Thanks for your help Beasty but I have not tried to sell anything on her if you check and dont intend to I mearly stated I will be via my website.
Im not into computers and know nothing about spam apart from it comes in a tin and its pink.Im not shure what you mean when you say Dragging up a thread that's nearly 2 years old to talk about it when you already have 2 threads on which this is being discussed.

I would be gratefull to you If you could explain what I have done as I said not shure what threads etc are I am just writing stuff and chatting could do with a little help.:high5:

Check the date of the post before your first post on this thread today.

There is a very fine line for members producing a commercial product between being helpful by sharing their knowledge and advertising their product. Advertising without an agreement with admin is spam and will get you banned.

So far you have commented on at least 4 threads all to do with tdi tuning without adding anything very useful but telling everyone how much power you believe you have been able to details of how or in fact any evidence.

Evidence aside the claim of what your commercial product can do is at or near the top of several pages in different parts of the forum.

That is advertising
I've not seen them so can't comment
I was happily getting on with my own life and was quoted in to a thread from 2 years ago
Maybe everyone should give new members a chance before they all jump on the bandwagon

I just don't see how he's trying to sell stuff when he's just saying he owns the vehicle I was talking about "as I've said I haven't seen the other threads so can't comment and don't have the time to read through the forum to find them ;) enjoy the rest of you're day sir :D

So which part of this post is you not commenting then? :p
This same discussion is going on in the 'intro' section, 'fender' section and 'disco' section.......available from a website soon...:rolleyes:

Sorry I thought People were free to say what they liked I have made loads of usefull suggestions to people reference fuelling, turbos etc so didnt think I had done anything wrong.I will be happy to tell people how to pep their engine and anything else they want to know I was just trying to help but take offence when people take the mick when there is no need. I was not aware I was advertising by saying what I had done.
People suggest to others where to buy parts from surely they are advertising for others,,,,Pretty much the same thing. I am as I said a novice on here and am not really shure where to write stuff just need a little help I am here to make friends not enemies some people are just a bit odd and seam to be at loggerheads with anyone who does not fit in with their criteria,,,,Just want to talk to people and not get no hastle.:high5: really not trying to be mean here but can you make sure that your spelling of sureon your website is right :eek:
Sorry I thought People were free to say what they liked I have made loads of usefull suggestions to people reference fuelling, turbos etc so didnt think I had done anything wrong.I will be happy to tell people how to pep their engine and anything else they want to know I was just trying to help but take offence when people take the mick when there is no need. I was not aware I was advertising by saying what I had done.
People suggest to others where to buy parts from surely they are advertising for others,,,,Pretty much the same thing. I am as I said a novice on here and am not really shure where to write stuff just need a little help I am here to make friends not enemies some people are just a bit odd and seam to be at loggerheads with anyone who does not fit in with their criteria,,,,Just want to talk to people and not get no hastle.:high5:

I've advised you several times how not to fall foul of the rules, they're not up for discussion.

As for people being a 'bit odd' if you make claims out of the ordinary it would probably be wise to back them up with some sort of evidence other than ''I know what I'm talking about and you don't.....''

That second is just my opinion
I've advised you several times how not to fall foul of the rules, they're not up for discussion.

As for people being a 'bit odd' if you make claims out of the ordinary it would probably be wise to back them up with some sort of evidence other than ''I know what I'm talking about and you don't.....''

That second is just my opinion

Thanks for the reply But not sure where out of the ordinary comes from you perhaps mean you havn't heard that its happened yet. A claim that aliens are real has been made several times and that man has walked on the moon.They seam out of the ordinary but are apparently true ,,,,,,well lots of people believe them.:)
Thanks for the reply But not sure where out of the ordinary comes from you perhaps mean you havn't heard that its happened yet. A claim that aliens are real has been made several times and that man has walked on the moon.They seam out of the ordinary but are apparently true ,,,,,,well lots of people believe them.:)

You're not sure about a lot of things are you?

All apart from 250 bhp "because I can tell" :D
Sorry I thought People were free to say what they liked I have made loads of usefull suggestions to people reference fuelling, turbos etc so didnt think I had done anything wrong.I will be happy to tell people how to pep their engine and anything else they want to know I was just trying to help but take offence when people take the mick when there is no need. I was not aware I was advertising by saying what I had done.
People suggest to others where to buy parts from surely they are advertising for others,,,,Pretty much the same thing. I am as I said a novice on here and am not really shure where to write stuff just need a little help I am here to make friends not enemies some people are just a bit odd and seam to be at loggerheads with anyone who does not fit in with their criteria,,,,Just want to talk to people and not get no hastle.:high5:

Not sure what your getting at what pictures do you want?
I don't tell people how to tune stuff I sell products that work you can see what I have done by looking at the engine bay. The spec of the turbos though I'm afraid don't get divulged just thought some help would be appreciated for those trying to gain reliable power but it seams most people on here just like to argue and take the **** out of each other.....not my bag advice is free to a certain extent I make a living out of doing this easily I'm not here to show off or be insulted by raving lunatics telling me I have bolted together some second hand crap and put some cheep hose kit on people should use their eyes and look at the parts I have used and then tell me its a load of cheep rubbish bolted together. You can have as many pics as you want no problem but making it work is not that simple ,,,,,have you seen another setup like it if so I would love to see it I spent over a year looking and found nothing like I produced myself that's why I did it:)

I cant see the point of going to all that trouble and expense to develop the 200 or 300tdi , when you can do what I have done for 190hp (before a remap) +410nm with total reliability straight out of the box?
I cant see the point of going to all that trouble and expense to develop the 200 or 300tdi , when you can do what I have done for 190hp (before a remap) +410nm with total reliability straight out of the box?

That will be interesting to see what you have done and on what engine :)

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