I was thinking about injectors un cleaning them.
then change your fuel filter, then add injector cleaner. Old truck driver trick and works, but you didn't hear it from me add 2 liter atf fuild to your tank
1 liter per 10 gal diesel, no comments about us or imperial gallons, or british gallons
I was discussing injector issues with a local Bosch injection specialist.... he recons that the removal of the sulpher in diesel is causing allot of problems ..... increasing friction .... and causing silica like deposits on injectors. Don't forget the L series and TD4's are old lumps originally designed for higher sulpher fuels ...... I think adding the 2 stroke oil will definately help ...... mechanically. Time will tell.........
I was discussing injector issues with a local Bosch injection specialist.... he recons that the removal of the sulpher in diesel is causing allot of problems ..... increasing friction .... and causing silica like deposits on injectors. Don't forget the L series and TD4's are old lumps originally designed for higher sulpher fuels ...... I think adding the 2 stroke oil will definately help ...... mechanically. Time will tell.........

You are so right:D
Well chaps i took the leap on monday and put 300 ml into a (very) full tank of asda's finest diesel, the lad at the counter was looking at me rather strangley when iwas fiddling around with the 2stroke and a funnel... Anyway 100 miles in cant really say it is more powerful, but maybe a fraction smoother in 2nd and 3rd gear, i will see what the mpg is next week when i fill up. There is certainly less smoke under load though.
Hi fellas, fascinating stuff !! I've never seen or heard of "Millers" over here, I guess it's some form of injector cleaner? I use STP stuff, and having recently rebuilt my '79 series 3 diesel, I also stuffed an STP additive into the engine oil, Moly Slip, I think it was called.
I'm working on the theory that "every little helps", I presume the 2 stroke oil thing will also work in my old beast? And I happen to have some B&Q oil, I reckon thats probably cheap enough, what do you think?;)

I have used around 1/2 tank of diesel with 2 stroke added ..... my old truck seems to be getting smoother and smoother. My brother is on his 4th tank and recons he did'nt get full benifit until around 3rd tank. I am most impressed by cold morning starts....much less clatter ........ will keep you posted.
do freelanders have two stroke engines in them then,wondered why I over take so many in my 300 tdi!

Be lucky they haven't. As you probably know a 2-stroke engine has the power and the flexibility of an engine twice the number of pistons of a 4-stroke engine. Thus as the Td4 is a 4 cilinder engine, in 2-stroke it would be equal to an 8 cilinder. This would result in the fact that your 300 tdi (what is it ? a 6 cil. ??) has always to be pushed to its limits in order to be able to overtake a Td4 driven on a good throttle. :D:D:D:D
Perhaps the ones I overtake are still running on just the battery cranking over,waiting for the injun to fire-think thats when the doors fall off.
Hmm so you think a defender is well built....hmmmm .... not defending the Gaylander...they have issues....however, just speak to the servicemen who have to depend on defenders....... capability wise respect... but reliability.......oh by the way sure the old 2.5 agricultural burner would love some 2 stroke ...... try 250:1. I used to use veg oil in my golf it was great...but now it's way too expensive (new oil used to cost me 45p ltr!!! before a veg oil cartel was set up by government). are you running filtered chippo fat???? Has she had a coranary bypass yet????
Nah mate running homemade bio in 300 tdi disco~10p per litre-not been to a gas station for 3yrs-how much is derv these days?
Obvious question ........ how are you making it .......... are you an rape seed farmer ..... or a chip shop owner!!!! How are the landrover fuel lines, fuel pumps and injectors doing....and customs and excise!!!!
It's been legal to make your own bio-diesel for years, at least two!
C&E won't bother you unless you sell it.
It has to be proper bio-diesel though, not just fat chucked in.
Obvious question ........ how are you making it .......... are you an rape seed farmer ..... or a chip shop owner!!!! How are the landrover fuel lines, fuel pumps and injectors doing....and customs and excise!!!!

I stay within my limit of <2500 lts in any 12 month period-no problem with any lines or injectors-did have a "**** part"lift pump give up,but Delphi fitted last spring,no probs since-MOT's are a breeze on bio for emissions :D:D:D

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