
New stainless pistons went in a dream very easy job even the metal outer rings went in not bad. I did practice with an old one i salvaged first after the warning on here

What was the warning, mate? Did you have yours powder coated? I've had mine done and there is a little bit of over spray down one of the cylinders, but I think it should rub off ok. What method did you use to get the outer rings in?
Warnign was they are easy to mangle and i should have bought more.

I only painted , i made sure the top part the metal ring sits in was spotless first, no over spray or crap in there.

Then i pressed in the side closed to the edge of the caliper slightly as its the hardest to get at .

Then i used a big flat deadblow i have and rested it on top.

Then walloped it with another hammer.

No sweat!

Front axle back on and suspension.

lots of cursing and swearing yesterday - the YRM radius arms according to my verniers are slightly under size for the narrow radius arms- the bushes im fitting are slightly over size for the narrow radius arms.

now they are both spot on but it took a little bit of fettling to get it together.

a few shouts of FFS and lots of cups of coffee to think through the next step.


no response from paddocks on my fulcrum bracket and A frame joint....they have till i get my diff pan sorted - then i really need it.
Gearbox mounts on , aframe mounts on , a frame on

Painted pan hard rod chassis bracket.. Somehow forgot this first time round,

Discovered im a panhard rod bolt short somehow...damn.

Also need paddocks to get their finger out with my fulcrum. Will give them a call to tomorrow since thye know how to ignore their emails.
Warnign was they are easy to mangle and i should have bought more.

I only painted , i made sure the top part the metal ring sits in was spotless first, no over spray or crap in there.

Then i pressed in the side closed to the edge of the caliper slightly as its the hardest to get at .

Then i used a big flat deadblow i have and rested it on top.

Then walloped it with another hammer.

No sweat!

Easy to mangle! :eek: thanks for the warning - I'll be ultra cautious.
Did you get a tube of grease with your repair kit?
nope, i just used brake fluid for assembly.

all ive ever used doing brakes for the last 15 years
More brackets fitted tonight , panhard rod mount - need to get engine in for weight to allow me to fit the axle end :) , fuel tank brackets on , polybushes for trailing arms fitted at chassis end.

Cleaned up and painted the steering box and drop arm.

Will stick the old track rods on for now but hd bars will go on afore i take her out to play.

Ordered some engine and gear box mounts , hd clutch fork , slave cylinder , clutch pipe , fuel tank ,

Working from home the morn so going to cut my diff pan off and weld on new one, have to work out how to free off one of the rear drummbrakes , adjuster is rounded off badly and wont move :(
knock a nut over the rounded adjuster and fill it with weld while ure doing ure diff pan ;)happy days are here " to adjust again ":rolly:
Not got that far yet but thats the diff out , pan off and new one welded on . Just gotta grind back the weld and gie it a pent.

Be nice to have a rolling chassis soon !

Paddocks order arrived at 10.30 . The 6 quid express postage seems to work .... If only amazon took a leaf out of their book and used a real delivery compay like fedex or dpd imstead of the shambles that is hdln or "yodel" as they like to be called.

Saturday delivery my arse.

Anyway enough stuff here i have plenty to get on with while my paint dries .

Like paint the fuel tank in tetrosyl then waxoyl underseal ....
looking good :)

btw, moan at amazon and they should refund postage or if prime, extend it a month
They did refund... They refunded before i could even moan (or had the package for that matter)

Its almost like they knew they werent going to get here....

Shame really . Lucky for me my tiles that came down didnt expose my sarking (it was a pair of ladder hooks ordered on next day as despite my best efforts i couldnt get them in town that day)
They did refund... They refunded before i could even moan (or had the package for that matter)

Its almost like they knew they werent going to get here....

Shame really . Lucky for me my tiles that came down didnt expose my sarking (it was a pair of ladder hooks ordered on next day as despite my best efforts i couldnt get them in town that day)

i need to do some work on my roof too, but i'm a massive pussy.

the lower roof is fine (ish), but the upper slate roof angle......... screw that!
Steerng box in

Fuel tank in

rear axle ressembled and under the truck with trailin arms hooked up

Having a quick pizza and back out to get the shocks,springs and wheels on

Mile stone that will be !


Yeah dawncer .... 4 wheels on my wagon , just need a couple o horses to gies a tow.


The only other photo i took today. Didnt have the luxury of time , today was my last week day off for about 5 weeks , shopping saturday , cycling sunday morning ....then probably away to turkmenistan for 25 day at somepoint next week or the week after :(

Suppin a wee dram edradour to celebrate this milestone :)
chassis piccy looks like its in neon ,,,glad ure ,,,"rollin, rollin ,rollin ,keep the project rollin ,dont hide",;);):rolly:


some day time photos.

Next step is to wheel it out the way and sweep up the drive way. SO that if i drop a bolt i can pick it up again without having to determine if its a new bolt or an old bolt and without having to get rid of all the rust and cutting disk debris that have stuck to the copperslip.
Recieved this in an email thismorning - its safe to say one of my colleagues thinks he is funny ! -like cat aids he is funny

Ain o them days.
5 hrs at it and it looks exactly the same as it did this morning.

But the rear brakes work now.... And by work i mean - on and off... Instead of just -on.

Stripped , cleaned , new wheel cylinder - delphi and new snails ... ****part.

Shoes were near new and drums im going to change prior to bleeding brakes ..... They have no lip ..... On the outside.... But ive never come across a vehicle with lips on the inside like this. Maybe 3mm lip ..... I suspect someones had the outside lips machined down in the past.... Unless someones tells me the inside lip is normal on a landrover drum.....
Please don't mention edradour because I'll throw a hissy fit. I took one hell of a long detour to visit the distillery last June, only to arrive 10 minutes late!

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