I think it's a bit rotten :D




Unfortunately, the welding isn't mine. Wish it was. I just haven't got a good enough welder for those sorts of jobs. Had a mobile welder come and do it

Fair enough, better to do that than substandard welds covered up with underseal and stuff :rolleyes: Doesn't mean you can't one day get yourself a nice welder and do your own repairs though, having a Landy it's kinda useful :lol: What model of welder do you have just now?

Looking good with the new bits going on!
Moving the car undercover for the winter


Didn't plan on taking the engine out at first so I replaced the box mounts. I don't think these would have been working properly :lol:


Planned on leaving the engine in and sorting out that as another project later on, but took took the transfer box off only to find the mainshaft splines had nearly worn away completely.


Cleaning the mud off the transfer box

This is giving some great insight as I should get my 1988 110 back soon with the new chassis. I plan to complete the rebuild once the basics are built up.
I decided to patch the chassis and get a new rear crossmember with the plan to save up and get a galvanised chassis in a few years time when this one has rusted too much. Hopefully, by rebuilding it now, the chassis change should be easier when it needs doing.
I decided to patch the chassis and get a new rear crossmember with the plan to save up and get a galvanised chassis in a few years time when this one has rusted too much. Hopefully, by rebuilding it now, the chassis change should be easier when it needs doing.

Will definitely make it easier, Should know the vehicle inside out when you're done :)
Oh and good work so far :)
I'm only 16 :p

All of this work has been done between the summer and now. I haven't had any time recently due to revising for exams so I will continue to update with pictures until I reach the current stage.
That really is impressive for a sixteen year old.:) I don't think I would have tackled that at sixteen, altho I did like taking motorbikes apart and rebuilding them!
That wil be a lovely motor when its done anorl, even got a V8 instead of the dreaded 19j.
That really is impressive for a sixteen year old.:) I don't think I would have tackled that at sixteen, altho I did like taking motorbikes apart and rebuilding them!
That wil be a lovely motor when its done anorl, even got a V8 instead of the dreaded 19j.

Thanks, Unfortunately, not a V8, its a 200tdi. I would've loved a V8 but the fuel and insurance costs would have been too much :(
Thanks, Unfortunately, not a V8, its a 200tdi. I would've loved a V8 but the fuel and insurance costs would have been too much :(
So it is, should have looked more of the pics:eek:. 200Tdi is a good engine as well, and as you say, much less juicy. I would have liked a V8 90 myself, but there just weren't any available down here when I needed a vehicle.

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