Struggling to spot your point :confused:

Fully synthetic may well be fine in a high revving two stroke. But we int on about two stroke injuns :)

As the question asked which was best synthetic or not I merely pointed out that I believed that Non synthetic was best because I didn't think synthetic burns very well ( In a low revving injun, not knowing and why would I anything about "scoots" )

Am I wrong ?? :confused:

No, your not wrong, but may have been the rushed way i put it down.
Modern 2 stroke IS great, but,
"But for doosel tanks....yous gotta ask the clever guys on here - and I want to know too..."
my theory is, if it burns clean in scoots, should it burn clean also in doosels?
but, and a very big but,
doosels dont need high performing additives,
or do they?
I dont know,
do you?:cool:
now too tired to give a flying fook @ gone 2am after a busy day!
night all....I`m gone.
As I mentioned earlier after allot of tests the BMW boffins reconed that the low ash std 2 stroke was the one to use. I think it is something to do with the way burns and also its compatibitlity with the diesel pump seals etc. I have been using 300mls per tank ..... and it really has made a noticeable difference. Gradually the engine seems to be getting more torque low down....I can now trundle along at 35mph in 5th with no judders (on the flat). Mpg seems unimproved - but I do seem to be driving faster as the engine is smoother at speed. Cold starts are so much smoother - far less rattle. Keep posting results...
As I mentioned earlier after allot of tests the BMW boffins reconed that the low ash std 2 stroke was the one to use. I think it is something to do with the way burns and also its compatibitlity with the diesel pump seals etc. I have been using 300mls per tank ..... and it really has made a noticeable difference. Gradually the engine seems to be getting more torque low down....I can now trundle along at 35mph in 5th with no judders (on the flat). Mpg seems unimproved - but I do seem to be driving faster as the engine is smoother at speed. Cold starts are so much smoother - far less rattle. Keep posting results...

What would the cost to treat each liter of your bio fuel? or do you just use straight diesel?
Hi are you talking about adding 2 stroke to bio fuel. When I used to run Morrisons veg oil at 39p ltr years ago i found my golf - loved it there appeared to be enhanced lubrication. So if your bio fuel is vege based .... then I would think your wasting your time......

Are you running your Hippo on veggie? ..... how do the pumps/injectors hold up....I am very nervous about running veg in my TD4...
I have just gone out and spent £4.50 on this cutting edge stuff.



Nice and red too, that will please VOSA, will this do the trick, I belive its fully mineral based?
That's the stuff - I'm using this now instead of the ATF fluid that I used to use.

I'm putting 250ml in per full tank so I reckon that's about 200:1 ratio. :confused:

As I understand from what's on the label its base oil which means fully mineral - no synthetic. And it's low ash. :D

You're right about the Vehicle Inspectorate boys - they'll spot the Bordeaux Red colour quick as a flash. :( They are often around my way - checking on farmer's cars and horse-boxes. I think I'll keep the Tesco bottle in the back. :D
Can't say i've noticed any difference with mine, as yet. Mind you, I didn't notice much difference with the EGR bypass. I wonder how much of these 'tweaks' only make a psychological difference? (benefits are hard to measure objectively). I'll give it time though, only had it in for a few days. Only thing that did make a difference was strapping on a synergy 2, though it blew 2 injectors and made it smoke a lot!
I too was fairly sceptical about the gains to be had from all the 'tweaks' as you say.

However I'm an Aberdonian and we have a reputation to preserve!!

Seriously though I know how far south I used to go on a full tank, and was prepared to stop at my usual services - but no - we had more fuel in the tank than usual.

I've kept an accurate diary of the fuel consumption and I know that mine is much improved.

