
New Member
Hello there, just wondering if anyone else has had problems with the fuel pump on their discovery 3 TDV6? The engine in mine caught fire and destroyed the front of the car. Landrover admitted that there was a problem with the fuel pump and are willing to replace the car under warranty. Only thing is that they are offering a brand new ex stock SE model (mine was a HSE and now 16 months old) but I'll have to contribute £4.5k. Sound fair? Any advice welcome.
16 months ownwership does not equate to to £ 4500 and a drop in spec, as far as I,m concearned.

I bet you didnt think that after 16 months with the D3, you,d be swapping it for a lower model and £ 4.5k.!! ( too ukin right you didnt !! ).

I would tell them that you are prepared to " negotioate " a sensible mileage rate,( for the miles you have done in your Disco ), against an exact replacement for your,s.

Failing that let them find one in the network the same age/spec and milage.

You bought that car in good faith from a premium motor manufacturer. One that you would have expected the service to match.

If thats their first offer, tell them its unacceptable.

Del. ( angry consumer man !! ).( VW made me that way !! ).
Thats the first time I've heard of one catching fire, I've only replaced one pump due to a leak so it's not a common fault.

Good luck with your quest, hope it gets sorted.
This was the second fuel pump fitted after the first one was spraying diesel over the back of the car! I've also had the suspension go into safe mode, the auto handbrake failing and the in-dash gear display disappearing, all at the same time on 3 seperate occassions.

I too think that they could be a bit more generous with their offer. I think I'll see how quickly they can locate a simular second hand vehicle or keep pushing for a new Disco at no extra cost.

Thanks, Paul
This was the second fuel pump fitted after the first one was spraying diesel over the back of the car! I've also had the suspension go into safe mode, the auto handbrake failing and the in-dash gear display disappearing, all at the same time on 3 seperate occassions.

I too think that they could be a bit more generous with their offer. I think I'll see how quickly they can locate a simular second hand vehicle or keep pushing for a new Disco at no extra cost.

Thanks, Paul

This is the first time I've heard of land rover replacing a whole vehicle under warranty so I don't know how you stand or what LR do about this.

The other faults you mention are common ones!
Yeah i think it's unfair that there expecting you to pay anything extra, on the basis that you weren't expecting to pay anything like that just yet, and also you could have been seriously hurt, so i'm surprised their not bending over backwards to see you right.

Mind you it is a main stealer's were talking about here!!

Well I hope you manage to get it sorted
I know of someone (friend of a friend) who was involved in a crash in a 7 month old range rover, one of the airbags failed resulting in quite serious injury. after the car was inspected by L/R they replaced it with one of the same age and spec- dont know how long it took but i know it was a while
The original offer was a new SE model and paying an extra £9k from LR, the dealer (bless him!) got them to offer the car plus £4.5k. I'm still a bit miffed as the warranty doesn't state old for new (unlike obvious broken individual parts) and is on a case by case basis.
More worrying was that the fire started after driving it less that 200 miles after a LR dealer service - the same day!
Will let you know how I get on tomorrow! Many thanks to everyone.
One thing to bear in mind, they really won't wan't any negative press at the moment, not as they have just got new owners... this could play into your hands.

I would def. say you want a car of the same age and spec, you bought a HSE in the first place, not an SE. Your telling me that no dealer in the entire network hasn't got a 12/18 month old HSE for sale? I don't think so...

Not much joy today, they have a nearly new HSE available but it wouldn't cost much less than a new HSE so that option was out. I've pretty much accepted the SE with 7 seats, leather, blue tooth and 19inch wheels.
The main problem was that mine had 30k on the clock already so they gave me a lower estimate and they were going to take the courtesy car away. (The courtesy car came from another dealer) so if I hired something simular in the mean time it would cost a fortune. I guess I get a brand new car again and another 3 year warranty - for what it's worth!
suspiciously it happened just 200 miles after a main dealer service. Fair do's, they probably can't do much about the replacement vehicle as that's down to Land Rover themselves, but if you push, they should offer at least a free service for all the inconvenience, and that's down to the dealer, not Land Rover. Let's not forget the dealers are all independent companies, just with a franchise agreement

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