300 to the limit without going vnt, meth injection, stupid turbo etc.

ended up destroying the head, cracked between every valve, massive overheating, water coming out the header tank like a volcano and i estimate it was no higher than 150 odd hp to add another 70 hp you would need a custom head, ported, polished, improved cooling system, charge cooler, vnt, probably increased stroke, probably meth water injection and even then you'll be pushing it and no way would it be reiable. but hell go for it, if you can make it work massive props but i call BS
Hi not shure who this guy is BLUE BEASTY but he keeps having a go for some reason. I am new on here and to be honest dont really know where to write stuff on here just wanted to chat and have found a few good lads and enjoyed this afternoon. Not shure what I have supposed to have done wrong.:confused:

He is a MOD sometimes he is very fair, and with newbies captious, as they come and go after trying to sell there stuff. BB is ok.

Like to hear the 220hp from a 300tdi. 180hp not a problem. Where do you get the other 40 hp from?
I'll have to wait till I'm on the computer to accept it as I'm only on my phone ;)

3.2 pics will have to wait for now ;) as the engine is away getting a few tweaks before she go's in I might even start a thread if I don't get banned :D :)
we've pushed a mates 300 to the limit without going vnt, meth injection, stupid turbo etc.

ended up destroying the head, cracked between every valve, massive overheating, water coming out the header tank like a volcano and i estimate it was no higher than 150 odd hp to add another 70 hp you would need a custom head, ported, polished, improved cooling system, charge cooler, vnt, probably increased stroke, probably meth water injection and even then you'll be pushing it and no way would it be reiable. but hell go for it, if you can make it work massive props but i call BS

What did you do to blow it up like that ,,,,,,,,,,I cant stop laughing :)
He is a MOD sometimes he is very fair, and with newbies captious, as they come and go after trying to sell there stuff. BB is ok.

Like to hear the 220hp from a 300tdi. 180hp not a problem. Where do you get the other 40 hp from?

Wild guess but I reckon he bought them ;) :D
He is a MOD sometimes he is very fair, and with newbies captious, as they come and go after trying to sell there stuff. BB is ok.

Like to hear the 220hp from a 300tdi. 180hp not a problem. Where do you get the other 40 hp from?

Modded diesel pump not tweaked lucky dip style lol and simply put a proper turbo on with a proper gate and the rest is just well sealed pipes cool air and thats it. Loads more to do yet but its awseome Most people dont believe me but why would I lie Im just on here to have a chat and help if I can with other peoples probs.:high5:
Modded diesel pump not tweaked lucky dip style lol and simply put a proper turbo on with a proper gate and the rest is just well sealed pipes cool air and thats it. Loads more to do yet but its awseome Most people dont believe me but why would I lie Im just on here to have a chat and help if I can with other peoples probs.:high5:

don't you need a bigger inter-cooler? and a improved exhaust manifold and a large bore exhaust, with no muffler? maybe a improved air intake system?
Hi not shure what you are talking about or who you are I have been on here talking to a few guys and having a good chat this afternoon.

I have not done anything wrong as far as I am aware I was under the impression this was just a place to have a chat and discuss things.

You seam whoever you are to be a bit official and serious as the statement from a guy below what you just wrote said.

I have not tried to offend anyone just wanted to chat thats all I am the one who has had abuse to be honest from some of the people on here.:confused:

It's not about giving offence or being part of a 'clique' You have stated that you are about to commercially sell your product as soon as you have you're website up and running.

Fair enough and good luck to you but I've already told you that you need to speak to accywingy before advertising or selling any commercial product here.

Dragging up a thread that's nearly 2 years old to talk about it when you already have 2 threads on which this is being discussed looks like blatant advertising to me which will get you banned for spamming which would be a shame as lots of folk here will probably be interested if you can back up your claims.

testy testy you let others go on about useless crap/FB stuff and they are good for 100's of posts:rolleyes:

I have no plans to ban you atm :p:D

Que the your not in our click gang
*pathetic* :ban: :lol:

No cliques or gangs, as above I've already told him what he needs to do to avoid spamming on the the first thread. Two further threads is really pushing his luck and tbh most would be already gone having ignored the first warning so yes....

So far I've been pathetically lenient :rolleyes:
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It's not about giving offence or being part of a 'clique' You have stated that you are about to commercially sell your product as soon as you have you're website up and running.

Fair enough and good luck to you but I've already told you that you need to speak to accywingy before advertising or selling any commercial product here.

Dragging up a thread that's nearly 2 years old to talk about it when you already have 2 threads on which this is being discussed looks like blatant advertising to me which will get you banned for spamming which would be a shame as lots of folk here will probably be interested if you can back up your claims.

I have no plans to ban you atm :p:D

No cliques or gangs, as above I've already told him what he needs to do to avoid spamming on the the first thread. Two further threads is really pushing his luck and tbh most would be already gone having ignored the first warning so yes....

So far I've been pathetically lenient :rolleyes:

Thanks for your help Beasty but I have not tried to sell anything on her if you check and dont intend to I mearly stated I will be via my website.
Im not into computers and know nothing about spam apart from it comes in a tin and its pink.Im not shure what you mean when you say Dragging up a thread that's nearly 2 years old to talk about it when you already have 2 threads on which this is being discussed.

I would be gratefull to you If you could explain what I have done as I said not shure what threads etc are I am just writing stuff and chatting could do with a little help.:high5:
It's not about giving offence or being part of a 'clique' You have stated that you are about the commercially sell your product as soon as you have you're website up and running.

Fair enough and good luck to you but I've already told you that you need to speak to accywingy before advertising or selling any commercial product here.

Dragging up a thread that's nearly 2 years old to talk about it when you already have 2 threads on which this is being discussed looks like blatant advertising to me which will get you banned for spamming which would be a shame as lots of folk here will probably be interested if you can back up your claims.

I have no plans to ban you atm :p:D

No cliques or gangs, as above I've already told him what he needs to do to avoid spamming on the the first thread. Two further threads is really pushing his luck and tbh most would be already gone having ignored the first warning so yes....

So far I've been pathetically lenient :rolleyes:

I've not seen them so can't comment
I was happily getting on with my own life and was quoted in to a thread from 2 years ago
Maybe everyone should give new members a chance before they all jump on the bandwagon

I just don't see how he's trying to sell stuff when he's just saying he owns the vehicle I was talking about "as I've said I haven't seen the other threads so can't comment and don't have the time to read through the forum to find them ;) enjoy the rest of you're day sir :D
that had a new rad, preety beasty intercooler, plenty of boost and fuel, no smoke though (we know how to tune) but the head couldn't stand it.

Not had any probs at all not even overheating in over 3000 miles maybe you had a bad engine mine was great to start with before i touched it.:cool:

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