Hopefully as the miles roll by you'll see an improvement.
Hi .. bdd regarding EGR the freelander ecu adapts to the improved airflow...and this takes a little time (slow brain!) ..... I have found with my hippo that when you 1st do the mods ... I was underwhelmed.....but give it a week of trundling around...and you should find with the EGR for example you have a bit more troque .... not huge but detectable and a little less turbo lag. Your right the synergy gives you a huge whallop....but even this benifits from a little time. By the way I blew one of my injectors had to retension the bleed hose retaining springs - to stop diesel going everywhere!!!.
Regarding 2 stroke give it time...... I noticed a real improvement in general lack of nasty diesel rattle on cold start up and much smoother running. As for mpg - I don't know I seem to be driving faster....and achieving same mpg as before .... good luck keep at it!!
My brothers mondy improved by 5mpg!
Is it just me or do you guys find that you have to crank over the engine for a couple of seconds longer before it'll fire on colder mornings since adding this stuff. I've put 300ml in to my first full tank & it definitely doesn't catch instantly as it did since before adding it. Not a huge problem just now but in arctic sub-zero temperatures it might become troublesome. Think I'll stick with the Millers for mine.
That's very interesting / strange. :confused:

I've been researching this subject on various diesel forums and there are BMW and M-Benz owners actually saying that their engines fire up easier with a 2 stroke mix.

Try a google of 2 stroke in diesel - amazing stuff.

I followed through one 45 page thread and it was fascinating - German University research depts. - some folks using out-board motor oil etc.

Apparently the German & Austrian army both use 2 stroke in all their diesels vehicles as a matter of course.

I've just changed over to adding 2-stroke from Auto Transmission Fluid and find the engine is a bit quieter on first start-up of the day.

I used ATF all through the winter in Kosovo and had no probs starting in -25C after sitting out all night.

I'm going to stick with 2-stroke for now as its cheaper. :D
I think Chromiumuk is panicking, he has either put too much oil in or his glow plugs are getting lazy and got caught out with a cold morning. All of my diesels that I have added TSO to, fire up much more quickly, usually on the button. Let it runs its course as they improve on more tank fulls.
Is it just me or do you guys find that you have to crank over the engine for a couple of seconds longer before it'll fire on colder mornings since adding this stuff. I've put 300ml in to my first full tank & it definitely doesn't catch instantly as it did since before adding it. Not a huge problem just now but in arctic sub-zero temperatures it might become troublesome. Think I'll stick with the Millers for mine.

I always fill up at a local gasstation where you can choose the diesel you take, either the normal or the "special" one they have with Miller's added already, I take their "special". Guess that might be a kind of twostroke oil added diesel then ?? (With the name "Miller's" or so on it of course ?)

Sorry but the added product is not Miller's but Wynn's.
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Hi Chromi ..... I hear what you say .... and yes this did happen to my TD4 this is not your imagination, however I persisted and it actually seemed to improve.... and by third tank it was as normal. Interestingly, I have found the TD4 BMW M47R super sensative to glow plugs ..... I recently changed to NGK glow plugs...... what a difference!!! the other chapy set were in just 12 months.Try and persist ..... and perhaps change your glow plugs.
OK guys, I'll keep going with it. Only put 300ml in to a full tank so not too much though I can reduce it a little. Definitely not just the mornings but also during the day when it's cool & only had this after adding two stroke. It's subtle & not really a major issue but definitely noticeable, just need to see if it improves as you guys reckon.
Added to mine a couple of days ago - 250ml added - starting not affected (still belching a big puff of blue smoke on first start of the day :( ) but DEFINATELY quieter! No nasty diesel knock at the moment and sounds much sweeter so am happy with it so far :)
ill give it a go in my old td 110,now theres a good test to see if it makes things quiter and smoke less:D
I was recently talking to a friend who's brother is a diesel engine development engineer and he recomends a 200-1 mix of organic 2 stroke oil, NOT synthetic! The sulphur has been removed because the yanks needed a quick fix to reduce emmisions. However, just like the ethonal added to petrol nowadays, it's having a detrimental effect on engines not designed to run on it. He uses the cheapo tesco own brand as it ticks all the right boxes. A word of warning though, do not decant into different containers and always keep the bottle, even when empty, in the vehicle. If you get pulled and dipped by the lovely guys from customs, you will fail the test and it's much easier to argue the toss at the side of the road than in court. It's not illegal to put additives in fuel so there's nothing they can do.
Hope this is helpfull and clears up any confusion.

Oh, apparently this has been such a problem that BMW were considering putting pre mixed diesel pumps onto their forecourts just for their own customers.
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This is interesting ..... my thoughts exactly about low engine is much happier on 2 stroke I use 300mls per tank. With new glow plugs starts a treat.....

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