I'm paying £3.40 a litre from Tesco which I think is the cheapest around.

Only problem is the bloody (no pun intended) stuff is very RED.

I'd rather have green - it might save any road-side arguments with tank-dipping Customs & Excise or Vehicle Inspectorate people.

In my rural area they are always skulking around checking on farmers using red diesel.

Where exactly are you buying this wilkos from?
Oh yes! Just as it dyes the petrol for your Flymo red.

The problem is that the inspectors can tell if a farmer has used red diesel even weeks before because they are first checking for minute traces of colour.

I'm sure that after testing properly they will find out that I'm using 2-stroke as an 'upper cylinder lubricant' and I'll be allowed to go on my way, but I'd rather not be involved in an hour long discussion with them in a lay-by about it.
Singvogel, i am buying wilkos 2 stroke oil from wilkinsons stores [ wilkos] very popular in midlands and northern areas google wilkos for store locations hope this helps
Singvogel, i am buying wilkos 2 stroke oil from wilkinsons stores [ wilkos] very popular in midlands and northern areas google wilkos for store locations hope this helps

My God, I'd never heard of them - but they are even expanding with new stores in Scotland - must have a look as that's good value and the right colour.

Thanks for the heads up. :)

Morrisons sell what looks like the same stuff as Tesco red 2 stroke, but £2.50 for 600ml
Aghh thats amidge better .... will give it a go. Tesco's in Bolton have miss priced there 2 stroke oil ..... £9 ltr!!!!
stuck some Tescos stuff (Carlube) in which was £2.99 per half litre. It is red, but it was all I could get hold of.

The engine is definitely less rattly higher up the rev range although I wouldn't say it has more power.

We'll continue to do this and see how it goes.
Don't expect more power as such just a smoother engine just after startup during warm up and generally smoother running. This must be good for mechanical longevity.
I agree. I was surprised that even after just 1 application it had made such a difference.

Without this forum, I'd never have known - this shows the true value of a branded forum :p
i use red 2stroke oil in a stonesaw this i am told is synthetic oil. the bloke in shop said the green oil is mineral.
Red synthetic and green mineral?

That may be true for one particular manufacturer or brand but unfortunately does not hold good over the entire huge range of 2-stroke oils on the market.

I think we just have to read the label carefully and go for a pure base mineral oil, which will usually, if there is a choice, be the cheapest.

The colour of any oil is at the whim of the manufacturer or oil-blender, and can be anything - and any aroma I'm told - strawberry is mentioned a lot!!!

Anyone remember Duckhams Q - it was a green engine oil - one of the first multi-grade oils if I recall. What happened to that brand? It had a unique smell too. Ahhhh - nostalgia. :D
Red synthetic and green mineral?

That may be true for one particular manufacturer or brand but unfortunately does not hold good over the entire huge range of 2-stroke oils on the market.

I think we just have to read the label carefully and go for a pure base mineral oil, which will usually, if there is a choice, be the cheapest.

The colour of any oil is at the whim of the manufacturer or oil-blender, and can be anything - and any aroma I'm told - strawberry is mentioned a lot!!!

Anyone remember Duckhams Q - it was a green engine oil - one of the first multi-grade oils if I recall. What happened to that brand? It had a unique smell too. Ahhhh - nostalgia. :D

Duckhams Q, it smelled like anise. An oil change needed 5 liter in the mini 850 (where other cars just needed some 2 or max. 3 liters those days) and between two changes (5.000 km where now it can go up to even 30.000 km) I had to put another 5 liters in to keep the oil at level. Those were the days indeed:):):):):)......
Still using 2 stroke .... started putting in my wife's Cooper diesel .... this now drives so much better.....and it feels more flexible. I thought this happened in my Hippo but was not 100% sure .... it's only mild but definately torque at the extreme bottom end is improved...feels like turbo comes in a fraction earlier......
Done first 250mL batch of Tesco best red 2stroke mineral in a tank full, accordig to missus it pulls better and runs smoother. Worth the £1(ish) a fill if it makes her feel that much better and it's probably doing a good job lubing up the pumps and injectors as well. Win - win?? :tea:
just filled up again and added another 250ml of tesco's cheapest!

definately quieter and smoother than before, diesel knock has gone completely :)

noticed tonight when adding it to the tank thatr it smells exactly the same as miller sport!

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