
New Member
Hi all,
Bought a 2004 1.8 about 18m ago, all fine for 6 months then started to overheat. Eventually went pop and could only get towed to Halfords Service Centre near work (by AA). Halfords replaced HG, water pump and timing belt but has never been right since. V lumpy idle, cuts off if depress clutch when cold (and revs just die). Had it MOT'd and chap said engine not right and to take back (compression in two cylinders was down). Took the car back to Halfords, first 4 time they said nothing wrong and then finally just said that bottom of engine may have gone/cylinder liners slipped. Nothing to do with HG job though...
Not being a mechanic, does anyone know if a bad job on HG can lead to this. Now wont retain any water at all (comes out of bottom as soon as poured in - but can't tell where from, but holds oil)? Work was done last Oct and is guaranteed for 12m so if I'm gong to take it back it needs to be soon. Or am I just unlucky?
All help much appreciated.
Losing water sounds like head gasket hasn't been fitted properly. If they won't investigate tell them you are going to Trading Standards. After all they have guaranteed the job.
As soon as I read the title to this thread I knew it wasnt going to be a good one! Personally I would go to trading standards and double check where you stand. Then go back. If possible get them to agree to paying the cost or at least most of the cost to have it fixed by a land rover independent..
Most peeps wouldn't trust Halfords to fit a bulb.
Yer need betterer breakdown cover if they will only tow to Halfords. The AA should know betterer ffs.

The cylinder liners normally need to be slightly higher than the head, so the gasket seals against them for a good seal, when the gasket is pushed down. Not checking the height of the liners (nat's cock) is correct is something they may have not done. Or they may have moved the liners when messing with the engine and if not corrected this will cause trouble easily. Also checking the head is level/straight etc. Fobbing you oft with bottom ends gone is balls. Normally when yer talk about bottom end going yer talking mechanical failure as opposed to losing coolant.

If it's leaking coolant then it could simply be a coolant water pipe broken/ripped etc. Get the under tray oft and have a look when someone fills the cooling system.

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