Thanks, that's what I'm going for, problem is it's costing me a lot of money, I just hope it will all be worth it when I've finished

Yep I hear you, on that one
I started to add up, how much i had spent so far and it made me feel sick !
But in the end it will be worth it,
Yeah, I think I've spent nearly £4000 so far although I do have most of the bits to go back on now. It's all the small things which add up
Finally put the axle together and got it on the chassis!!


Unfortunately I've got a new issue. The springs won't seat correctly and are slightly bent now they are fitted. The radius arms are up to torque so I'm not sure what to do. Will it settle better once the engines in or do I have a problem
No weight is your issue, I would loosen the radius arm bolts off and retighten when the car is all built up
wow looking very very nice so far i read your thread with great interest as i start my own 90 build ,,,as regards cost i spent 12k :eek:doing my lightweight over a 3 yr period , ps i have an understanding wife,,:rolleyes: very understanding lol:D
wow looking very very nice so far i read your thread with great interest as i start my own 90 build ,,,as regards cost i spent 12k :eek:doing my lightweight over a 3 yr period , ps i have an understanding wife,,:rolleyes: very understanding lol:D

Thanks, hopefully I won't spend anywhere near 12k although it would look even better if I spent that much. I'm lucky with the fact that I don't have a mrs (if you can call that lucky) so I'm not particularly tied down with anything. Being on the farm full time does help (sometimes) aswell
Ok, now I've got one pair of wheels on I'm going to be prepping the rear axle, bulkhead etc by sending them off to be sandblasted. Whilst all that is happening I'm wondering wether I should put the engine in now and get everything right on it or wait until I've got the bulkhead fitted?
Got to be easier fitting engine and gearbox with no bulkhead more space and no need to be so careful with damaging things
Yep I reckon so, its a common thing with series land rovers, people cant get the shocks to fit until body and drivetrain fitted to squish the springs down

Thanks, hopefully I'll be able to get on with it over the next few days and get the engine dropped in, then I can worry about sandblasting a load if parts and repairing and galvanising the door frames, bonnet frame etc. still not sure about the bulkhead though
I'd fit the engine and gearbox before the bulkhead.
More room to drop the whole thing in in one lump.

As for the springs, As said above, They will settle once their is some weight on them.
I'd fit the engine and gearbox before the bulkhead.
More room to drop the whole thing in in one lump.

As for the springs, As said above, They will settle once their is some weight on them.

Just wondering, I haven't got a replacement gearbox yet but would it be ok to drop the engine in without for now? I'm going to be ordering a gearbox in the next week or so then replacing the input gear on the disco transfer box I've got

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